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Each of us, according to probability theory, could have a twin, but few who knows that in reality many people were in the womb with their brother or sister, although only one later came into being child.
Harsh statistics
According to statistics, every twentieth child born without a twin actually had one in the womb, only then it brother or sister disappeared somewhere. According to scientists, in the world more than one hundred and thirty million children are born every year, seven million of them are twins born without twins. In fact a shocking figure!
A photo from open sources
Twins can be detected on the first ultrasound, and the subsequent ones already show that only one child remained in the womb. how claims East Carolina University biologist Charles Bocklage this phenomenon is so frequent that it has long been considered in obstetric practice as the usual regulation of offspring by nature. True, the women themselves, upon learning of the loss of their second child, they often experience a state of shock, although perhaps it is nature in this way not only increases the likelihood of conception and primary fetal formation, but also chooses a more viable fetus.
True, not everyone agrees with these statements, which actually seem somewhat far-fetched when you consider that the second the fetus from the womb simply disappears – as if by magic. It turns out as in that joke when the pregnant girl does not she doesn’t want to have an abortion, hoping that the fetus might somehow itself will resolve. But in this case, according to the law of meanness, he doesn’t resolves and does not disappear anywhere …
A photo from open sources
The truth is somewhere in between
Ufologists, for example, claim that twins are abducted aliens. Moreover, aliens can cheat on a woman and your embryo, and then pick it up. For example, a similar case described by the American hypnotist doctor Dr. Helen Billings, who observed that one of her patients had one of the twins, to the great surprise of the doctors, disappeared in the sixth month pregnancy, after which the woman in labor even felt relieved (pregnancy was very difficult). Hypnosis Woman remembered that she was abducted by aliens and carried on her some experiences.
Of course, and the assumption of ufologists that all the missing twins taken away by aliens, may be erroneous. So maybe the truth is how always somewhere in between? For example, the “extra twins” on the very in fact, they’re taken from women in labor, it’s just that nature does not (too all this happens miraculously), and not always aliens, but simply – divine powers, thereby allowing the soul to go through yet another rebirth on Earth, but … in the easiest way. After all, and babies they die for almost the same reason, however, in this case they still go some kind of earthly martyrdom, albeit quite tiny compared to ordinary human life …
A photo from open sources