Geranium in the house – signs and superstitions

Geranium (Pelargonium) is one of the most beneficial indoor plants, affecting the atmosphere at home, family relationships and even cash income. In addition to aesthetic benefits, the flower directly affects the surrounding air, cleansing it from harmful elements and stench.

geranium omens and superstitions

Despite so many useful properties, many are still afraid to breed geraniums at home because of signs and superstitions.

Can geraniums be kept in the house?

According to folklore, the plant has a sedative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. The flower is known for its beautiful appearance and auspicious omens in the love and financial sphere. Therefore, it is so often chosen as a home plant.

The Feng Shui plant has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. There is not a single sign among the people, repeating about the negative effect of geranium for the house.

Useful properties of pelargonium

Consider several reasons why you should plant a plant at home.

Pleasant aroma and beautiful aesthetic appearance

Pelargonium will perfectly complement the interior of the bedroom, kitchen and balcony. The home flower is not whimsical to care for and grows in almost any conditions. The only condition for him is an abundance of sunlight.

geranium in the house omens and superstitions

Sedative and relaxing effect

The scent of the flower is known to relieve stress and irritability. Overall, this flower helps fight sleep disorders and nightmares.

Psychological impact

It is known that pelargonium, according to many signs and superstitions, has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house, preventing quarrels and conflicts in the family. According to the signs, geranium protects the residents of the house from damage and the evil eye.

Bactericidal and cleansing action

A house plant has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person, cleansing the surrounding air from harmful impurities. Pelargonium is also useful for its bactericidal properties. The plant improves metabolism and enhances vital energy. If you put a flower in the kitchen or in the living room, then the mood and burst of energy is provided for every day.

How to choose a geranium color?

When choosing a variety and color of geraniums, you should base on their characteristics. Signs do not recommend keeping a flower in a bedroom, as a constant pungent smell can lead to migraines.

white geranium


Signs about white geraniums are mostly associated with pregnancy and babies. The beautiful delicate plant helps to treat infertility and fertility problems. To do this, he is placed near the matrimonial bed.

In addition, the presence of pelargonium in the home improves sleep and wakefulness. White pelargonium is associated with innocence and purity, protection from magical effects. First of all, it protects children and pregnant women from the evil eye.


Fiery red geranium flowers, according to signs, protect from health and conflicts in the house. A plant of this particular shade protects family relationships in the best way. Such a flower helps to relax, relieve stress, fatigue and irritability.

Red pelargonium protects comfort and favorable atmosphere in the house. Therefore, basically this particular variety of plants is kept at home.

There are the following signs about red geranium:

  1. For unmarried girls, red geranium brings a happy marriage.
  2. For married representatives, the plant retains its beauty and youth.
  3. Red pelargonium symbolizes love and loyalty, peace and order.

pink geranium


Signs associated with pink geraniums speak of future marriage. Especially if the plant has been in the house for a long time, but has blossomed only now. The pink shade attracts and attracts love, maintains relationships and has a beneficial effect on all residents of the house.

It is also known that such a variety of pelargonium protects against love spells and evil eyes, thereby preventing separation and separation in the family. Pink pelargonium has a positive effect on creative people.


This type of pelargonium symbolizes friendship and respect between people. If you put a purple flower in the house, then a friendly atmosphere will reign in it. Family ties will be significantly strengthened.

Also, purple pelargonium attracts guests to the house. Your home will attract people with good intentions. At the beginning of the flowering geranium, new acquaintances await you. Signs are advised to keep a purple geranium at home, in the office and in the classroom.

geranium omens

Signs associated with money

A favorite home plant for many, not only has a beneficial effect on the love and friendship sphere, but also brings monetary success and wealth. As a rule, geranium essential oil is the basis of many magic rituals to attract money.

The pungent smell of the plant lures money into the room, helping to get rich. Its color does not play any role here.

Many witches recommend greasing wallets with geranium oil, tying dry petals in small bags and constantly wearing them as a talisman.


Pelargonium is a domestic plant that has long been known for its healing and magical properties. According to folk signs, this flower brings prosperity, love, maintains relationships, attracts new acquaintances and helps to get pregnant.

This miraculous flower is placed at home, in the office, at school. Almost everywhere and always, this flower is extremely useful. Signs associated with pelargonium relate to the friendly, family, and financial sphere.

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