A photo from open sources
Gigantism is a serious disease, therefore, all the giant people of our country time (we don’t talk about the giants of the past) not only from their high growth, first of all – from various the diseases that accompany gigantism as soon as a person will reach puberty, or even earlier.
But it turns out that in the past the unfortunate giants still threatened one serious danger is not to be buried after death. Irish giant 232 cm tall Charles Byrne (1761 – 1783 years) the last years of his life literally begged his friends that they put his body in a metal coffin, taken out to sea and dumped it is deep so that not a single surgeon can reach it.
Birt was especially afraid of compatriot John Hunter, who had his own kunstkamera, a huge collection of stuffed animals animals and other biological wonders. As it turned out, Charles Hunter feared for good reason. As soon as Birt passed away at age 22, omnipotent surgeon got the giant’s body, freed his skeleton from the flesh and made an exhibit of his private collection.
A photo from open sources
After the death of John Hunter, the skeleton of the Irish giant falls in museums in Britain, that is, exhibited on public display. IN he is currently an exhibit at the Hunterian Museum in London And since now this institution is closed for three years for conducting the reconstruction of the building then the Royal College of Surgery, which owns the museum, finally promises to bury the remains of the Irish giant, according to his the will.
Note that on all previous applications of various public organizations demanding to betray the skeleton of Charles Byrne the land, the board of the Royal College of Surgeons of London invariably refused, emphasizing the scientific value of this exhibit the museum. However, this year on the fate of the British giant, as The Guardian Edition notes finally looked differently. A because it seems that the unfortunate giant of Ireland has waited for its funeral after almost two and a half centuries.
According to the Christian religion, and Charles Byrne was Christian, the soul of man cannot leave our world and set off to heaven until the body is betrayed to earth or fire, and therefore phantom the Irish giant is quite possibly roaming the earth so far, cursing fishermen from Bristol. The fact is that, according to legend, fishermen received a decent fee for the burial of his body at sea, but then took a look at the proposed by the surgeon John Hunter 130 pounds and sold the infrequent Byrne to him …
Giants Time