He came to earth to tell you the truth About Antichrist the future and its stigma, So that you will be vigilant, pray more to God About family and friends, about their land.
Photos from open sources Slavochka * often repeated such words: “The righteous – let them do the truth, the unrighteous – let them do a lie. Nothing can be stopped or changed. Everything is in heaven decided – soon there will be God on earth. “These words always surprised me – how a small child can say such things, because he even Can’t know this for his age ?! How does he know about this? Therefore, – of course people believed him. How could you not believe him? I I remember how Slavochka was worried about people, how he was rooting for them all soul and tried to explain all this to them, warn to warn. When I read the Gospel, I asked him: “Little fame, how is it necessary? understand these words: “So will the last be the first, and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen “(Matt., ch. 20, Art.16). And he replied to me: “So mommy must understand:” last ” – these are those people who will not betray God and will not accept the seal of the World ruler – they will remain alive and wait for God. And in the new century they will be the first! “That’s how the lad explained to me the meaning of these gospel words. Slavochka said that before the advent of the World Ruler “his money” will appear. He literally said: “There will be money The world ruler, and they will be called – “euro”. While, when he said this, there wasn’t such a word. I still then I thought that the “euro” is probably some kind of compound word, which must be decrypted, and so I somehow missed his words past the ears. And then, it turned out that this money literally called – “Euro”. And now this new money is already becoming world currency instead of dollar. Slavochka said that “dealing with these “Euro” will go well and the last country to switch to “Euro,” there will be America. “Glory said that“ the first “inhuman” a document in our country is a voucher. “Then, – the lad said – that’s it subsequent documents, “even the smallest reference and a piece of paper “- all this will be from Satan. Slavochka said that police state in Russia (the same system will be in all world) will begin to implant microchips under the skin for people. Glory did not say the word “chip” because at that time there wasn’t that word yet, he said – “microcircuit.” Slavochka said back in Soviet times: “Mom, secretly from parents in some Moscow maternity hospitals to children put chips under the skin and parents don’t even know why such an intelligent child was born with them. “Glory said that these children with microchips will be very smart and many of them will subsequently become bankers and young rulers. But they never know that they so smart because of this chip. Slavochka told me what time place people will put the chip. In my opinion – to the head (if just not directly to the brain) to newborns in maternity hospitals already then her set. And then these microcircuits were still rude. It is now their improved. It turns out that experiments with the implantation of these chip-microcircuits began in Soviet times, because Slavochka then it was probably about seven years old when he talked about this. Already all this was secretly developed and tested on children. And soon, – by According to the lad – these chip-microcircuits will start first voluntarily, and then forcibly implant all people. Slavochka said that in the beginning people will voluntarily agree to the adoption of the chip and even, will ask for it. And then, – the lad said – they will begin to put it forcibly. Slavochka said that from this chip will go a signal, and therefore, of those people from whom this signal does not go – their they will catch and forcibly put them a chip. Glory said that in the police state the army and the police will be in one person and for in order to control everything, they will forcefully put people microcircuits. No choice will be given to people at all, and therefore, believers will have to hide and live in secret settlements away from cities and highways. That’s how the lad told about what today we would call “people chipping.” I remember more asked him: “Slavochka, what microcircuits will people put? Why? “And he described this chip to me like this:” Mommy, it will be such a small, small microcircuit. “And he also brought me an example of how the behavior of those people who will accept microcircuit. Glory compared these boiled-down people to dolls. is he said: “Mommy, there are such pupae. From these pupae many, many thread is coming. And for what thread the devil pulls – then the chrysalis and will do. “That is, the coded people will be a toy in their hands the devil, what the devil wants – that’s what they will do. Will be full control over the soul and body of these people – they will become like zombies. To it was easier to manage people, they will be thus chipped in this way and turn into a zombie (the lad said so – “they will become like zombies”).
Photos from open sources I have a friend – admirer Slavochki – she is a doctor. And she told me in horror about that soon they will put booths (such as turnstiles) at all entrances and it will no longer be possible to go to the clinic until your little palm there put it down. And Slavochka predicted this in great detail. He said, that at all entrances to hospitals and clinics there will be booths and “to go to the hospital, you will need to go to the booth and put there your palm. And many people – says – will stop going to doctors and will die at home. People will think: “Better God picks up “, and they won’t go to the doctors, so as not to go through this whole system. “Even before the press of Antichrist, many people knowingly will stop being treated by doctors and will prefer to die at home. Slavochka said: “When these booths are put in hospitals – many people will not want to betray God and will not go to hospitals – they they would rather die because they understand that this system from Satan. And a lot of people will die. “According to the lad – not even very believers – and not everyone will want to submit to this system. He said: “Some will think, including my teacher Irina Abramovna: “if we didn’t live well, why do we need this whole system?” – and they they won’t accept her. “So those who are well will think so They knew the lad, and saw him. And the whole school saw him – they are now dispersed throughout the country and testify to the lad. And they are not will go through these booths also because they remember that the lad about warned of this. In particular, he said about his teacher, that she will not accept this system – but she does not know that Slavochka so said about her. He said: “Irina Abramovna will think, think and will say: “we did not live well – why do we need this system?” – and will not receive print. Slavochka also said that the same system will be in stores, when buying products – everywhere there will be only this system and other options – according to the lad – simply will not be. And Slavochka said that many people would not want to use this system. People would rather die than embrace the system of Satan. Then, Slavochka said that after mass implantation of microcircuits to people will start issuing the last document – “it will be small, very nice little gray plate – World Passport ruler. “Glory said that when people will stretch their hand behind this World Passport, then special equipment will be special rays (Slavochka said – “isotopes”) to apply to people on three small foreheads or wrists on the right hand sixes (666). When a person begins to stretch for the World passport your right hand, then three sixes will be applied to the wrist of the right hand, and when a person begins to tilt his forehead, then three sixes will be applied to the forehead. Someone will get three sixes on right hand, and someone directly on the forehead – everything will depend on environment and equipment will be adapted to this. The lad said what will be applied to a person is not a barcode, but the numbers themselves – three little sixes (666) – in the form of a tattoo, and the process itself drawing the boy called “typing”. Slavochka is very strong worried about those people who would go to get a World Passport, because they will be immediately stamped with isotopes. As isotope tattoos will apply three small sixes – or on the forehead, or on the right hand. Then, when Slavochka spoke about this, no one knew the word – “isotopes”. This is already being said that isotopes are electro-beams. And then I first heard this word from Slavochka and even hesitated to pronounce it, because even literate people shrugged. And now everyone knows that isotopes are these are electrobursts, which the lad told me about for almost twenty years back. Slavochka said that the process of printing people by three six will be throughout the country and at the same time throughout the Earth. First, this three-six tattoo will be invisible, and then it will suddenly appear and begin to glow like a placard on electronic watch – a delicate greenish color. Little girl said: “Once they wake up – and they have these three numbers on their foreheads glow such a delicate, greenish color. “At first, people will be ashamed, openly wear these glowing sixes on the body. They will start cover their foreheads with bangs, will begin to wear long sleeves. And then look – one openly carries this seal, the second carries it openly – and they will cease to be shy, and will openly carry on themselves seal of the antichrist. Slavochka said that for gear people (“gear” is his word) will build special huge stores with a wide variety of products. The products there will be of good quality and very cheap. And those who do not will agree with the system of the World Ruler and will not accept his seal – they will starve, because the products in the remaining ordinary stores will be very expensive and the quality of these products will be everything worse and worse. Slavochka, when he saw this, could not resist and said: “Mom, a chicken there will cost that kind of money!” And then, by According to the lad – there will be no ordinary shops at all, they will be closed. Only special stores for gearwheels will remain. Little girl said that products for gearworms will also be gearwheel. He said that “on each of their candy, on each small cookies – separately on each – will stand three little sixes. “Caught people at first will still be preserve the remnants of conscience and at first even try to help their hungry non-cousin relatives, giving them part of their products. But non-gear people are gear-fed food from these huge stores will not be able to, because – according to the lad – this food will be “fake”. It will not be absorbed by a normal person will vomit from her. Those who did not accept the seal – they cannot even swallow a small piece of this food – it vomit back. These simple products that we are still eat – then they will never be again. And we do not value this. Therefore, the lad told people: “Eat normal foods, while they are. After all, then the time will come when all the vegetation grows he’ll stop his own – there won’t even be any grass. “And Slavochka said so – “ordinary people cannot eat cobbled food.” But the temptation for those who do not accept the seal will be very strong. And Slavochka brought such an example: “A man suffers from hunger and persuades himself – I will just go to this store and look at the products. He comes in the store and by human weakness begins to recruit these products. He takes them, takes them, takes them … Then he goes with these products at the exit to the cash register where the equipment for printing is installed. He goes through the cashier and … gets three sixes. From this store a person is already coming out gearworm. “Such a tragedy will be happen to people. Supermarket Advertising future Slavochka said that “gradually gear people will become very evil. “These people will have a mind, a memory, only gradually will they become very evil. And in a way they already cease to be people, because they will have a new property – they can’t die like normal people. They will want die, but they cannot. When they understand what they are have turned – they will first try to get rid of despair these luminous sixes. But they – according to the lad – have nothing will work out. Slavochka said that “even if such a person tries get rid of these sixes and chop off your hand, then sixes appear on the cult. Then at least chop the man into pieces, and each piece will again manifest three sixes. “People who received the seal the Antichrist will become like nonhumans – immortal. Slavochka said that many of them will try to end their lives from hopelessness suicide, but they won’t be able to do that either. Glory said that “even if the gearman from a terrible life wants to break and, having greatly accelerated by car, it will crash somewhere, then, scattered along with the car to pieces, like a monster in a horror movie, he will again gather from pieces, come to life again, stand up and regretted will go back to his society. “These are Slavochka told horrors about gear people. Now this is filmed in American horror movies – as if they already know that that’s exactly how it is will be. As I understand it, Slavochka will have gear the soul will be withdrawn, and their bodily shell will be inhabited by unclean in spirit. Therefore, they will become “immortal” – like demons. And those who do not will accept the seal of the Antichrist, they – according to the lad – do not change, they just remain ordinary people. Now we this is not appreciated, but for them it will be joy and comfort. They will ordinary, living, normal people and they will be covered the great mercy of God.
A photo from open sources Slavochka said that “people, those who accept the seal will gradually become very evil. ” will remain, but without the grace of the Holy Spirit they will gradually become like demons – all meaner and meaner. Especially they will hate those who did not accept print. Glory said, “Mommy, they’ll get so angry and envy those who did not accept the seal, because they will understand that they’ve hit into the net to the evil one. ”And they themselves will begin to search and pursue people without a seal, to forcibly give them that seal. They will ready to tear them from anger. No conscience or pity for no gear people left. Anger will be such that even relatives will look for their relatives. Slavochka and said that “people who have not accepted the seal, even from their relatives will hiding, and they will seek and catch them “(” catch “is the word lad). The voluntary phase of the adoption of the press, – according to the lad – will be short-lived. From anger and envy, the servants of the Antichrist will become in a massive order to catch everyone who does not have a signal on the chip and will force them to stamp. Slavochka didn’t say that to people put bread and Cross and offer a voluntary choice. On the contrary he said that the servants of the antichrist will seek and catch survivors Christians to seal them by force. Those people who are in front of this took a chip under the skin – it will be impossible for them to hide, because a response signal will come from their microcircuit. And therefore, Slavochka said: “The one who takes the chip – he is sure will accept and print. “And those people who did not accept the chip – they will still be able to hide. Glory said that Christians, fleeing the press, will go away from cities and trunk routes and will live in small secret settlements. Living in the settlements, they – according to the lad – for a short time feel as if abandoned, abandoned and it will be very fearfully. Slavochka said that at first these people will experience real horror – they will sit day and night to be afraid – as if they were not found, as if they were not caught, how would they they didn’t put a seal … But the lad said that it would not be long. In these the settlements of the last Christians will be covered by the Lord with such power that – according to the lad – “they will become inaccessible to evil forces.” Slavochka said so: “Mommy, Satan just won’t see them. Evil forces – these people will be invisible – they simply will not see them. Only they will suffer – says – a little fear and hunger – and that’s all. Neither one of them will not die. And then – says – the angels will be help them. “As I understood Slavochka – angels are just elementary they will feed them, and how they will feed them, I did not ask. And these the settlements will be so closed by God – Satan and his servants just do not see. And none of these people will die – neither from hunger, nor from diseases – from nothing. The Lord will enable these people to grow something in the garden and therefore, people in these settlements do not starve to death. Slavochka said that as well as gear people cannot die – also those Christians who did not betray God – they also will not die: neither from hunger, nor from disease – they simply temporarily suffer deprivation, hardship and persecution. Over the last Christians who have remained faithful to God will be prostrated God’s greatest mercy – none of them will perish, they will survive and wait for God. Slavochka also said that “there will be such a settlement, where no “geary” person can penetrate. I am him asked: “And what is this settlement?” And he said it would be large settlement. Inside there will be a huge Temple. Around of this settlement, a moat will be dug and it will be filled with holy water. Behind this settlement will be surrounded by high concrete walls, and on top concrete walls will be some kind of fencing (I don’t remember which one). All the gates will be tightly closed. But the main obstacle to “gear” people who become like nonhumans will have a moat with holy water. And Slavochka was very surprised that one the “gear” person will still succeed in some way get over this moat and reach the wall. But when he calms down and comes closer to the wall, then “God’s power will so throw it away that he will fly back across the moat, stand on all fours, shake off, look around, look with such anger and go home. “So The Lord will cover those who do not accept the seal of Antichrist and will remain faithful to God. Slavochka very often repeated to me alone and the same words: “God will not forgive anyone who accepts the seal antichrist. “God will not forgive them – even if they do not hope. I remember asked Slavochka about the children: “Slavochka, what about the children?” I him asked about the children, because the children are still small and no matter how responsible for their actions. But he said to me again: “God has no one forgive. “Slavochka said that” God will not forgive anyone at all – on com will be the seal. “I remember how one priest told me these words with said with a grin: “Well, we will be justified.” I then tell him: “Father – you think so, and the lad said that “God will not forgive anyone from those who will accept the seal. “How many can be clever ?! Slavochka said nothing new, absolutely nothing. He is only in more detail and specifically repeated what the Bible has been warning about for 2,000 years. For the whole 2000 years there has been a warning, and some “wise men” are all dismissed: “Ah, how many times has the end of the world come.” But what is happening now on the planet – this has never happened. What kind Still need proof to understand this? In conclusion, this very important to all topics I want to convey another words of the lad. Slavochka said that “those people who do not accept the chip – they they will not accept the seal, and by doing so they will save not only themselves but also all his kind! “-” Now – according to the lad – there is a count of all childbirth “and the one who remains faithful to God and” will not stumble “(this the word of the lad) – that by his feat will save not only himself, but the whole the kind of man is saved! These are the words of the lad – for the fact that man He remained faithful to God and did not accept the seal of Antichrist – for this a feat to such a person not only his personal sins will be forgiven and sins of all kind! The whole race of such a person will be pardoned! I just I realized Slavochka, that now a person just has to make a feat – Do not take satanic documents and stamps. Thanks to this feat man – his whole race will be saved. And if a person takes it now all this, then – according to the lad – “even good people in his family he can ruin. “That’s how scary it is. What a scary responsibility lies with our generation. Now you need courage need heroism to man. Now everyone just needs to tearfully ask God, so as not to take the World Passport and the seal of Satan – you can’t do it take! Do not betray God! * Vyacheslav Sergeevich Krasheninnikov (March 22, 1982, Yurga, Kemerovo Region – March 17, 1993, Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region) – a boy who died from blood disease at the age of incomplete 11 years, which many considered a miracle worker and diviner, continuing to work miracles and after his death. from the book of Krasheninnikova V.A. “Sent By God ”
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