Gold block, which is not subject to laws physicists

Golden block, which is not affected by the laws of physicsA photo from open sources

In Myanmar, on Mount Chaittiyo in Mon State, you can find the present a miracle of nature and part of one of the most revered Buddhists shrines. It’s about a big granite boulder, on the top of which is built a miniature pagoda.

Amazingly, a huge stone in an incomprehensible way held on a modest cliff ledge and now for two and a half for thousands of years refuses to fall down, boldly ignoring the known to us since school physical laws.

A photo from open sources

The height of the boulder is a little over seven and a half meters, along with the pagoda – about fifteen. Followers of buddhism are convinced that a few hairs do not let fall a granite piece Buddha himself, walled up in a turret above. Is being created the impression that the boulder is fantastically balancing on rocky ledge. Rumor has it that under the stone you can freely stretch the rope, and in this case he will continue unshakably stand in place.

A photo from open sources

Pilgrims coming here from all over the planet perform very interesting ritual: they bring with them a thin plate gold and attach to the stone. The plates have already been stuck it’s a lot that they covered the whole granite, and in several layers. Because of this, it may seem that a lump is a whole piece of gold. Tourists have a habit of leaving bills attached to tree branches. It is believed that this brings wealth, although Buddhism and denies all sorts of worldly values.

Can a golden block be pushed by an immaculate woman?

Many materialists claim that the boulder and rock on which he standing, constitute one whole – they say, the stone is firmly connected with a ledge. Local monks, every time they hear it, with a smile allow skeptics to test everything themselves. One person on this unable, however, two or three strong men are able to swing a block. However, no matter how you swing it, push a granite piece from the cliff impossible. However, there is a legend that it can easily make a pure soul woman. Therefore representatives the fair sex is closer than a dozen meters, not to the stone admit. And officially. Suddenly one of them is really random will push the boulder down and Chaittiyo will lose his illustrious attractions.

A photo from open sources

According to legend, Buddha once visited the mountain and met the hermit who was given a lock of his hair. That in a few years passed this relic to the king. The monarch and the hermit considered that Buddha’s hair must be securely stored in stone, and found Suitable granite boulder at the bottom of the sea. Good spirits have helped them set a block on a rock and build a pagoda where the hair and walled up. The king and his assistant were afraid that the stone would fall down, however the spirits assured them that this would never happen, until a sinless woman appears in these places. Since pilgrims ascending to granite on the mountain three times a year, receive blessings from higher powers.

A photo from open sources

The gold leaf brought by the pilgrims always stays here and the boulder is gradually but steadily increasing in size. And of course same in price. In this place there are many religious facilities that provide believers with lodging and dinner. There are no roads nearby, and the terrain is very rocky and uneven, so not every tourist has the patience and forces to visit this amazing attraction of Buddhists.


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