Grays Gray aliens require full extraterrestrial life disclosure by 2015

Aliens of the speciesA photo from open sources

This is written in his article “Secret Space Wars VIII “in the publication” Veterans Today “, citing deep insiders in the Secret Shadow Government, Dr. Preston James. (Veterans Today – Edition of Former American Employees State Department and special services). In particular, Dr. James says that “the full disclosure of information by 2015 allegedly provides a former treaty concluded with large gray aliens. The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) was to provide complete disclosure earlier than this date, or aliens “big gray”, apparently will carry out massive public manifestations of himself and their anti-gravity devices (AGCs) and reveal everything yourself directly to the American people, including temporarily using mainstream media. And yet, even a respected Stephen Greer’s Disclosure Project was in able to make public presentations to many respected and trustworthy witnesses, without threats or TWEPS so far, as you know, but the Secret Shadow Government is still delays and prevents any full-scale hearings in Congress that were promised. Apparently the guys at the top of the pyramid The Secret Shadow Government, the “Luciferians,” fear that if they will reveal the truth, the Americans will completely move them away from the throne and “overthrown”, and their “tricks” will stop working quickly and forever, thus, they will experience a complete loss of power, privileges and status .. They stated that according to a certain by contract, the aliens of the “big Grays” require full disclosure alien presence and technology by a specific date or these aliens supposedly make massive public landings in each major city of the world, guaranteeing a systematic and fast the evolving full end of secrecy, and especially of the deep blacks programs “previously protected by the immediate killing of anyone who will make information public. And it became obvious and confirmed the split in the Secret Shadow Government between the “old people” and newcomers who want full disclosure to be achieved as a result of a series of logical steps that involve prevention of panic among the population or too fast uncontrolled business collapse. Desire Secret Shadow Governments towards America globalization and world governance have unpleasant consequences, and is one of the most serious mistakes in history”.

Pyramid Life

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