Holy healers

Man is a fragile and vulnerable creature. Viruses and bacteria, injuries and their consequences – danger awaits everywhere, and at any moment life may be in jeopardy. That’s why to people who able to alleviate other people’s suffering, drive away the ailment, heal from wounds, there has always been a special attitude. They were respected, worshiped, and sometimes even deified.


So, for example, happened to the legendary Asclepius – the king Thessaly, the famous healer who lived in the XII century BC era. Asclepius and his sons – Machaon and Podalirius – are mentioned in The “Iliad” of Homer. However, according to legend, all the children of Asclepius engaged in healing. Panakey’s daughter – with drug treatment, Machaon was an outstanding military surgeon, Podalirius specialized on internal medicine and, moreover, it was he who set the faithful diagnosis to distraught Ajax.

Holy healersPhoto from open sources

Asclepius’ son Telesphor healed people with magic, daughter of Hygyeus engaged in the prevention of diseases. They all adopted healing a gift from his father, who, according to legend, was the son of Apollo himself! Which, in principle, is understandable: how could a mere mortal possess such incredible abilities? Apollo, the god of wisdom, music and beauty, brought his son to a connoisseur of medicinal herbs centaur Chiron.

Asclepius learned to prepare healing ointments and drinks. With help suggestions and sacred melodies he introduced patients into a trance so that the treatment was painless. People thought it was a miracle: they plunged into sleep, tormented by terrible ailments, and woke up peppy and healthy. Asclepius was able to heal the warriors from wounds, rid people of muscle and joint pain, treat diseases heart, liver, stomach, infertility and male conquer impotence.

The Greeks were so shocked by his success in healing the art that they began to ascribe to the healer truly fantastic opportunities — for example, the resurrection of the dead. Myths tell that Athena presented Asclepius with a special medicine – blood Gorgon Medusa: blood from the veins of the left side had a revitalizing effect, from the right – destructive.

And then Asclepius began to abduct the dead from the kingdom of Hades and to revive them to life. The god of the underworld complained about the daring healer Zeus, and he in anger struck Asclepius with lightning. But then, listening to the regrets of people and gods, raised the son of Apollo, taking an oath from him never again to revive the dead. So Asclepius came back to life, achieved incredible success in his work and became the god of healing.

In the VI-V centuries BC, temples were erected in Greece honor – asclepions. These were not just sanctuaries, but whole Wellness complexes with baths, pools with mineral water, stadiums, groves. And in the largest there were even libraries and theaters!

The treatment was accompanied by ritual ceremonies and animal sacrifices. Of particular importance are the healers gave sleep. The fact that this is the best medicine in the temples of Asclepius no one doubted. Patients fell asleep right on the floor, in the skins sacrificial animals. In a dream, Asclepius was to appear to them, so that tell how to defeat the disease.

Researchers believe that priests euthanized patients with hypnosis and special infusions, and then performed operations and healing procedures. During the excavation, a huge number of tablets with a brief description of “case histories”. On one of them read: “Ambrosia from Athens, blind in one eye, has come, Seeking help from God walking through the sanctuary, she taunted tales of healings.

It seemed to her unfaithful, incredible and impossible that the lame and the blind could be healed with dreams alone. However and she had a dream. It seemed to her that God appeared to her and promised to heal her, but on condition that she donates a gift to the temple a vow; however, she must donate a silver pig as memory of her stupidity. After such a speech, God took out her sore eye and poured balm. When the day came, the blind woke up healthy. ”

Archaeologists have discovered many images in the shrines of Asclepius human organs and body parts made of marble, ivory bones, wood, gold and silver. They were probably brought to temples in thanks for the healing. A similar tradition existed in other nations. In Russia, for example, until the 19th century, Orthodox churches could be found suspended from the icon St. Antipius silver teeth: people believed that this the great martyr helps get rid of toothache.


Another church-recognized healer is Saint Panteleimon – considered the patron saint of warriors and doctors. He was born in Nicomedia in the family of a noble pagan and Christian. Mother dreamed of turning her son into Christianity, but died when he was still very young. Father gave boy to a pagan school, and then sent to study medical business to the famous doctor Efrosin in those years.

Photo from open sources

However, after a few years Pantoleon (this is a name meaning “lion in everything, “he received at birth) he himself came to God. It happened after the young man saw a dead child bitten on the street malicious Pantoleon began to pray to Christ for the resurrection of the innocent and killing a poisonous animal, deciding to himself: if the Lord he hears his prayers, he will receive baptism. And in a moment baby came to life, and the echidna in the eyes of Pantoleon shattered into pieces!

The young man was baptized with the name Panteleimon (“all-merciful”) and soon began to treat people. News of a talented young man capable of heal almost all ailments, quickly scattered across the country. Stories about how Panteleimon gives people strength and health, passed from mouth to mouth. He lifted even hopeless patients, defeated viral and chronic diseases, healed ulcers and even returned sight.

Naturally, pagan doctors did not need such a competitor, and they informed Emperor Maximilian that Panteleimon is free treats Christian prisoners. Emperor persuaded a talented healer renounce faith, refute denunciation and bow to idols, but Panteleimon did not agree. He invited Maximilian to arrange test: bring a terminally ill person and see who heal him – he or pagan priests.

Photo from open sources

The imperial healers could not help the dying man in any way, but Panteleimon brought him back to life. Then Maximilian got angry and ordered to betray the Christian healer to cruel torment. Panteleimon burned candles, wheeled, doused with hot tin, threw in the sea with a stone on his neck – but he remained unharmed and did not recede from faith. The emperor ordered him to be torn to pieces by the wild. animals, but they did not touch the saint and began to lick his feet.

As a final argument, Maximilian ordered beheading Panteleimon. He was brought to the place of execution and tied to the oilseed. to a tree. According to legend, when a martyr was cut off his head from a wound milk flowed, and the tree immediately covered with fruits. Thrown at Panteleimon’s body was not touched by the fire, and believers were able to bury him according to Christian custom.


The reverend explained his healing gift with God’s grace Seraphim of Sarov, who himself more than once found himself on the verge of life and of death. In childhood, little Prokhor Moshnin (that was the name of the future ascetic in the world) fell from the bell tower, but by some miracle survived. When the boy was ten, he became seriously ill. Relatives almost lost hope, but mother, continuing to believe in a miracle, put her son to the Icon of the Mother of God “Sign” – and soon, to everyone’s surprise, he fully recovered!

Photo from open sources

As an adult, Prokhor decided to devote himself to serving God and entered the monastery. Two years later, he again became seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed dropsy: the whole body of the future saint was swollen, he could not move without assistance, every day he it was getting worse. And so, when his condition reached critical point, Prokhor suddenly refused treatment and what any help, saying that he relies entirely on mercy Of God.

Many years later, he explained why he made such a decision. In that day he had a vision of the Mother of God accompanied by the apostles John and Peter. “This is our kind!” – the Virgin ordered and touched with his rod of the right thigh of a sick young man. The next morning he opened a wound (in the same place!), from which a lot of fluid leaked. Track left her for life, but this saved the young man from severe illness. Soon he finally recovered, and through for a while he grew so strong that he could become a hermit, live in forest, observing austerities and engaging in heavy physical labor.

Once, when Seraphim chopped wood, he was attacked by robbers. They demanded money that he did not have. They did not believe and began to beat him. Seraphim could repulse them, but only folded on chest of the hand and said: “Do what you need.”

… Seven days later the ascetic got out of the forest. Doctors thought that his chances of recovery are negligible: “Head broken, ribs broken, chest trampled, the whole body is covered with mortal wounds, face and hands beaten, several teeth knocked out. ”

And yet they tried to help the old man, but this time he refused. The Virgin Mary appeared to him again. First, she turned to the doctors with with the words: “What are you working for?” And then, looking at Seraphim, she said already familiar: “This is our kind!” By evening, Seraphim became much better.

In 1823, ten years before his death, the monk began to heal sick. “Not by will, but by the grace of the Mother of God, after many years of feat desertification, shutter, spiritual cultivating and gaining humble wisdom. “No one could understand how an old man manages to heal with a touch and prayer hopelessly sick. Once a girl was brought to him, which is already two years could not walk. The old man said a prayer over her, anointed we oil her legs – and the girl rose and went, as if in no way it happened!

People who turned to the elder had hernias and fibroids disappearing, passed diseases of the legs and internal organs, ulcers and nervous ailments. Infertile women gave birth to healthy children with epilepsy forever got rid of seizures. But Seraphim was not surprised at anything, because he was sure: the healing gift was given to him by the Mother of God. And he said: “Take away sin – and the diseases will depart, for they are given to us for sins. “In other words, it is not the body that needs to be healed, but the soul.

Margarita IONOVA


At all times, there were people who had a special connection with Cosmos. In a completely incomprehensible way they healed the sick, returned to people strength and health, gave happiness and harmony. Many tried to unravel the mystery of their gift, but nothing came of it. No wonder: a miracle cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

Seraphim of Sarov, as noted in the article, did not heal the body, but the soul – and people were healed of the most serious ailments! The same thing happened. other great healers of the past. And it doesn’t really matter which they used methods: hypnosis, magic rituals, power words or energy correction. All these methods help. mobilize the body’s internal reserves and trigger processes self-regulation.

As a result, a person transforms, begins to literally radiate positive and attract the energies of goodness, health, well-being and success. From the outside it seems like a miracle, however, such miracles happen not only in myths and legends, but also in real life. And much more often than you can imagine.

Time Life Health Russia

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