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Today, scientists are trying to understand the healing gift of icons, to find scientific justification for the miracles they do. One hypothesis to explain the healing properties of holy images, is idea of the bioenergy field. According to some Researchers, not only living creatures possess such a field. Under certain conditions, it can accumulate in various subjects. Let’s stand for a bit in the church and watch parishioners. Regular visitors to the temple immediately stand out for their behavior. They make a difficult path along the walls of the temple: for a long time stand idle with prayer at some icons, just overshadow themselves godmother with the banner of others and indifferently pass by the third. Each the believer intuitively seeks out his holy images, causing a response or, in scientific language, “resonance” in the soul. It is this resonance of the human biofield with bioenergy introduced in icon by its creator, leads to a healing effect. Trance creator. Recall how the icons were created. Before writing them the icon painter cleansed himself of carnal passions for a long time: he fasted, prayed, trying to achieve such a state of mind, when not he, but someone from above began to drive his hand. Using modern terminology, we can say that the icon painter entered a state trance. In this state, modern psychics commit their healing. And it was the icon painter’s trance that allowed the icons to accumulate the downward charge of bioenergy in them. Similar accumulation property some works of artists possess bioenergy as well written in a trance state. Here, for example, that told about Victor Korolev: “I have a strange the feeling that someone is pressing on the psyche and requires immediate take for the brush. I just can’t do other things. This condition reflected in my biofield. It is sharply enhanced. When, for example, I walk around the room and approach the transistor, then he immediately falls silent. The wife screams from the kitchen: “Immediately get away from radio, I need to know the weather for tomorrow! “I move away from the transistor and wait until the weather forecast ends. “Pictures, created by the Queen in a state of trance, sometimes find themselves healing for people. But for this it is necessary that a person experience near them resonance or, as Korolev says, to “vibrate the biofields of the picture coincided with the vibrations of man. “However, sometimes a kind of negative resonance arises, and then the picture deals bioenergetic blow to an unwary spectator. Artist tells how one overly emotional visitor the galleries where the picture hung, got a burn of his hand, waving at the heat of argument about an image she didn’t like. Dangerous icons. Even more intense bioenergy exposure render some icons. Here, for example, what happened to a certain Russian tourist in (5gokholm. Group of Russian tourists went into the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. Church services are no longer there held, the temple was turned into a museum. Most tourists rushed to the royal tombstones, and one turned into a small the door and found himself in a dark, semi-lit room. Her walls were completely hung with paintings and icons. One of the icons chained for a long time the tourist’s look, as if someone had tied him to her with invisible threads. It became hard to breathe, there was not enough air, my heart began to beat in the wilderness, but there was no strength to move away from the strange image. Spas the hapless tourist servant of the museum. He literally carried it out into an empty huge Hall. When the Russian came to his senses, he found out that he was not the first to whom the ancient icon acted so. Tourists coming to Cathedral, often complained of the ailments that they experienced about of this icon. Two years ago, one woman even fainted. After In this case, the icon was removed from the wall of the main hall and transferred to storage room. Cases of the harmful effects of certain icons on health people are recorded quite often. Chief Researcher State Hermitage Museum, Professor Boris Sapunov drew attention the fact that in one of the halls of the museum very often get sick caretakers. Icons, according to women, caused them increased pressure, headaches and general malaise, but their complaints are no one did not take seriously. “This is an inexplicable phenomenon that started observe a long time ago, – said Boris Sapunov. – Three or four employees who were constantly in the hall with icons, fleetingly died of various diseases, and these coincidences started me to worry about. As soon as the caretakers’ chairs were moved to others places, all the troubles ceased. “To deal with the causes of strange ailments, the professor invited the famous Petersburg psychic and medium Marina Moloskhulova. In her hall attention was drawn to two icons, which, according to the clairvoyant, had a real negative impact on the Razmotress: “The Apostles Peter and Paul” and “The Savior Not Made by Hand”. Why them did the presence in the hall cause illness in women? Marina Moloskhulova claims that the icon depicting the apostles was painted “light” person with many defects, with a sick soul. “It was dreary in his soul when he created the faces of holy men.” The psychic even managed to establish an information connection with the deceased an icon painter who said: “I am Mitroshka, Selevanov’s son, got along this icon with a hangover drunk. It was given to me by father to write faces Saints Peter and Paul in the delight of the worshipers … This icon was involuntarily I wrote, because there was nothing to pay the poll tax … “Of course, what positive bioenergy can be put into an icon, if written she involuntarily and even with a hangover? Moloskhulova also gave a description exposure icons. According to her, she gave two beams of exposure negative plan that have a negative effect on the liver and gall bladder – because Mitroshka created it in a state of binge. The reason the Savior icon was negatively impacted miraculous, “was different. Here’s what the psychic said: “The icon painter who created the upper composition was lavish with the Lord write the son of God Jesus. Which he did with great diligence and labored according to the will of the Lord. But the icon painter was in a hurry and entrusted the lower plan for his disciples – people far from religious piety. IN the result of combining his energy and the energy of two less experienced students have an energy triangle and a failure in the energy-information field of the whole icon, which sucks energy, drops it to Earth. “The art critic of the museum also noted different style features of the lower and upper parts of the icon. And here’s what interestingly. The icon was brought to the Hermitage from the Ascension Church. The psychic did not know about this fact, however, she also indicated that the image was written for the Ascension Church. After conducted by Marina Moloskhul analysis of the impact of these icons, they were removed from Hermitage expositions and transferred to the storerooms. Unbearable frequency. At the Hermitage, scientists conducted an examination and established that although, most likely, the icons did not bear direct “responsibility” for poor health of people however spread around energy that makes the human brain vibrate for high frequency. From microwave signals is formed the biofield of any living or non-living object, including icons. A man approached her – she sets the direction with her radiation and the frequency of its brain radiation, tunes to find a way out illness or other disaster. Believers call this effect a miracle. For his achievements icon painters received the blessing of the church, stood fast and prayed to the saint, whose image they were going to write. Thus, they brought their brain in agreement with energy-informational structures remaining after his death. After all, all the saints were once people, but special, possessing ability to radiate energy at high frequencies. Icon painter capturing the image of the saint of God, was in a special condition, turning into a receiver of “healing” radiation. And when on the icon an image appeared on the board, it began to work as a generator such energy. And then the believer through the image of the saint includes subconscious attunement to healing, comfort, etc. The miracle of suitcases. However, the harmful effects of some icons – very rare. Usually they contribute to mental and physical recovery of a person. Here, for example, what happened to Natalia Rekunova. After the death of her grandmother, Natalia’s family more than once moved from one apartment to another. Moved with them and Grandmother’s favorite icon is the “Face of the Savior” in a simple copper setting. Once they forgot to get the image from the old suitcase, which they stuck out of sight, along with other rubbish. But somehow Natalya Vasilyevna started a general cleaning and suddenly felt that from corner of the pantry on it as if a hot wind blew. Hot the vibrations came from a shabby suitcase, where Natalia discovered the old grandmother’s icon. Her salary was as hot as if held on the stove. According to the woman, at first she was scared: what if something in the pantry smolders? But then I realized: the whole thing is in the image of the Savior. it he reminded of himself, “asked out of oblivion.” And as it turned out, not by chance – trouble soon knocked on Rekunova’s house. Doctors reported Natalya Vasilyevna, that she has leukemia. The tone of the doctors woman I realized: they don’t really hope for a cure. Her despair did not know borders. “Lord, help,” – bursting into tears, the woman fell on knees before the face of the Savior … Two weeks later she came to another appointment with the doctor so that he sent her for surgery. Doctor was amazed: a blood test gave the result that Natalia’s indicators Vasilievna was like a healthy person! The miracle that happened with Natalia Rekunova and other patients, to whom, after communicating with icons mysteriously returned health, comments Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pavel Goskov: – One of the many experiments that we conducted at the department information technology was as follows. Before the old an icon for only ten minutes (this is quite enough!) a glass of water – to recharge. Then the wheat grains were poured as charged and ordinary water. The result was always the same the same: wheat sprinkled with water, which the icon charged, sprouted much better. And the shoots themselves then developed more actively. By this absolutely confirms the healing effect of “prayed icons”, about which believers have known for centuries. My colleagues and I took for comparison, two copies of one icon, but one “list” was old, and another brand new. So, a new copy has an effect if and observed, it was much weaker. M. Taranov “An interesting newspaper. Magic and mystic “№2
Water Health Artists Psychics