How animals predict the weather

How animals predict the weather

Every day forecasters from different parts of the world prepare a weather forecast for us. But, despite modern technology and rapid technological progress, this information is often inaccurate.

You will be surprised, but animals are the best weather predictors. It is by their behavior that you can find out an accurate forecast that will never let you down. Today you will find out what animals and plants are weather predictors, what you should pay attention to in order to find out an accurate forecast.

What animals predict the weather?

Almost all animals are highly sensitive to weather changes. For example, frogs are some of the most accurate predictors. They have very thin sensitive skin, therefore, in hot weather, amphibians are in the water, and before the rain they crawl out. Loudly screaming frogs foreshadow a downpour, and if the song of frogs dies down – to cold snaps and frosts.

You can also find out the forecast by leeches, which, just like fish, float to the surface of the water before bad weather. If there is no body of water near your home, just watch the birds. It will rain, if they gather in the trees and shout, swim in puddles, it will be warm. There are also signs about pets about the weather.

What animals predict the weather?

How do cats predict the weather?

  • Cats are the most sensitive pets. It is very easy to determine the weather by cats, just by observing their behavior:
  • If the cat curls up into a ball, frosts are expected.
  • Sleeps on his back with his stomach upside down – it will be warm and sunny.
  • A sneezing cat predicts a downpour.
  • An animal sharpens its claws on furniture – to strong weather changes.
  • He presses his paws in a dream – the cold is coming.
  • A cat scrubbing the floor portends bad weather.

Scientists claim that cats have a very high sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure among all animals, therefore the 'feline' forecast is the most accurate and reliable.

Signs about dogs

  • Dogs are also good weather forecasters. Pay attention to your four-legged friend. Here are some signs about dogs, knowing about which you can predict bad weather.
  • The dog is rolling on the grass – it will be rainy and windy.
  • A dog lying in the snow warns of a blizzard.
  • If the dog climbs into the water, rain is possible.
  • Changes in the weather are also reported by poor appetite and drowsiness in the dog.
  • The dog curls up into a ball – a blizzard and cold are coming.
  • If in snowy weather animals frolic in the snow and run after each other – expect warming.

Signs with livestock

You might be surprised, but pets are not the only ones who can sense changes in climatic conditions. Livestock also has this feature. For example, to find out the weather in the morning, you need to watch a cow in the evening. If she drinks little and eats a lot of grass, the morning will definitely be rainy.

Rams and sheep are beating their foreheads against the strong wind. But horses before bad weather begin to wheeze loudly or lay on the ground. Pigs react differently to the coming storm. They pull off the straw and burrow inward, pressing firmly against each other. So do all pets, feeling the approach of cold weather and bad weather.

Signs with livestock

Forest animals

It is quite interesting to observe the behavior of forest animals to find out the weather. This is a great opportunity to spend time outdoors and get closer to nature. You can find out what winter will be like by placing the hollow of the squirrel. If it is too low on a tree, this portends severe frosts and a harsh winter, but if it is high, winter will please with relatively warm weather.

Signs with domestic and wild birds

Birds are especially sensitive, they react in a special way to weather changes with their behavior. For example, orioles make melodious sounds on fine days and scream if rain is coming. Crows, which sit on tree branches closer to the trunk, can portend a strong wind.

If birds climb to the tops of trees and hide their heads under their wings, frosts will soon hit. If they descend to the ground, warming is expected. Sparrows can also sense changes in atmospheric pressure. By their sluggish state, one can understand that there will be bad weather. But a joyful tweet – to warming and improving weather conditions. Everyone has long known signs with swallows. If they fly low – there will be a thunderstorm, high – the day will be dry and warm.

Signs with domestic and wild birds

Some poultry can also help spot bad weather. For example, ducks and geese hide their heads under their wings, and chickens flap their wings only if cold weather and rain are expected. The drooping tail and drooping plumage of these birds portends rain. Mother hens hide chicks under themselves before a thunderstorm. A rooster singing in the evening informs about weather changes.

Signs with insects

You will be surprised, but you can find out the weather not only by animals, but also by observing insects, because they are also sensitive to its changes. If there are a lot of spiders, then the weather will be good and stable, but if they are not visible at all, a thunderstorm is expected. The spider sitting motionless in the middle of the web also testifies to the wet weather.

Before a hot day, flies appear in the morning, and almost do not appear before a cold snap. If there are a lot of beetles in the spring, then the summer will be dry. And if you happen to see a swarm of dragonflies, expect precipitation in the next few hours. The chirping of grasshoppers and bright fireflies portend good weather for the whole day.

Signs with insects

Signs with fish

Many species of fish are keenly sensitive to weather changes. For example, most aquarium fish lie on the bottom if the weather is good, but if they rush around the aquarium and muddy the water, it will rain. Fish in bodies of water also have the ability to predict the weather.

If the fish, jumping out of the water, catches insects, then, most likely, it will rain. Roach and crucian carp hide at the bottom before a thunderstorm, while the loach swims out. Seeing catfish on the surface of the water is a harbinger of warming.

Scientists are still trying to understand how animal organisms work and why people do not tend to feel weather changes so accurately. So it is worth carefully observing the behavior of our smaller brothers and always staying on the same wavelength with nature.

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