How to choose and hang a horseshoe for good luck

One of the most popular amulets for good luck since the Middle Ages is a horseshoe – it protects housing and its inhabitants from evil forces. In addition, this amulet protects the house from thieves, bringing only happiness and prosperity to it.

In order for the horseshoe talisman to have a positive effect on your life, it is recommended that you study the meaning of the symbol, familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing and activating it, as well as the best places to place it.

Horseshoe for luck

Why the horseshoe became a talisman

There is a popular belief that any unclean force constantly walks in a circle and if one of the demons falls on a horseshoe, then he is trapped, because he is forced to move endlessly from one end to the other.

The Slavs associate the protective functions of the amulet with the horse, which is considered the breadwinner of the family and symbolizes prosperity.

How to choose the right horseshoe

The most powerful amulet is the horseshoe, which the horse was previously shod with – it is charged with the strength of a stallion and the energy of the earth. When buying, it is also recommended to give preference to metal products – it accumulates and evenly distributes the received energy better than other materials.

Metal talismans, depending on the color, have a different effect:

  • steel – protect from burns and skin diseases;
  • golden – get rid of bad thoughts, give confidence, help to achieve success in any endeavors;
  • copper – eliminate disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and symptoms of depression;
  • silver – protect from damage and any witchcraft.

You cannot steal such a charm, otherwise, instead of benefit, it will bring negative energy, illness and poverty into the house.

What does a randomly found horseshoe mean?

Finding a horseshoe by chance is considered a good sign – soon you will see a change for the better in your financial situation, at work or at home. This amulet is one of the most effective for protecting the house from the evil eye and envious people.

If in front of your eyes the horseshoe fell off the horse's hoof, you should pick it up and, squeezing it tightly in your hand, think about your innermost desire, then spit on it, throw it over your left shoulder and leave without turning around.

How to properly hang a horseshoe

The amulet should be fastened on a string or on one nail – this is how the owner of the house shows his strength and significance to the amulet. A horseshoe for good luck is hung in an apartment or house above the front door as follows:

  1. In Russia. Down horns – fills the home with positive energy, helps to establish relationships between all residents.
  2. In eastern countries. Horns up – brings the inhabitants of the house not only happiness, but also financial well-being.
  3. In Mexico. The horseshoe is sacredly revered as a home amulet – it is hung as high as possible with the ends up, which are pre-decorated with coins or images of saints. Guests are forbidden to touch the talisman, as this is perceived as desecration and disrespect for the inhabitants of the house.

The opinion of the expert Ilmira Derbentseva Parapsychologist The mystics believe that the horseshoe hanging above the door attracts cosmic energy with the ends up, while from the hanging ends down the amulet this energy flows into the ground and does not bring any benefit to the owner of the house or his relatives.

Therefore, to attract success and good luck to the house, it is recommended to hang the amulet with its horns up and inside the dwelling, and in order to protect itself from evil spirits or the negative energy of envious people, the talisman should be placed outside the house, ends down.

By hanging a charm over the window, you can also protect your home from evil spirits. If one of the inhabitants is often disturbed by nightmares, the amulet is fixed outside the bedroom window – this will help normalize sleep and give vitality.

A horseshoe hanging over the stove will help an unmarried girl meet her soul mate in the near future.

You should not hang the talisman over the doors connecting the rooms – with its ends the horseshoe will attract the energy of the residents, which can negatively affect the health of both people and animals.

The power of a DIY talisman

You can make a horseshoe amulet for yourself or for a gift to a loved one with your own hands. The symbol can be made of cardboard, any metal, clay and other materials – the main thing is to concentrate on positive emotions while working.

When creating a talisman, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • to start working with pure thoughts;
  • when making a talisman as a gift, present the image of the person to whom it is intended;
    do not make an amulet for yourself – it will not have strong protective properties, in contrast to the one brought as a gift;
  • refuse to work during illness.

The pendant, made and pre-charged, can be hung in the car to protect yourself from accidents while traveling, or worn at all times to attract good luck.

How to activate the amulet

After you have made a horseshoe for happiness and well-being with your own hands or bought a ready-made amulet, it must be activated correctly, observing several rules:

  • the ceremony is performed alone and in complete silence;
    first you need to draw a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle on the table with white chalk,
  • or apply this sign with acrylic paints on a piece of fabric;
  • further, a candle is placed at each end of the symbol, and a horseshoe is placed in the center, horns up;
  • after the candles are lit, you need to mentally ask the talisman to bring happiness, good luck to your home and protect you from ill-wishers.

The amulet should not be touched until the candles have completely burned out, after which it can be fixed in the chosen place, put in a wallet or purse. It is also recommended, before hanging the amulet, to give each of the inhabitants of the dwelling to hold it in their hands for a few seconds, after which the head of the family must go around the whole house three times clockwise with a horseshoe in his hands.

The horseshoe symbolizes success and helps fill the lack of positive energy, so feel free to purchase this irreplaceable amulet of happiness for yourself or your loved ones. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the power of the amulet – only in this case it will be beneficial.

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