Regardless of the time and economic situation in the country, people try to follow ancient signs to increase their income. The acquisition of the Crassula plant is considered a simple and effective way today. Let's figure out how to plant a money tree correctly so that money is always kept in your pocket.
How to choose the right planting material
The second name of an interesting and unusual plant is a fat woman or Crassula. The money tree is called so because in shape, the leaves resemble coins. The leafy part contains the maximum amount of useful vitamins and other substances.
For planting, you must use a twig 5 cm long. It is advisable to cut off a young shoot from the mother tree. The cut must be covered with ash. You cannot purchase a grown money tree in specialized stores or from hands. You can ask good friends for a scion.
It is important that the family where the decorative tree grows has loving, trusting relationships. The material condition of the family has an important aspect. Do not take the germ from people living paycheck to paycheck. The sprout will carry unfavorable energy into your home.
To plant a money tree with a money conspiracy, you need to purchase new planting equipment and land, and how to choose and prepare it correctly, read below.
Planting a cutting
The process of reproduction of an ornamental plant takes place in 2 methods – cuttings or leaf shoots. They need to be carefully separated from the plant, dried for 2 days. You can use the old, effective way: place the cutting in a container of clean water. Leave for 2-3 weeks for the plant to take root.
To plant a money tree in Feng Shui, you must:
- Put the shoot cut from the mother plant in a glass of clean water. Leave for 2-3 weeks for rooting. Temperature – room temperature.
- Put a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the prepared planting container. Then 3 coins of the same value with the coat of arms facing up. At this moment, be sure to say the following words: 'Let the tree grow in my house and bring wealth. I will cover the coin in a damp piece of land, and I will bring a large income to the house. Rich people will give generosity, I will no longer feel worried about money. May it be so commanded, fulfilled three times, locked with a key. Amen, amen, amen. '
- During spoken words, it is required to fill the container with nutrient earth.
- The planting depth of rooted cuttings is 40–60 mm. Smooth the area around, but do not compact the soil.
- The final action is abundant watering. Add nutritious soil if necessary, as the soil may drop in volume.
The planted money tree is placed in the south-eastern part of the room. As Feng Shui says, it is in this direction that the area responsible for financial well-being is located.
Chinese coins, tied with a red thread, are hung on twigs. It is important that the plant is strong. Of course, you don't need to stir coins on the handle. In this case, it is enough to place a Chinese frog with money in its mouth next to it.
During the period of rapid development of the tree, it is recommended to water it twice a week. The first step is to check the condition of the earth. The liquid is used clean, previously kept at room temperature for 24 hours. During the specified time, rusty residues from pipes and impurities in the water will settle to the bottom of the container. Additionally, it will have time to warm up to the optimal temperature.
In winter, the procedure is carried out once a month. Pouring water, the process of rotting of the root system begins. Most experienced florists in winter prefer to spray the flower with a spray bottle. You can remove dust from the leaves with a soft, damp cloth.
You can use gold or silver to purify water. The liquid, infused with precious metals, is additionally charged with energy, attracting even more success and prosperity to the family.
Each time, watering the money tree, it is recommended to say the words: 'You will grow my tree, and I will bloom in wealth. Amen'.
It is important not only to water, feed the fat woman, but also to talk regularly with her. Express gratitude to her for the wealth, do not forget to talk about plans for the near future, dreams, desires. Only the owner should take care and water the money tree, with whom a strong bond is created in the future.
A tree grows – incomes increase. For those who do not have a money tree in the family, an alternative can be a souvenir tree made from scrap materials. It also needs to hang Chinese coins that attract success.
Soil preparation
In nature, the fat woman grows on soils dominated by sand. It is loose, free-flowing. For planting a houseplant, ready-made soil is suitable, suitable for cacti and other plant species of the succulent group.
The soil can be prepared at home. In a separate capacious container, it is required to connect (the quantity is indicated for clarity of the proportional ratio):
- 600 grams of medium-grained sand;
- 400 grams of peat;
- 400 grams of leafy earth.
To ensure normal air permeability, it is required to add a baking powder in the form of vermiculite, perlite to the soil. The plant does not tolerate the compacted type of soil. Moisture stagnates in it, which leads to the death of the plant. It is important to regularly loosen the soil, enriching it with oxygen and not allowing excess liquid to stagnate.
Pot selection
The container for planting the cutting must be chosen correctly and carefully. The plant is quite active in growth. The above-ground part of the tree is rapidly increasing. With the rapid growth of a tree, a heavy crown appears on the plant, which is difficult to keep the root system due to weakness and underdevelopment.
Therefore, it is recommended to purchase heavy, deep and roomy flower pots made of clay or ceramic.
Often it is impossible to replant the tree, especially for adult and highly overgrown specimens.
It is also considered equally important that the choice of a pot is not only in terms of material, but also in terms of color. According to Eastern beliefs, it is recommended to purchase a container for planting a red or green hue. The latter is considered the color of development. Red indicates dedication, increased wealth.
Preparing the container and soil for planting
Once all types of soil have been combined, they need to be thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be homogeneous. The pot must be washed with laundry soap, rinsed with extra boiling water, to avoid contamination, dried.
Further actions directly depend on what method will be used to plant the plant: with the presence of a root system or by the cuttings method. The latter method is inconvenient in that it does not allow determining the formation of the root system. For improved rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to use a nutritious soil.
You can speed up the process if you lubricate them with a stimulating liquid. A stalk without a root system must be kept under plastic wrap for 2 weeks, and watering is carried out through a pallet.
When is the best time to plant a money tree
Experienced growers recommend planting the plant in spring and summer. Winter and autumn are not suitable for working with decorative wood.
Crown formation and feeding
In order for the money tree to grow and develop well, correctly, it is important to know how to form a crown. For this, two popular techniques are used: trimming or pinching. The latter is used for young specimens; for older trees, the first method is used.
Consider the step-by-step steps for pinching and forming a beautiful tree:
- During growth, the money tree will throw off weak leaves. They must be removed without fail, otherwise they will take root and instead of one powerful plant there will be several weak ones.
- As soon as 8 leaves appeared on a young tree, the bud between them is carefully pinched off.
The procedure is repeated as necessary several times. As soon as a bud appears between the paired leaves, it is carefully removed again. As a result of this treatment, a full-fledged trunk is formed in the fat woman. If you do not remove new buds, then instead of a powerful tree, you will get a small bush.
Trimming is used if the barrel is hardened. It is recommended to use sharp scissors or pruning shears for this process. At the end of the process, the cut sites are treated with garden varnish for quick wound healing. Cutting off excess shoots is a rather troublesome but effective business, unlike the method described above.
After the procedure, be sure to water and feed. In a month, feeding is carried out up to 2 times a day.
How to transplant a money tree correctly
For good flower development, it needs to be replanted in the spring. How to transplant a money tree correctly to attract money:
- Prepare a new container, soil, coins, as described above;
- Pour a little drainage mixture into the pot. Place a flower with old soil and fill the remaining space with new soil.
When transplanting, you must be extremely careful, since the trunk and root system of the tree is very fragile and delicate.
In order for the family to have prosperity, understanding, mutual respect and love reigned, it is necessary to plant a decorative money tree correctly. Mistresses who truly love the money tree help the family budget to increase.