Humanity is a product of failure the experiment

A photo from open sources

The mystery of a UFO crash near Roswell is over 63 years old, but still new details of an unusual event of that far from us of the year. So, there was information that then in the United States did not happen one and three UFO crashes, but the most incredible information lies in the fact that in August 1947 the Indians from the reservation Apache tribe managed to pick up and cure a wounded alien from of space. What Indians were silent about Almost 50 years to none of ufologists and it never occurred to look for witnesses of distant events of 1947 among the Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of the American continent, reservations which are located in the immediate Proximity to Roswell. It was believed that they can only speak a bunch of legends and myths that would add even more confusion to and so a rather controversial set of facts regarding the UFO crash under Roswell. The Indians, in turn, were not very keen on contacts with authorities and journalists and even tabooed the whole information about the UFO crash, because they knew where it fell “stars”, immediately appeared soldiers who are not very ceremony with both the aliens themselves from the stars, and with curious from the local population.

Only in November 1995, the German explorer Michael Hesemann held a series of meetings with the Indians, from whom he learned Sensational details about UFO crashes that year far from us. He set forth all this new information in his research book. “Aliens”. Three UFO crashes instead of one Indians claimed that in 1947 there was not one, but three whole wrecks flying saucers: the first one fell near Socorro in early June, sensational accident near Roswell happened in July, and the third UFO crashed in the Fort Corners area in northern Arizona. This is not particularly surprised Hesemann, who according to the facts he had previously already suggested that the accident near Roswell was not the only one. Little alien? The most interesting thing is that in a couple days teenagers in the area met a strange little girl with grayish skin and gray hair resembling a wig. This the girl avoided contact with adults, but played with children, although many eschewed her – it looked painfully unusual, and even those those who had close contact with her soon became ill. Through this strange girl disappeared for a week. Who was she? Her appearance coincided with the crash of a UFO. Maybe this is a child who survived the accident with other stars trying to find help among people? The most sensational information Michael Hesemann received from Indian Robert Morning, who claimed that from 1945 to 1950. in USA crashed 16 alien ships. 14 of them crashed into territories of Indian reserves or in their vicinity. Among the Indians there were many rumors about the fall of UFOs and even that those who flew on creatures sometimes remained alive, but died after meeting with soldiers. If such rumors are true, then this explains a lot in a dense veil of secrecy over the events of those years. After all, if the military instead of helping distressed sentient beings shot at them, captured, seized by force their ships, seeking take advantage of alien technology, then they committed a crime against all of humanity. Rescued alien Robert’s story was especially incredible Morning about the meeting of his grandfather with an alien from space. Dying grandfather bequeathed to tell someone his story about it unique case. It happened in August 1947, a month later after the accident at Roswell. Robert’s grandfather, then still young, together with his friends noticed a luminous ball, which, in their opinion, fell nearby. They decided to find him, and managed to the place of the accident spaceship before soldier. They found a ship a wounded alien and decided to take it with them. “Star elder “(as the alien Indians called) sometimes came to consciousness and suggested how to treat it, and after a few months fully recovered. The alien turned out to have a small the green crystal with which he projected onto a large light stone various images telling about it civilization. “Star Elder” reported that between various space civilizations, alas, there are wars (think about the long the assumption that space can go out into space only highly humanized civilizations …), and those gods and devils about whom it is said in earthly traditions and legends that were actually aliens from the stars. They created us as slaves ?! Most striking information from his story turned out to be the story of our of humanity. It turns out that we did not arise naturally, we specially created (many have already put forward such a hypothesis researchers) to serve creatures from outer space, created slaves for the cosmic “gods”, and we suddenly sharply wiser and broke out of the experiment … Unfortunately, “Star elder “did not say whether they are going to take our hands again or already left alone and just watching our development. IN the alien world had no place for religion, but life expectancy was truly an astronomical period of several thousand years the humanoid was still considered young … But the human body was created so that it quickly becomes old and decays, although we we can reach the age of 200-300 years with proper nutrition and favorable conditions. Why haven’t we been created more long-living? Think for yourself, because a too long-lived slave has much more likely to become too smart and get out of hand, and this, it seems, was completely out of the plans of space experimenters. Believe or not believe Robert’s story Morning? It may not be necessary to believe unconditionally, but think over this information as it should – worth it. For example, in the light of this story, the unceremoniousness with which aliens belong to abducted earthlings: experiment continues, gentlemen! We do not stand on ceremony with experimental marine pigs, rabbits, dogs and monkeys …


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