Humanoids in the Moscow Region

Photo from open sources

Often you have to read messages about people who joined contact with alien aliens. But for the most part it going somewhere abroad. Meanwhile, such meetings, if believe ufologists, even occurred in the suburbs, and eyewitnesses there were a fairly large number of people. But why then so little is known about this? In the area of ​​Istra there is a village New Jerusalem. They say that in 1990 there near a private house a UFO landed, from where two creatures dressed in spacesuits came out. They are talked with six residents of the village – five adults and a boy 12 years. The humanoids announced that they had arrived from the constellation Gemini, to take samples of earthly plants and fruits … Subsequently, others residents began to talk about meetings with aliens. According to locals, unidentified flying objects in New Jerusalem come in many different forms: for example, in the form of discs, saucers or mushrooms. As for the aliens, their growth is about one and a half meters, they are athletic physique and are dressed in tight body-tight suits without fasteners – in general, classic “green men” … Their appearance is often accompanied by unpleasant high-pitched sounds … Of course, to believe in such a pretty difficult. But when biolocation experts examined the soil on alleged landing sites of “alien ships” turned out to be that there is increased activity. That is, there is some kind of radiation. The radius of such actively emitting zones is 4-5 meters, while the radiation flows are concentric circles. In addition, ufologists found that in the soil in the field Landing virtually no microorganisms. But when researchers placed capsules with microbes and sprouts in these zones plants placed in glass tubes, nothing with them occurred and their development was no different from development control group. Maybe the aliens just took samples living organisms with you using their advanced technology? IN Surroundings of Protasovo, Ogudnevo and Dushonovo villages on the river bank The little girl watched UFO landings many times. In 1990 here an unidentified flying object landed on four pillars, and a humanoid emerged from there, whom the inhabitants of Protasov saw. When the object flew away, a trace of towers with an area of ​​253 remained on the ground square meters. Surroundings of the village Chapel in the Pavlovsky district Posad is called the “place of power.” The epicenter of abnormal activity is a ruined chapel two kilometers from the outskirts of the village, which, obviously, gave the name of the village. According to experts, the chapel was erected on the site of an ancient Slavic temple. Trunks trees in the forest here are curiously curved, the grass grows in circles. They say that a UFO once landed here. Have since begun anomalies. Luminous crosses and balls are often seen in the sky above the village. and objects consisting of three stars. When examining the area members of the space search expedition observed near the destroyed mysterious lights in the chapel, saw how someone is separated from the trees ethereal shadows, and also heard voices and howls, going as if from nowhere. Here’s one local resident’s story: “It was evening, it was already dark. I stood near the house. And suddenly over the forest (towards to the village of Semenovo) something started to make noise and a glow appeared greenish color. At first I thought it was a helicopter. Called neighbors who also observed a strange phenomenon. And here from the forest an object appeared. It was triangular, from every corner ray. These rays intersected and formed a strange unearthly glow surrounding an object. The phenomenon lasted about five minutes. Then the triangle turned sharply, flew to the side village Alferovo and there over the forest disappeared. This happened in the fall, in 11 o’clock in the evening, there was cloudy weather. “Locals dissuade from walking around the destroyed chapel. They are claim that staying there could adversely affect human health and even prove life-threatening … Why people who meet with “plates” and humanoids do not give interviews right and left and do not participate in television shows, unlike western contactees? Alas, the Russians have a different mentality. Tell that met aliens near the cottage – they can count a strange man, or even a psychiatrist will be advised to go … Therefore, they do not read their adventures too readily, and then only overly annoying journalists and researchers, with a mandatory request not to indicate first and last names. That’s it is believed that “we don’t have a UFO” … Margarita Troitsyna


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