Hundreds of people floating in the sky Africans

Hundreds of Africans have seen a city floating in the skyPhoto from open sources

Dudali villagers (Nigeria) witness an amazing phenomenon – a huge city was floating in the sky. He looked like on some kind of cloudy object emitting bright light. It was you can see how buildings stood in that city, cars moved along the roads, trees grew, and even a noise was heard, like the buzzing factory floor.

This is what local resident Said told local journalists Interfere. He also said that the city was floating relatively low, not higher the tallest trees, and at first there was a flash of bright light, then the heavens seemed to have fallen to the earth, and just then it became visible this ghostly city.

This story could be taken for the imagination of a local resident or for hallucinating his sick imagination finally to assume that this is just a mirage. But, on the one hand, this is not desert, and mirages have never been here, but on the other hand – not only Said saw the floating fantastic city, but hundreds Africans. For example, the ten-year-old Ibrahim even talked about interesting details about the ghost town. Turns out when he touched the tops of the trees, then they did not suffer from this, although buildings and cars in the city did not seem airy, they were pretty dense – almost real at first glance.

We can only assume that this is another duck of the local press, since this also happens. For example, here and there in the world there is information about the centenarians who have exceeded one hundred eighty and even two hundred years, but in fact, it turns out that French record of Jeanne Kalman at 122, so far no one has beat. However, the ghost town does not appear for the first time, it was observed and in other countries of our planet.

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