In a New York school, the ban fell Christmas

New York School has Christmas bannedPhoto from open sources

In the New York area of ​​Brooklyn, the leadership of one of the local schools forbade students and teachers to mention Christmas, angels, Christmas trees and stars, as well as Santa Claus himself.

According to the director of the educational institution, a winter holiday and all its attributes are pronounced religious in nature, and openly demonstrate their worldview in a multicultural society unacceptable. This is written by journalists of the famous publication “New York Post “.

About one thousand six hundred children are studying at the school, and ninety-five percent of them are Hispanic, Muslim, and asians. From now on, Christmas and New Year will be called winter holidays, and Thanksgiving – the harvest festival. With the students publicly mentioning Christmas attributes at school educational work is carried out up to the abandonment of children after lessons in the form of punishment. Obviously, dressing up classes for the holiday, as is customary not only in the USA but also in all other countries with a large number of Christians, students will no longer be either.

Mimi Ferrer – Brooklyn Association of Secondary Teachers schools – reported that this is a very right decision. According to an official in an institution where many Latins are studying America and Asia, mentioning Santa Claus or Christmas is not permissible since they are directly related to religion, and religion as known is a very sensitive topic. “We must show sensitivity to family diversity, since not everyone of the students celebrates Christmas, “Ferrer told reporters.

Many American conservative officials have called such initiative by complete idiocy. According to them, the real tolerance should be manifested in providing people from other cultures of the same rights as the locals, but certainly not in the ban on any freedoms of American citizens, even if for now small ones.

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