A photo from open sources Some time ago in Mexico was observed the fall of a large fireball, which many experts recognized as a meteorite. The alleged celestial body collapsed on local peninsula Yucatan. Search group sent to location falls, discovered mysterious charred remains. Such a find gave many experts the basis to hypothesize that this is still was not a meteorite, but an unidentified manned flying an object.
A flaming ball flew from the sky, sown among the inhabitants peninsula real panic. Weird emitting ufo a greenish-blue glow, crashed into the ground and went out. Notably that the event happened in September 2013, that is, exactly two years ago however mexican ufologists just got an opportunity to tell the world about the “meteorite” and discovered at the place of his fall body.
A photo from open sources
The incident was investigated by local authorities, who subsequently and stated that it was an ordinary meteorite, accidentally flying into Earth’s atmosphere, and that no one was hurt during its fall. By nevertheless, the famous ufologist Scott Waring has an official the conclusion of Mexican officials is not credible. Specialist I’m sure that the authorities do not intend to voice real information, as she will raise around the fall of an unidentified flying the facility an unheard of hype.
Waring crashes in Mexico an intergalactic ship belonging to a certain alien race. Perhaps there was an alien inside in a special spacesuit, the body which was found, however, it seems to the ufologist that the representative highly developed extraterrestrial civilization would hardly have committed such a a mistake. “It is possible that these are the remains of a biorobot created aliens. The robot was engaged in Earth exploration and maintenance of his ship, however, something went wrong, and the spaceship crashed in Mexico, “says Scott.
A photo from open sources
The stories of Yucatan residents only confirm the version of the crash flying saucer. According to eyewitnesses, the found fragments resemble not meteorite fragments, but technical man-made details. You can even suggest that extraterrestrial fell into the hands of ordinary villagers technologies whose value for earthlings cannot be overestimated. TO unfortunately, numerous skeptics who were found among the world academics, and among the regular patrons of the World Wide Web, not share such a theory. They are in agreement with the opinion of the Mexican authorities and believe that it was a meteorite that fell into the atmosphere of the Earth. That’s just not skeptics rule the world and they do not make sensational discoveries…
Time mexico scott waring