In the Middle Ages, aliens contacted the inhabitants of the earth

In the Middle Ages, aliens contacted the inhabitants of the EarthA photo from open sources

Declassified by the Mexican government some artifacts, found in the last century, prove that space aliens visited our planet in ancient times. Many of the stone objects of that distant era reflect planets, apparently, those from aliens arrived, their spacecraft and even themselves aliens.

A photo from open sources

For almost half a century, Mexicans of the province of Jalisco collected all these fantastic items belonging to a distant the past, in order to create your own original museum. In total they were found more than four hundred different stone products on which there are drawings of alien content.

For example, one of these items depicts an alien and his an aircraft hovering over it. On the other you can consider planet Saturn and UFO, which as it explains: this unit aliens flew from this planet of our solar system. And such there are so many products with mysterious drawings that on them you can study the history of the colonization of our planet by space guests.

A photo from open sources

Recall that in the territory of modern Mexico in the region Mesoamerica in the Middle Ages (12-16 centuries) there was the greatest Aztec empire – Mesic. Creating a high culture, they portrayed on various stone and ceramic products what worried them or what was commonplace in their daily lives. therefore numerous images of aliens and their ships, planets, where did these mysterious guests come from, testifies that this ancient civilization did not just observe UFOs, as we are today, but also had close contact with the aliens.

A photo from open sources

All this proves that the aliens were not afraid to join contact with earthlings in that period of the history of our civilization. Why But today they are in every possible way avoiding such contacts with people? how Some ufologists consider, the reason for this may be too the great aggression characteristic of modern society, the desire military and government by any means get alien technologies to use them for their own selfish purposes and even for the mass destruction of the inhabitants of the Earth. Why aliens, judging by all try to protect earthlings with their aggression, even from all The universe.

Apparently, the ancient peoples of our planet were much more humane, less belligerent, and therefore more wise, although it is modern society that tries to present them as savages and barbarians. Wildness and barbarism brought to our planet as say some economists, researchers, commodity banking relations that sharply divided society into rich and poor, turning the latter into a bunch of crazy multi-billionaire rulers ready for money and power even destroy the earth.

A photo from open sources


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