A photo from open sources
The other day, late in the evening, residents of Masterton New Zealand were very surprised when a “fiery” ball appeared in the sky – or alien ship, or some kind of mysterious phenomenon. Some even thought about military intervention …
Ufologists, watching videos of eyewitnesses (and such turned out to be a lot), came to the conclusion that UFOs of fiery light (as if on in fact the object is on) is very similar to an alien ship. He moves through the sky slowly and completely silently.
Although local independent researchers are definitely no one made any conclusions, the residents of Masterton themselves are sure that they witnessed a real alien UFO origin. As ufologists specified, for the first time this object appeared around 6 pm, and then he was seen several times over the city. What was he doing in the sky over New Zealand and who was it in reality is still unclear.
UFO identification is compounded by nighttime and especially its “fiery”, which does not allow a normal view even ship outline. However, as the Taiwanese researcher says similar phenomena Scott Waring, such fireballs he had already observed more than once, but because almost one hundred percent sure – this is not an earthly apparatus, not a drone and not some kind of ultra-modern helicopter.
If you carefully enlarge and consider in detail this an object, adds Waring, it’s not like anything earthly known, which is iron and flies, and super-secret military vehicles no one will demonstrate or experience earthly origin over Masterton at night – this is completely absurd.
By the way, such UFOs appear in that place and at that time, the famous ufologist emphasizes, where none of the military will experience nothing. And then this absolutely silent flight – She also says a lot. I haven’t seen terrestrial devices, not making sounds, with the exception of miniature drones that are on high altitude is not actually audible. But here is clearly not miniature drone …
Whatever it was, but this is generally an ordinary case and completely poor-quality videos for some reason made on the web the internet is a little commotion. Apparently, fiery UFOs are still rarity. Although this is surprising: people began to perceive “flying saucers” are quite calm, and even such “burning” objects in the night sky they don’t terrify people, how could this happen, for example, twenty years ago …
Time Drones Scott Waring