This incredible material was published several years ago. popular science magazine “RATE” (USA). Many ufologists have accepted this hypothesis as true. Newspaper Rock in Utah is covered in amazing ancient drawings, including images of HEXAGON foot prints. Photos from open sources The American state of New Mexico is known first of all, because there was a disaster here in July 1947 alien spaceship. But never the world media mentioned subsequent, no less incredible events. Near midnight on August 13 of the same 1947, six Apache Indians lodged for the night in the southern desert region of New Mexico. At dinner, they jumped to their feet in fright: they were struck by a powerful hum, heard quite nearby. A flash flashed – and the earth beneath shuddered underfoot. Grabbing flashlights, the Indians rushed to the place explosion and soon a terrible picture appeared in their eyes: in a halo flashing lights on the ground lay a strange cylindrical apparatus one-third crashed into the ground, with a gaping hole in the hatch, cover which was lying nearby. “Obviously some kind of crashed the aircraft, and the pilot cannot get out, “- concluded the eldest of men, carefully sticking his head into the darkness of the hole. Inside a red-hot apparatus, they found something like a cabin pilot and little man in a white suit, with a big head and huge eyes that lay on the floor, at times shuddering and writhing, “one of the rescuers recalled. They pulled out insensible creature and carried to his camp. In the morning they did for him, a stretcher and a few hours later were already in his village, where the old people started nursing the alien with Indian means. Little by little, Star Brother, as he was called in the village, recovered and, with the help of purple in his special case crystals, told the Indians – transmitting images as on a screen – The absolutely incredible history of the Earth and humanity. By claims of the Indians, a small alien from outer space passed them such information: aliens appeared on Earth back in those distant times when it was a stone cooled outside lump, and then during the entire evolution of life on the planet brought into her own adjustments. For the future of humanity, these experiments appeared both Good and Evil. Details of the salvation of an alien and his revelations made with crystals, in 1976 one of those six Indians retold to his grandson Robert, and even showed burial place of the soon deceased Star Brother. Grandfather’s stories shocked Robert so much that he decided to devote his life to searching evidence of alien messages. Already at the age of 36 Robert having done a titanic work, set out the results in the book Terra. The Unknown History of the Earth. “It tells us that at the dawn the development of the most primitive forms of life on Earth was visited by a detachment cosmites, which arranged in their own way the beginning of evolution. Homo Sapiens has been breeding so that in his face the aliens had strong and mentally self-developing helpers, workers. Alien leader introduced his genetic information (DNA) in the genotype of the first human beings that are in ancient legends received the title “Children of the Gods.” In the last generations of people this ancestor of mankind used DNA representatives of another race – emotional and good-natured birdlike creatures. It was this genetic stream that gave people passion, sensitivity, the ability to independent judgments and independent actions. This alien also taught people multiply of their own free will, and still in the lullaby of the race of earthly people began its improvement. Further in the book of an Indian researcher it is said that in the early stages of human development appeared two of his branches – people obedient and peaceful, unconditionally subordinate to their creators, and mutant humans, aggressive and rebellious. Brother the creator of the human race expelled the insidious mutants into the desert, dooming to extinction. Millennia have passed. And the moment came when Another race of aliens began to control the earth – creatures in the form gray lizards. These creatures, genetically bred even more highly developed race living in an ultra-distant galaxy, and now secretly direct many aspects of human life: they consume the Earth’s natural resources, extract from human bodies genetic material for their experiments, use governments of several countries to ensure the secrecy of existence technologies and tools that are known to the people of the planet under a common the vague name of UFO (UFO). “They have their own base on the moon and they categorically warned governments dominant states – do not fly to the moon! “- writes Robert. Robert gives evidence to his conclusions. First of all he calls one of the unknown wonders of the world – the Baalbek terrace in Lebanon. To get to the temple of Baalbek during its heyday, you need was to climb the widest ladder in the world. On each of her 27 steps could be in a row of 100 people! Steps knee high a man, as if built for some giants. From the main the colonnades of the temple today survived six twenty meter columns, with a diameter of 2.5 m each. The weight of the column is 45 tons! To erect them, even using modern construction equipment, is a task extremely complicated. Who could carve these colossi out of stone and install them tens of thousands of years ago ?! The terrace itself is laid out blocks, the average size of which is 4.3 x 3.6 x 19 meters! With weight up to 750 tons! The fit of the blocks is amazing: the stones seem to be fused with each other friend. Even drops of water are not absorbed at the joints and slide way down! Further. Utah National Park has a number of phenomena testifying, according to Robert, of the aliens being there in time immemorial. The main of them, he considers the Arch of the Druids – the ruins of a gigantic structure, on which carved inscriptions in the form of indecipherable hieroglyphs. On the deep, symmetrical and surprisingly accurate cut through one of the rocks horizontal furrows. Talk about their natural origin impossible: judging by the polished walls, they could only be left alien laser!
A photo from open sources
In a dry stream, huge stone blocks with polished rectangular edges, like bars of oil, cut by the thinnest string. By the road leading to this reserve, Skala-Gazeta stands with dozens of prints stamped on it … six-toed feet! All traces lead to the silhouette located among also broken circles of different diameters of the vertical structure on three pillars. According to Robert, this relocation report super-ancient six-fingered inhabitants of the Earth to other galaxies. IN afterwords to his amazing book Robert emphasizes: “You you can either believe or not believe a single word of mine. true that’s all, or fiction – you decide. “” An interesting newspaper. Incredible “№17 2012
Galaxy DNA Life Stones Moon Evolution