Is it necessary to protect the stratosphere from alien aliens?

Is it necessary to protect the stratosphere from alien aliens?A photo from open sources

Shock (fortunately, no video): researchers from Sheffield University believe that they found traces of extraterrestrial life that came to our planet from space. Well, a good reason for the session xenobiology with indispensable subsequent exposure. You can exercise as much as you like in “wit” (supposedly, “British scientists found the remains of aliens in the stratosphere “), but the authors of this the works launched into the upper atmosphere an ordinary stratostat (IR), who took off 27 km from the earth and collected a number of particles there, including a fragment of a diatom shell. Statement of the extraterrestrial origin of the latter was made by those already arranged such demarches. So, at one time the authors of the study found traces of similar organisms in meteorites falling to Earth. And Nalin Chandra Wikramasingh – one of the authors of the idea of ​​panspermia – and made a career on similar conclusions, such as theories about extraterrestrial origin of “red rains” and “SARS”. Photos from open sources

Diatom shell, presumably from Nitzschia, found at an altitude of 25 km. According to the Sheffield, in these heights brought the comet. (Picture by N. Chandra Wickramasinghe et al.) Idea its group is simple: the shells of diatoms are heavier than air, which means that even if some kind of mechanism unknown to science would raise them to heaven, they would immediately fall from there. Here comes into force the famous binary opposition “I want to believe” is Occam’s razor. FROM on the one hand, come up with a mechanism that would allow diatoms algae (or their shells) soar in the stratosphere, it’s not so difficult how to agree with panspermia. On the other hand, such no one has yet proposed the Okkamov mechanism, emphasize Mr. Wikramasingh and his associates. In addition, diatoms, according today’s data, appeared about 185 million years ago, in the Cretaceous period. Which means they cannot be such an ancient group, to come from outer space as the ancestors of all earthly life. Then have they should have a relatively recent space the origin that makes the series – quite long – assumptions that DNA should be characteristic of earthly, and for extraterrestrial life. And that somewhere near us is planet with water oceans in which algae use the same chlorophyll, like our plants. The latter is particularly doubtful since even on Earth the chlorophyll of plants does not coincide with bacterial; some of them use the energy of the Sun even without chlorophyll. Well, outside our system, the spectrum of stars should cause the emergence of other key links of photosynthesis that with highly excludes diatoms ordinary terrestrial chlorophyll. Finally, it is these organisms responsible for the existence of such a breed as diatomite. By modern data, its weathering is one of the significant sources dust in the earth’s atmosphere. And with this dust accidentally underdeveloped the shell of diatoms is quite capable of getting into stratosphere, although it should be recognized that the shell itself is indeed not a very typical phenomenon at that height. Still hollow Bodele in Chad, believed to be the main source diatom dust, “exports” these particles even to Europe. To be perhaps part of this kind of dust can rise above the troposphere? Photos from open sources

Assumptions that complex creatures fall to us from outer space, which at the same time are ideal for life on Earth, implicitly postulate that all inhabited planets are alike to disgust. (Rindiny illustration.) So the question is this: what more likely – that our knowledge of particle transport from the troposphere to the stratosphere is wrong or what comets really bring to us no one knows where the shells of diatoms living, in general, in surface water bodies, which outside the Earth in our Solar are not too much? As island observers note, instead of answering Mr. Wickramasingh’s group pinned this question to the British science label “detection of alien life.” Add from ourselves: to Once again. Research report published in faulty Journal of Cosmology. Based on Sheffield University and The Guardian.

DNA Plant Life

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