Plants have a special energy, thanks to which good luck, prosperity or family happiness appears in the house. Therefore, many believe that giving a flower in a pot for a birthday is a good omen. In order for a person to get the most out of the presentation, follow some rules. This will help avoid the negative effect of omens.
Is it possible to give flowers in pots for a birthday in accordance with the sign?
A large number of signs are associated with potted plants. To prevent a birthday present from doing harm and only benefit the birthday person, follow a few simple rules. These include:
- The person to whom the gift was intended must pay a symbolic payment for it. It is best to put a penny in the giver's pocket.
- Flowers must be chosen according to the sign of the zodiac. Such a gift will bring extremely positive energy to the birthday person's house.
If you follow these simple rules, then the indoor flowers presented for your birthday will bring joy, good mood to the house and generally improve the atmosphere.
Is it possible to give flowers in pots: good and bad omens
There are signs, the interpretation of which has a negative meaning. Among them:
- It is impossible to give flowers in pots to a person who is sick. The roots of the flower urge it to 'grow into the ground'. But if the flower after donation begins to wither or dry, it means that it takes away the bad energy of the sick person.
- Another bad omen says that if a plant in a pot, which is presented to a person, begins to wither, then trouble will await the owner in life.
- When the soil in the donated pot is damp, the new owner will face health problems or major troubles in life. To prevent this, it is better to donate the plant with dry soil.
In some cases, donated houseplants act as a talisman for a person, which will protect and protect the owner in everything. Now the evil eye, damage and other negative influences will no longer be afraid.
What if you were presented with a flower in a pot?
Some people are wary of such a gift. To remove negative energy, follow 2 simple rules:
- Pay off the gift. After receiving the presentation, the donor should be given a penny for it. The plant will no longer be considered donated, but acquired.
- Remove negative energy from such a gift. Sprinkle it with holy water and read the prayer 'Our Father'.
If there are doubts that the negative has not gone anywhere, then the flower can simply be transferred to another person. But in this case, you need to understand that the new owner will receive the negative energy that was possible on him.
Each person decides for himself how to treat such a gift. If there are no compelling arguments against this present, then it is better to leave it in the house. With proper care, such a gift has a positive effect on the energy of a person and an apartment.