Is it possible to give a watch: the meaning of signs

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with giving a watch to your boss for an anniversary or to friends on your wedding day. After all, a respectable wrist watch for men or women from a jewelry store is a useful accessory, and wall walkers are an excellent element of the interior.

can I give a watch

But, on the one hand, a watch as a gift is an excellent presentation option for all occasions, and on the other, chronometers are literally shrouded in a train of beliefs and superstitions. There are a great many explanations why giving a watch is a bad omen, most of these interpretations came to us from the East. It is useful to study them so as not to upset the person being presented with your surprise.

Birthday present

According to one of the beliefs, the clock counts down the time that remains until the end of the days released on earth. Some birthday people perceive such a gift as a starting point for the remaining days.

Therefore, before giving a ticking piece of jewelry or wall-mounted timepiece to a birthday girl or birthday boy, carefully ask how they feel about this item.

Other cases:

  • Even if the hero of the occasion is not superstitious, but has a habit of being late, giving a watch for a birthday to such a person is a bad omen. A present with a hint will only spoil the mood of the birthday man, and will not help in any way in life.
  • Many contemporaries keep track of time using a regular smartphone. If your acquaintance has repeatedly spoken about the uselessness of watches, then the presented accessory will 'move' to another owner at the first opportunity.
  • A freedom-loving person will not be happy with the chronometer either. The hint of the need to live in a measured way, to follow the routine, at best, will cause ridicule. And at worst, friends who donated the watch will become simply acquaintances.

It is important to keep in mind that it is indecent to give a cheap Chinese thing on a birthday. When you have received the go-ahead for the purchase of watches from the hero of the occasion, choose high-quality expensive products. If the birthday person already has an expensive status wrist accessory, choose an electronic or hourglass that will fit into the interior of an apartment or summer cottage.

why you can't give a watch to your loved one

Should I give to friends

It is believed that the clock presented as a gift, as soon as it stops, starts the countdown until the moment of complete separation from the person who presented the accessory. If your friends are dear to you, look for another gift.

Unfortunately, some people have such a strong belief in omens that omens come true. There are many known cases of the termination of a strong friendship as a result of receiving a chronometer as a gift.

If you certainly want to present with a watch that was chosen with special care, try to neutralize the omen with oral explanations. For example, explain to your friend that you are not giving a watch, but a pendant, ring or bracelet, and demonstrate to your friend the many functions that your gift performs.

A wedding is a special occasion to please your friends with wall walkers that will remind you of happy moments for a long time.

But be sure to ask the bride and groom about their relationship to superstition. It is believed that watches for newlyweds are a symbol of squabbles and strife. With such a gift, the giver, as it were, wants the young spouses to rarely find a common language, are often apart, like the hour hands, which rarely 'look in one direction', more often 'run away' from one another.

While looking at showcases with beautiful accessories for a girl, the question becomes whether it is possible to give a watch to a loved one. What do the signs say about this? Less educated people are frightened by chronometers: after all, instruments measure time – a substance that cannot be touched or sensed in any way.

It is believed that a watch can not only measure time, but also control it, stop it. Thus, the gift will be fatal for the dear person. But there are other explanations as well.

is it possible to give a watch as a gift

Why you can't give a watch to your loved one

Beliefs categorically forbid giving a chronometer to a beloved man or girl (ban for guys). Such a gift will necessarily end in parting. Moreover, there are two opinions on this matter:

  • Separation is inevitable, even if the watch never stops.
  • The pair will fall apart as soon as the mechanism stops working.

But there are refutations for all superstitions. For example, there is a known case when a girl presented a watch to a young man with whom she had never quarreled. After that, the couple began to disagree, scandals, squabbles. But strong feelings are not subject to evil spirits – after a while the hands of the watch fell off, and love flared up with renewed vigor.

Why you can't give a watch to a man or a young man

It is believed that giving your husband a watch is a bad omen:

  • Indeed, because of the sharp hands, chronometers fall into the category of prohibited items. It is not customary to give knives, scissors, needles and the like, because according to beliefs, an unclean force clings to these objects at the time of the presentation to the addressee.
  • According to another version, the notorious arrows can cut your joint happiness into small pieces.

Every man dreams of a command watch or a sporty wrist accessory. Such things perfectly emphasize masculinity and high status of their owner. It was never forbidden to present men with command watches as a reward. In accordance with this tradition, you can give a watch to your spouse. You just need to choose a high-quality expensive product.

Buy a men's watch with a square or rectangular dial, because the rounded female shape of an important accessory will make a man overly sentimental, weak-willed, contribute to business failure and loss of money.

why giving a watch is a bad omen

Watch as a gift to a woman or girl

Thinking about which watch to give your beloved girl, do not forget to ask how she will react to such a surprise. If your passion is not superstitious, feel free to buy a beautiful wristwatch or an original item for home decoration.

When choosing a wrist accessory, keep in mind that the dial must be of a rounded shape (a regular circle or oval) – this shape is in harmony with the female energy, makes the girl affectionate and happy.

But suspicious representatives of the beautiful half of humanity tend to study beliefs and strictly follow them. Such a young lady may decide that you want to get rid of her. The gift will be perceived as a veiled way to communicate a breakup – which is why you cannot give a watch to a girlfriend or wife.

what do they give a watch for

Why do older people dislike accepting watches as gifts?

It is difficult to please the elderly or seriously ill people with a gift such as a chronometer. When a person tries to fill every minute he lives with meaning, any time meter will be inappropriate.

This object ruthlessly counts down the seconds, makes you think about the approaching end of life. Heavy thoughts can badly affect the well-being of the recipient of such a presentation – that is why you cannot give a wristwatch to parents or old friends.

If the good attitude of the person you are giving the gift is dear to you, look for another way of showing attention. It is not for nothing that signs and superstitions prohibit donating a chronometer, which can serve as a symbol of passing time.

One of the negative signs on the topic of whether it is possible to give a watch came from China. The hieroglyph of the word 'death' resembles the hieroglyph of the word 'clock', so in the East, giving a person a chronometer is the same as wishing him a quick death.

For this reason, it is worth refraining from such a dubious attempt to please an elderly person. Indeed, in this period of life, people begin to attach greater importance to all beliefs.

why don't they give a watch as a gift

Who can you give a watch to?

When you figure out why you can't give, you can look for exceptions to the rule. For example, you can donate a chronometer to a non-superstitious person.

It matters who and what to give the watch to:

  • If, when presenting the present, you wish the gifted happiness and health, such a thing will not harm its new owner, it will give positive energy, which it is charged with.
  • For a business partner, such a present symbolizes commitment and punctuality, is a guarantee of long-term fruitful cooperation – it is considered good form among businessmen to give each other such accessories.
  • A stylish thing presented to a son or daughter will come in handy – children often dream of a wrist or table clock that will make kids more mature. A useful gift will bring pleasure to the child, will cause only positive emotions. And modern ones with a navigator will help parents control their beloved child from a distance.
  • The newlyweds will be delighted with a pair of wristwatches – the products differ only in size, color and minor details, and the style and price of accessories are the same.
  • Chronometer collectors will appreciate the workmanship and unusual design, and will take an interest in the history of origin.

Even the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a boyfriend or husband from a wife to express love, there will be a positive answer for non-superstitious people.

What if you were presented with a watch?

If you passionately believe in omens, and you were presented with a watch, you can refuse the presentation. But then an awkward situation will arise. If you like the accessory and want to take it, but you have doubts about the donor's benevolence, ask them to explain what message is put into the present.

And here's what you can do: buy off your troubles. To do this, give the donor a few coins. Some people feel that the more ransom they give, the better. But this is fundamentally wrong. Metal money is better to “delay the negative”, defuse the situation.

give a watch a sign

How to give a watch bypassing signs?

The resourceful Chinese, fans of sinister beliefs about chronometers, have figured out how to get around bad omens and avoid troubles. They released new modification time counters. Their products, in addition to a dial without numbers, include a compass, a navigator and others that are unusual for ordinary functions. You can safely give such a watch – it does not carry bad omens.

If you need to donate a classic watch, you can get around the sign with a ransom. Take a few coins as a present, then the watch will be considered bought, not donated. 'Unclean power' will pounce on shiny coins and leave the chronometer alone.

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