Is it possible to keep Kalanchoe at home – what will the signs say?

Plants in the house affect not only the mood of a person, but also the energy of the room as a whole. So, some indoor flowers can bring misfortune or give grace to the owner.


To understand what this or that green friend in a pot will bring, it is enough to study folk superstitions. For example, according to signs, the Kalanchoe can be both beneficial and harmful. It all depends on external factors and the person's attitude to the succulent.

Folk signs

A lot of facts about this plant have reached our days. To understand whether it is possible to keep a Kalanchoe at home, it is enough to pay attention to the recommendations of folk signs:

  1. A family that has already passed the test of time is advised to purchase a succulent plant. The plant will give the husband and wife a lost passion. Signs predict that they will again remember each other's attractiveness, forgetting about disagreements. This will strengthen the union and make the next life together richer and more enjoyable. The emerging mutual assistance will be useful in future conflicts, and trust and the absence of quarrels will positively affect the atmosphere in the family.
  2. According to the signs, if newlyweds live in the house, they should not buy a flower. He will negatively affect the relationship of lovers, setting partners against each other. The life of the spouses will be filled with petty conflicts, and tenderness and mutual understanding will leave the house. Tensions will last until the plant dies or is handed over to others. If this does not happen, the couple will break up.
  3. Kalanchoe in the house where the child was just born is a bad sign. Signs say that a baby born will not be able to quickly cope with assigned tasks. Each stage of development will be delayed, although there will be no physical or mental reasons for this behavior. The upbringing and education of the baby will be long and unsuccessful, and the parents' expectations will not be met.
  4. According to folk signs, if a flower appears in a family with grown-up preschoolers or schoolchildren, then the children will be successful in further learning and mastering the material. Boys and girls will be able to start their life the right way, having received the necessary education. They will be able to avoid mistakes by learning about the dangers from adults, which will greatly facilitate the growing up process.
  5. Kalanchoe will become a useful plant in a home where there are elderly people. The flower will positively affect the state of the owner. He will feel a surge of energy and a retreat of ailments. Despite the age, a person will be able to develop and improve his skills, learn something new and improve his life. This behavior will last as long as the Kalanchoe is indoors.
  6. As the signs say, the Kalanchoe will help those who are just entering adulthood. A person who moved from their parents should purchase this flower in order to avoid many difficulties. Also, thanks to the Kalanchoe, a person will be able to motivate himself for continuous work, ensuring long-term productivity.

Kalanchoe in the house

Warning signs

For a long time, people have noticed many signs that can warn of the negative impact of the Kalanchoe on the owner of the house and his relatives. Many of these signs and superstitions have survived to this day.

  1. The dying off of a significant number of the lower petals of a flower is a harbinger of a quarrel with loved ones. A person will not be able to maintain neutrality when talking about a topic of interest to him. Disagreements will lead to a protracted conflict, which can only be resolved through the intervention of outsiders in the lives of relatives.
  2. As the beliefs say, the drying up of all Kalanchoe flowers is a sign indicating withdrawal from the stormy life. A person will not be able to evenly distribute time between leisure and professional duties, which will have to sacrifice interests. Thanks to such actions, new opportunities will appear, the chance will increase to improve their financial position and status in society. However, relationships with friends will deteriorate significantly.
  3. According to the signs, if the Kalanchoe begins to rot, then the owner of the house will be betrayed. A close friend will step over a long-term friendship for his own benefit. Everything that previously connected friends will cease to be significant, and attempts to continue communication will not be accepted from either side.
  4. The death of the Kalanchoe for unknown reasons is a harbinger of a fateful meeting. A person will get to know someone who will have more opportunities. A trusting relationship with a new friend will lead to the exchange of important information. After that, the acquaintance will disappear, and after a while he will use the information received against the person himself.

Kalanchoe is a plant useful for humans. It is able to change the aura of a room, absorb negative energy and tune a person to the desired path. However, if the flower is mistreated, you can call yourself trouble.

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