Thuja is an evergreen perennial with which a large number of signs are associated. The plant is a symbol of firmness, resilience, longevity, immortality, fond memory, therefore in European countries it can often be seen planted near graves.
The word 'tuya' is Latin, it means 'sacrifice', it is a tree of sacrifices. The Slavs have an ambiguous attitude towards the plant, but rather negative, as a symbol of the change of life and death.
Folk signs
Tuyu is considered to be a cemetery culture associated with grief, bright memories of a departed person. According to legend, the pyramidal tree is loved by the dead, creates an atmosphere of peace. Therefore, residents of European countries plant greenery on the territory of cemeteries.
Positive signs associated with thuja grown in the house:
- Thuja reliably protects a person from negative energy if it is planted at home: a sign indicates that enemies will not be able to damage or act with the evil eye.
- A specific woody aroma drives away ill-wishers who have come to visit.
- The plant is a guardian of family happiness. Envious people cannot destroy a relationship. Family members will quickly reveal intrigues and insidious plans, and forever sever communication with ill-wishers.
- According to the beliefs of Asian and Indian peoples, thuja expels evil spirits from the dwelling (feng shui specialists perform a ceremony of exorcising spirits using branches).
There are many positive signs, but even more negative ones. The fact that it is used for cemetery design played a cruel joke on the beautiful ornamental plant. According to signs and beliefs:
- Decorative conifers (thuja and cypress) symbolize the coming of death and sorrow.
- The type of plant with a pyramidal crown creates an atmosphere of sadness and peace.
- Do not keep decorative needles in living quarters (bedroom, living room). A heavy and depressing energy is formed in the house.
Many negative signs are associated with planting a thuja in a personal plot.
Is it possible to plant thuja on the site?
You should not plant thuja on the site, although its decorative qualities are high. For many decades, the plant has been considered a cemetery, and its influence on the surrounding space is negative. However, many skeptical people ignore the frightening omens, planting coniferous crops near private houses and office buildings.
The negative signs associated with the thuja growing near the dwelling are as follows:
- Growing a tree near your own house portends the sudden death of one of the residents. A family member will go to another world due to a serious, timely untreated illness or accident. And you should know that thuja, which stretches above the roof of the dwelling, attracts mortal danger. As long as such a tree exists, young and old tenants will die in the house one after another for various reasons. Therefore, many people who want to plant a coniferous culture on their site choose undersized varieties that do not grow above the roof of a private house.
- Thuja planted under the window is a harbinger of minor and serious troubles. The happiness of the family living in the house will be overshadowed by a sad event. Family conflicts will become constant, because of this, every household will be unhappy.
- Thuja has a particularly negative effect on girls and unmarried girls living in the house. The plant not only portends a lot of troubles for the fair sex, but also deprives her of the opportunity to get married. The girl will make the wrong life choice and will remain lonely forever.
- Thuja growing near the house can attract thieves. All values accumulated over many years will be taken out of the house. As a result, the owners will not only face material difficulties, but also be mentally traumatized. It is highly likely that the owner of the house, having entered into a fight with intruders, will be seriously injured.
Signs and superstitions associated with thuja in a house or on a plot have a predominantly negative color due to the fact that a decorative tree has long been planted near graves.
But the negative influence is only if the thuja is constantly in contact with the person.
Esotericists believe that you can safely grow a tree in a summer cottage, where the owner is rare, several days a year.
There are people on whom the needles do not have a negative effect. This can be understood by how you feel when you are near a plant, by the prevailing life circumstances. If everything is in order, then let the thuja grow, you do not need to cut it down.