A photo from open sources
Revelations of John the Theologian, the last to enter the New Testament, written in the second half of the 1st century AD, by according to some assumptions, about 70 years, according to others – after the 95th. Apocalypse is not a name, but a genre designation. Works on doomsday – about the Day of Judgment, or the Lord’s Day – at different times there was apparently invisible, because what faith without the thought of ultimate retribution and ultimate justice. Since so only the companion of Christ could convincingly write, the version won, that the author of the book was John the Theologian, whose fourth gospel considered the most stringent, but almost the most accurate. Generally, we only know that the vision of John was on Patmos. On this the island was exiled by criminals, mostly dissenters. Who author of the Apocalypse? At the end of the last century was expressed a striking thought: in Revelation, seven descriptions – from different points of view – of the same event. it a clear and harmonious construction does not confirm the version that that everything in the Apocalypse is only a sick fanatic’s imagination. The event in question and the main signs of which seven times listed, – growing discord between people, deadly diseases, the appearance of false prophets, the decline of morals, the reign of a new, unprecedentedly brutal dictatorship and soon time is the last battle between the forces of light and darkness. The battle is happen in the Armageddon Valley. Ultimately, the Apocalypse – the story of the struggle and victory, and the consequence of this victory will be salvation of 144 thousand faithful. The number “144,000” does not mean the exact number of the righteous, and some absolute perfection, twelve squared (12 is the perfect number among the Jews). Many argue about whether all the inhabitants of the earth will be saved if there will be a Last Judgment and all souls will be resurrected; will all myriads of risen after the Judgment be taken to heavenly jerusalem. Apocalypse does not answer this question, since salvation depends on everyone. All this is difficult for perception, – because, firstly, the author follows the traditions of the genre and uses a lot of stable metaphors, and secondly, it is not all could understand from what he saw. Naturally describe events future centuries he has in terms of the first century, and then, by Strugatsky’s fair assumption, a vertical fighter takeoff can easily be mistaken for a very large locust. But the most the description of the Beast presents great difficulties for interpretation, which clearly symbolizes some major anti-Christian power. When the Antichrist appears, his number, if desired, can be unravel. It will also be easy to recognize by dictatorship: everyone will be invited to worship him as a god, and wear him images on the right hand and on the forehead. Nero is a persecutor Christians In a Roman manuscript from about the third century contains the idea that the number of Christ is 888, for the seven is the number perfect, sacred in all world religions, and seven plus one is a sign of supreme perfection. Accordingly, seven minus one – a sign of something directly opposite, hostile to Christ. From here and 666, but such a simple explanation, of course, did not suit anyone. All rushed to substitute the Antichrist, deciphering their names by numbers and letters – and there were enough candidates. Antichrist visited: Luther, Nikon, generally all church reformers, Napoleon, Leo Tolstoy, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and several popes, whom Seventh-day Adventists especially did not like. One of the first the interpreters, Irenaeus of Leon, decided that the number 666 stands for the word “Eunfas” E – 5, U – 400 and so on. All agreed, but when Irenaeus was asked what “Eunfas” was, he could not answer is not intelligible. He himself did not know this. Some decoding “Lateinos” has more soil beneath it (L – 30, A – 1 etc.). It can mean like the Roman Empire, then in full persecuted Christians and the institution of the papacy, which gives some particularly zealous interpreters reason to say that the Catholic the church is far from Christianity immensely and perverts his ideas. The most convincing version dates back to ancient times and directly points to Nero. The world did not know another such persecutor of Christians. And the matter is not only that the name Neron in Latin transcription gives 666 (50 + 6 + 500 + 60 + 50): correctly, it was called Nero, which in total 616, And in the oldest lists of the Apocalypse the number of the Beast is sometimes precisely 616. But if the words “Caesar Nero” are written in Hebrew, then there will be 666, – the coincidences are too numerous to be could be ignored. Photo from open sources Not just profligacy or villainy, but some kind of metaphysical challenge is seen in what he created. Set fire to Rome, then to rebuild it and thereby become famous. He experimented with boys, wives of relatives, slaves. Neither young men and women were not immune from his lust. He was terrible homosexual and even married once on a boy. But also there was some kind of challenge – not just married, but in all rites, yes also went with him on a honeymoon. Tried several times kill the mother that fortunetellers predicted to her in her youth, yes she didn’t believed. Committed suicide after the Senate found the courage to oust him from power. When stabbing, he repeated: “Oh heaven, what an actor dies!” Some really were in all this provocation, almost violence against oneself, scolding own human nature: here, I will be a world evil – and I’ll see what you do. And therefore, after his suicide, which all Christians took with great and understandable joy, arose legend that he will rise again. In a way, he was resurrected repeatedly, because a number of Nero features were observed in every major tyrant in world history. Antichrist – perverse Hitler repeated evil in many ways – until painful penchant for the arts, before the aestheticization of violence – and the Antichrist the label with him was also the most literal, burned in his arms prisoners camp numbers … This is perhaps the most convincing the argument that Hitler is the Antichrist. But under Stalin in endless prison lines in their hands also wrote numbers (the tragedy is repeated like a farce; under Brezhnev, numbers were written in queues for any shortage). Hitler unleashed a world warrior Stalin claimed to create a new world order – both are good. Antichrist – conscious evil, striving for death, evil beyond, defiant, mocking. It was true, however, an attempt to distract from all kinds of personalities and decrypt 666 as “primordial chaos”, for the Beast emerges from the abyss, and in the abyss chaos and there is. In Greek, “chaos” just gives the desired sixes. it good already that distracts the good Christian from cheap sensationalism and directs his thoughts to good. There is another version: 666 – a number that easily turns into 999. Simple flipping makes sense. There is a hint of this permissiveness, relativity of all truths. If everyone relatively, then everything is possible. Changeling Numbers and Changeling People loss of criteria, rapid repainting – this is what, obviously, the main sign of the Antichrist, and in this sense, talk about beauty and the attractiveness of evil, about the freshness and mediocrity of good, so stormy held at the beginning of the XX century and flared up at its end, do not promise nothing good. No wonder Vladimir Solovyov before his death, in 1990 year, wrote “The Tale of the Antichrist.” Number 666 – Product 37 at 18, and the number 37 is sacred in many beliefs. Most great poets are dying at this turn. Finally, the sum of the digits on the roulette wheel – from 1 to 36 – is 666, and who invented this roulette, no one knows. There was not, was not – and suddenly appeared. Right was one of the wisest scholars of Christianity when asked about deadlines answered in amazement: what are you talking about? It’s been a long time started! Nuclear disaster … environmental disasters … rise in price of goods 666 times! The end of the world is always ALREADY. But hope is always MORE. “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism” No. 2013 year
Time End of the World Stalin