The Grace of God the Monk Ilya of Muromets, lived in the XII century and He died a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra around 1188. Memory by to the church calendar – December 19 Art. / January 1 Art. Photos from open sources Reliable information about the life of this very little has survived to this day. He came from simple peasant family. In childhood and adolescence suffered from paralysis, however, he was miraculously healed. Before tonsure was in princely squad and became famous for military exploits and unprecedented by force. Resting in the Anthony Caves relics of St. Elijah show that for his time he really possessed quite impressive size and was a cut above the average person growth. He is the protagonist of not only our epics, but also Germanic epic poems of the 13th century, based on earlier legends. In them he is represented by a mighty knight, of a princely kind Ilya Russian. The relics of the saint no less vividly testify to a bright military biography – except for a deep roundish wound on the left the arm shows the same significant damage in the left chest area. It seems that the hero covered his chest with his hand, and with a blow spears she was nailed to her heart. After a completely successful military career and apparently due to a severe injury, Elijah accepts the decision to end his days as a monk and is tonsured in Feodosiev monastery, now Kiev Pechersk Lavra. It should be noted that this a completely traditional step for an Orthodox warrior is to change his sword iron on a spiritual sword and spend days in battle not earthly good, but for the heavenly. Pr Elijah is not the first or last warrior, done so. Of our compatriots it is possible in this regard remember the great commander Alexander Nevsky, as well professional warriors of Peresvet and Oslyabyu undergoing obedience under the direction of St. Sergius of Radonezh and heroically perished on Kulikovo field. The lack of life in the Kiev-Pechersk Paterikon St. Elijah indirectly testifies that in monastic feats the holy warrior managed to spend not so much time. It gives reason suggest that Ilya Muromets was tonsured for a while Mother Superior Polycarp of Kiev Pechersk (1164-1182), and under the beginning of the same great ascetic and spiritual the growth of the new warrior of Christ. It is known that Rev. Polycarp enjoyed great respect from the Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavovich. In Great Lent, the prince used to each Sunday to invite reverend hegumen with twelve brethren of Theodosius monastery for soulful conversations. Quite it is possible that one of the participants in these conversations was the former glorious warrior Or me. In the XIX century, some researchers put under doubt the possibility of identifying prep. Elijah Pechersky with eponymous epic hero. However, it is certain that for our Orthodox ancestors it was one person. For example, pilgrim XVIII century (Leontius) in his notes says: “Videkh brave warrior Elijah of Murom, imperishable under a golden cover; like the current large people; his left arm is pierced with a spear, the ulcer is all to know; a the right one is depicted with the sign of the cross. “In Soviet times, there were great efforts were made to dechristianize the image of St. Elijah Muromets with the goal of turning it into “the embodiment of the national ideal hero warrior. “For example, the famous purge underwent a characteristic episode of the epic when “Kaliki” come to the immovable Ilya Muromets passers-by, “which ultimately heal Elijah. Who are they – in all Soviet editions omitted. In the pre-revolutionary edition of the epic “Kaliki” is Christ with two apostles. In 1988 The Interdepartmental Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR conducted an examination of the relics St. Ilya of Muromets. To obtain objective data The most modern technique and ultra-precise Japanese equipment. The research results are amazing. Defined age – 40-55 years, identified spinal defects that allow talk about the transfer of paralysis of limbs by our hero in his youth (strictly in accordance with life); found to be the cause of death became an extensive wound in the region of the heart. Unfortunately dating death It was established very approximately – XI-XII centuries. Interesting one the fact that Elijah rests in a prayer position, folding fingers of the right hand, as is customary now in the Orthodox Church – the first three fingers together, and the last two bent to the palm of your hand. IN the period of the struggle against the Old Believer schism (XVII-XIX centuries) this fact served as strong evidence in favor of ternary addition. Ilya Muromets was officially canonized in 1643, including sixty-nine saints of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Russian the army considers the holy hero to be its patron. In 1998 on the territory of one of the military units in the suburbs was erected and a wonderful church was consecrated in the name of St. Ilya of Muromets. In our time the epic image of Elijah Muromets still attracts attention, including among non-church people. I want to believe, that at the same time, the character of the invincible warrior will not dissolve the living face of a man who sincerely dedicated his whole life and everything their exploits for the glory of God. I would like to learn from prep. Elijah amazing sobriety and judgment, through which we could, like him, being great and capable in earthly affairs, not forget about the kingdom of heaven.