February 22, 1803 several Japanese fishermen from the province Hitati discovered a “ship” drifting very near the shore strange shape. Out of curiosity, they decided to examine him, pulled out ashore and climbed aboard. Photos from open sources The dimensions of the mysterious vessel were approximately 330 cm high and 540 cm wide and reminded fishermen Kohako fishermen (Japanese censer). The upper part was made of rosewood-like material covered in red varnish, and the lower part is covered with copper plates, apparently for protection against sharp pitfalls. At the top of the ship was a few windows made of glass or some kind of crystals, which were coated with something like wood tar. Meanwhile the windows were transparent enough for fishermen to peek inside. The inner part of Utsuro-bune (as the fishermen called the mysterious the ship) was decorated with inscriptions in an unfamiliar language.
Photos from open sources Then the fishermen entered the cabin and found there are two sheets, a bottle of water (about 3.6 liters), several cupcakes and meat paste. And then the fishermen saw the mistress of the ship – a beautiful girl of about 18 or 20 years old. The girl had red hair and eyebrows, and her hair was artificially lengthened with some white threads. Her clothes were long, made of very beautiful material, which fishermen had never seen before.
Photo from open sources. The girl smiled warmly and tried say something, but the language was unfamiliar, so find out nothing managed. In addition, the girl kept pushing a small a drawer that nobody allowed to touch. Finally, the fishermen sent the stranger back to the sea and went about their affairs.