A photo from open sources
These days – the last week before Easter – Orthodox especially reverently respect the commandments of Christianity and remember the saint feat of Jesus Christ, accepted as a sign of human redemption sins martyrdom on the cross. But it turns out Jesus revered not only by Christians, but also in Islam he occupies a worthy a place. True, here he is considered the greatest prophet, the messiah, but not a son of God.
Jesus, the son of Virgin Mary, was not God’s son and therefore did not atone human sins. He healed the sick, raised the dead, returned blind sight. As a baby, he could talk whole sentences. It was then that Jesus declared the virgin Mary his mother that God made him a prophet and endowed with knowledge of the Holy the scriptures. He is not omnipotent and eternal. He is the Messiah, he is Muslim.
So says the Qur’an, in the 93rd verses of which Jesus is mentioned. More often only Muhammad is mentioned. The biography of Jesus, which the Qur’an gives coincides with the texts of the Gospels more than it is commonly believed among Muslims and Christians.
Faith in Jesus is a necessary requirement in Islam. Not believing in he cannot be a Muslim. As the hadiths of Muhammad say, Jesus was taken to heaven. At the end of time he will return in the east Damascus city, accompanied by two angels. Antichrist at the sight of him dissolve, like salt in the sea. Forty years old Jesus will rule our world.
And with all this, Muslims do not believe that Jesus was crucified on the cross. In the Qur’an it sounds literally like this: “… he was not crucified.” Experts interpret this statement differently. Some They believe that someone was actually crucified, but not Jesus, but maybe even Judas. In any case, God changed the face of this man, making him look like the face of Jesus, Jesus himself was saved. As an option of this version there is an opinion that the Almighty changed his vision those present at the execution of people so that they think that before them is Jesus. Others believe that Jesus was indeed crucified, but somehow he survived. Someone even claims that no there was no crucifix.
Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet and at the same time mortal by a person like, say, Abraham or Muhammad. In the Qur’an there is a mention of 25 prophets, and we know almost all of them thanks to the Bible: from Adam and Noah to John the Baptist. All these people were messengers of God, and the most famous of them was Jesus Christ.
A photo from open sources