Judging by UFOs, aliens control our entire Solar system

Judging by UFOs, aliens control our entire solar system.A photo from open sources

Unidentified Flying Objects and Explicit Alien Ships origin notice and film not only on Earth, but also in space. And this more and more convinces thinking people that aliens interested not only in our planet, but also in general our solar system.

Suffice it to recall the double of the Earth, which is hiding from us beyond the sun. Orthodox scholars pretend that she simply doesn’t exists, however, ufologists believe that there is such a twin of the Earth, and it is still unknown what role the aliens play on that planet.

Winged UFO on Comet 67P �

Comet 67P, which journalists often call a comet Churyumova-Gerasimenko, became the first such space object, on which earthlings (specifically ESA) put a research module from the Rosetta apparatus. This is a very peculiar comet, which flies around the Sun, crossing the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and towards the orbit Earth only approaching.

A photo from open sources

In the photo sent from this comet, virtual archaeologists discovered the other day a strange object resembling a winged a spaceship and very similar to a similar device, once made by the Nazis in Germany. Ufologists noticed that an unknown object has a clearly metallic surface that dramatically different from the landscape surrounding the UFO.

Note that the comet 67P itself is called by astronomers since about twenty years ago it was recorded “singing”, that is, the comet made sounds that still remain a mystery to scientists. It is quite possible, say ufologists, that a comet Churyumova-Gerasimenko is used by aliens as a beacon, transmitting signals to the distant worlds of the universe, and the singing of a comet is not that other than one of these signals, accidentally caught from the Earth.

Mysterious UFO recorded in Poland

In Poland, at a spa surveillance camera (Sopot city) a very strange unidentified flying object in the form of ball, which seems to be shrouded in a translucent grayish sphere.

And although that day was a cloudy day and the beach is deserted, however people were still near the sea, but none of them saw this anomalies. It turns out that the UFO thus created the effect of invisibility for the human eye, however the surveillance camera is still caught him. Most likely, ufologist Scott notes about this Waring, an alien apparatus emerged from the water, perhaps somewhere nearby is the underwater base of aliens.

Note that round-the-clock surveillance cameras are becoming the world more and more so similar videos appear all more often, proving once again that an alien presence on Earth very diverse and vast …

Shocking video of a fleet of UFOs parked on the moon

The famous secureteam10 channel on YouTube constantly gives us new information about aliens and their flying vehicles. On this once a video is published here that demonstrates how to Several unidentified flying objects are parked on the moon at once.

Some users even suggested that aliens getting ready to take over the earth. Although it is very doubtful, since representatives of many space concessions, and some of them are friendly to earthlings. Moreover, as follows from the logic of spiritual development, more light and peaceful are just more powerful aliens. They have repeatedly prevented the start of the atomic wars on earth.

Most likely, this is just a working moment, experienced say ufologists, it’s no secret to anyone that the moon is a huge artificially created base of alien origin. For this reason, all attempts by humans to settle on the moon are unlikely will succeed, not to mention arranging on it space cemetery, as the Americans plan, in particular the firm “Moon Express”, led by Bob Richards, is next year promises to begin to populate the Earth’s satellite with ghosts.

By the logic of things, we humans are unlikely to be released further. Earth orbit, at least until civilization the planet will be at such a level of development of consciousness when humanity is ready to destroy itself at any moment, not to mention some other worlds …

Moon Poland Scott Waring Sun Solar System

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