Photo from open sources
Imagine the year 2045 … Scientists using a powerful laser send a series of flashes into space. This is a signal light for anyone intelligent extraterrestrial civilization. Many years answered him silence, but now – it happened. Devices fixed fast moving object included in our system. He heads to The earth. For some, this is an occasion for rejoicing. People realized that they are not alone in the universe, others are in a panic. Maybe to the planet the invaders are coming.
All this is very similar to the Hollywood script, but can it really happen?
Each of us wants to know whether there are similar to us in the Galaxy systems, or we are alone among the stars. Or maybe there’s still somewhere brothers in mind?
And oddly enough, but many scientists today really believe that somewhere there are intelligent beings similar to us. More there is a chance that soon we will find life in our native Solar system.
The search for life is very rapid. Scientists claim that in will soon find iron evidence of life on Mars or on another planet. It may take twenty more or thirty years, but it will certainly happen during our lives.
May 2008 … The search for extraterrestrial life has advanced significantly forward when the Phoenix flew to Mars – spacecraft NASA
At a distance of many thousands of kilometers, the control center spent dizzying operation to launch the probe to Mars. Phoenix immediately but he began to search for water and other evidence on Martian soil that life is possible on it. And immediately made a terrific discovery: at a depth of five centimeters the rover found a smooth white surface that scientists mistook for salt. However, through for several days the mysterious substance strangely disappeared. Salt or stones don’t behave like that. It turned out that on Mars for the first time in so many years of study, water was found, however, in consistency ice.
On Earth where there is water, there is life, but Mars is by no means Earth. Moreover, it is a dry and cold planet with a temperature below the point freezing, practically without atmosphere. A terrible place to live. AND, It would seem that life in such conditions is impossible.
But on Earth, scientists sometimes find manifestations of life in such places where, by definition, it should not be: where there is no oxygen, no sunlight – in boiling water, in an alkaline environment, in the electrolyte …
The great adaptability of life on Earth has radically changed scientists’ views on where extraterrestrial life could have come about.
When on the Red Planet along with carbohydrate, methane and iron water was discovered, it became clear that there is a building on Mars material for life.
When studying the composition of a meteorite from Mars, structures that may well be petrified microbes. Some scientists believe that on the surface of Mars microbes exist today.
Space probes have uncovered other areas where there may be life: on the moons of the largest planets of the solar system. So on Saturn’s satellite Enceladus discovered geysers with water vapor and life-friendly organic blend. But the most Jupiter’s satellite, which may not only microbes, but also larger creatures. This is Europe, the sixth Jupiter’s satellite. Will scientists be able to find complex forms of life on it, it is still unknown, but many believe – yes.
Europe is the same size as the Earth’s Moon, although it looks completely different. There are no craters at all, and the entire surface streaked with stripes that stretch for thousands of miles or more. AND almost all of these linear objects have furrows that intersect between themselves. Europe’s surface is incredibly cold: 160 degrees below zero. Previously, scientists considered the satellite an ethereal ball with 90 km layer of ice, with a cold and lifeless solid core beneath it, but tidal information changed this picture.
On Earth, it seems that the tides are when the ocean comes up and departs from the coast. But when viewed from a planetary point of view, the whole The Earth changes its shape: it stretches and contracts under exposure to the attraction of the moon.
The same thing happens with Europe. However she was very unlucky to be in the orbit of Jupiter, which affects so much its satellite, that the stone core inside it begins to heat up. AND now scientists believe that under the ice there is a huge ocean, twice the size of all the oceans on earth. And maybe there there is life analogous to terrestrial microbes and worms at the bottom of the ocean. Some scientists believe that the thickness of ice in Europe is not 90 kilometers, and only one and a half, which means that sunlight reaches the ocean and gives life to larger creatures. And exactly double grooves formed on the surface of the satellite from ice cracks Jupiter. When the tides begin, the water from the cracked ice the ocean goes outside, and at low tide it freezes and creates these very furrows.
On earth, the tides create a kind of pool, bringing with them nutrients so much needed by living things. And what prevents they support life in niches like cracks in Europe, where, quite probably fish-like creatures can live. And who knows maybe in twenty years scientists will see bizarre life in the ocean Of Europe.
But if life is under the ice in faraway Europe, then what interferes with the existence of an alien mind on any remote the planet? And if scientists ever receive a signal from aliens, will they be able to understand him? After all, one language from Easter Island is not given to translators for more than a century, and I must say – human language. On the other hand, if the brothers of reason send messages to Earth, then for sure they will simplify it for understanding earthlings.
How to compose a message so that different forms can communicate life?
In 1974, astronomer Frank Drake took advantage of this. universal language of mathematics. With a very powerful telescope at the Arecibo Observatory he released 1679 laser pulses in side of a distant star. And if the aliens spread the impulses into rows and columns according to these two prime numbers in the composition one, they will see our solar system and even the Earth’s population like a punch card. It is, although very elegant, but not simple.
It is likely that we, having received a message from another civilization, we won’t be able to understand it, but this discovery will still change the world, radically changing our idea of a place in the universe.
And if we imagine that we still received this message, then we will need to answer it. However, it turns out that we are already We have been doing this for a very long time – on TV. Signals from television broadcasts today reach tens of thousands of large and small stars.
Some scientists are just eager to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. So, for example, Russian astronomers led by A. Zaitsev broadcast radio signals to some big stars, believing that it is our moral duty and humanity should report to other civilizations that they are not alone.
Of course, the first step is dangerous in any way. What if are the neighbors unkind? Some people generally find it dangerous to reveal oneself to aliens. And this fear of them is quite justified.
On Earth, predators of all kinds are necessary for the survival of the ecosystem, and why on earth should be different. What if aliens are predators, and we are prey. And it is likely that the contact will look like a special forces raid. That’s what they showed us many science fiction writers.
However, scientists say: we have nothing to fear. After all, if aliens will receive our message, then they will need a few thousand years to reach us.
Some NASA scientists are working on a propulsion system intercosmic travel. And they believe that theoretically some loopholes in the laws of physics could allow extraterrestrial civilizations travel much faster than tens of thousands of years, established by science. According to the theory of relativity, if it was possible to stretch the space “time” behind the rocket and squeeze it in front of the rocket, then there would be shortcuts allowing move at unimaginable speed. However, so far the engine space deformation exists only in theory, and humanity still can’t do it.
Physical laws make it possible to shorten the path in yet another way: through wormholes – spatio-temporal tunnels, but one such a tunnel will need as much energy as it produces the whole star. In theory, it’s possible, but how to do it, man doesn’t know yet.
Although perhaps aliens have already figured out these exotic spatio-temporal evasions for one simple reason: rockets have tight fuel limits and if they need to fly over long distances, they had to solve this problem.
Many scholars believe that if we ever meet with aliens, we will be surprised: they will not look like us. Their senses, movement, etc. will be different. Though some still believe that we will have a lot in common. After all certain traits will be repeated because they will be better decisions in this world. They are convinced that convergent evolution gives general plan for the development of life in the entire Galaxy.
Often, looking at the starry sky, you think, and if anyone a planet orbiting, for example, that star, because it’s difficult believe that there is no life at all. And over the past thirty years the confidence of scientists that still a different intelligent civilization is, quite strong. And perhaps a big shock when meeting with they will be that they will be just like theirs.
Water Time Universe Galaxy Life Lasers Moon Mars NASA Rocket Solar system jupiter