Large UFO shuts the Sun (VIDEO)

A Large UFO Hid the Sun (VIDEO)Photos from open sources of

Famous ufologist Scott Waring examining camera recording SOHO satellite, saw an incredibly large object that closed the sun itself.

At first glance, one would think that this is the moon, however the object suddenly makes a sharp turn of 180 degrees and leaves from the field of view. The moon certainly does not know how to do such maneuvers.

A photo from open sources

The ufologist suggested that a planet could get into the camera’s lens, for example, Mercury or Venus, which could be on the edge their orbits. However, it is so unlikely that the ufologist is inclined assume that a huge UFO has fallen into the SOHO camera lens. In addition, the case when unidentified flying objects fix next to our luminary, far from the first.

Independent researchers who are interested in this video, until they can explain the appearance and origin UFO. NASA experts have not yet responded to publication on the web another material relating to research on the sun. In any case should wait for the official data.

Luna Scott Waring Sun SOHO

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