A photo from open sources
In 2010, the UN officially established the Office for alien relations. What the Representation does, find out so far failed. Mazlan Othman from Malaysia, heading it, specialist astrophysicist, escapes with general reasoning. Such for example: “Now almost every year in the depths of space planets are found that are, in principle, suitable for life. So don’t it is possible that one day humanity will receive signals from them … When this will happen, we will give a coordinated answer that takes into account all sides of the question … ”
The official press release states that the Representation alien relations created in response to discovery in the system Gliese-581 stars (Libra constellation) of a planet on which, as supposed to have life. The planet received a conditional name Gliese-581-g. Fly to her 20 light years. It is noteworthy that Gliese-581-g is about the same distance from its stars like Earth from the Sun, and the diameter of the planet is only 1.2 times superior to earthly. At its poles it’s frosty, like at the poles of the Earth, on equator – 20 degrees of heat. Discoverer of the planet, professor University of California Astronomy Stephen Vogt sure on she has life.
The day after the announcement of this discovery, the English newspapers published an interview with Ragbir Batal, an astronomer from University of Western Sydney (Australia), which works on International Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations (SETI). is he stated that back in December 2007 (that is, before the opening Gliese-581-g) detected a strange light signal from the system Gliese-581. “The signal was sharp, like a laser flash, – Batal says. – We are just looking for such signals, since it’s completely it is possible that space civilizations communicate with each other another through high-power lasers. “Unfortunately, the second flash is not It was.
Most observers, however, link the institution. “alien” UN Representation not with discoveries distant planets, but with that astronomical sensation in which most of the world’s population still refuses to believe. Speech it is about the discovery by SETI astronomers of three giant objects that fly in space with abnormally high for asteroids and comets speed. The most striking thing is that they, as the calculation shows the trajectories of their movement will have to meet the Earth! While they are beyond the orbit of Pluto. SETI Specialists Unambiguously spoke about the origin of these objects: “About them for more than a year known by NASA, and they are real. However, NASA does not want to bring all information to the public. But in the UN and in governments know that these are alien starships and that they are heading towards the earth. ”
It is naive to think that the arrival of these giant alien ships will lead to the capture of the Earth by aliens or to official contact with them. Aliens have been visiting Earth for a long time and if they wanted to, at their level of technology they would easily occupy it. TO in addition, in recent years the number of visits has increased many times over. Without exception, ufologists note that such an influx of messages about UFOs was not for all the previous time of observation. Maybe, this is due to the fact that many governments have stopped hide information about aliens. And most likely, it is brewing climax in rivalry that has lasted for many years various space races for owning the Earth.
UFO reports even come through Chinese channels news agencies. It is all the more interesting that any information about UFOs in the Celestial Empire was previously contained in the strictest a secret.
So, over the city of Jinan (the administrative center of the province Shandong) several hours flew a huge number of UFOs, staged a real fire show, which was accompanied by a deafening roar. “They circled so low that they seemed to be about to sit on the roof of our house, – said a schoolboy – an eyewitness to what happened. – We began to watch TV and listen to the radio, thinking that in the news about they will say that. However, they did not say anything. An hour after UFOs appeared, we learned from neighbors that a lot came to the city cars with the military. The military entered our house and took their father somewhere; he returned thrilled and reported that nothing was on TV they will say because it is ordered to be silent. At school from his I learned from classmates that the military also came to them. To their families also ordered to be silent … ”
Later, the authorities still had to give out information (extremely scarce) about the events in Jinan.
Even earlier, in September 2008, an armada of hundreds of UFOs arose in sky over the city of Chengdu (provincial capital) Sichuan).
Of the latest Chinese news, reports of interest last June, the appearance of a huge UFO over the airport in Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province), whose work was interrupted for an hour, and about September flight of luminous unidentified objects over the airport in Botou (Inner Mongolia area). There is a video on which recorded UFO invasion of this airport. People on motion pictures in excitement screaming that something incredible is happening that humanity is on the verge of contact with aliens civilizations. Residents of Baotou later said that “bright flickering “UFO light” was spilled within a radius of five kilometers from the airport.
Some ufologists are of the opinion that in China there is a large alien base with which their ships produce their sorties. The base may be located in Tibet, and not it is possible that in the bowels of the world’s highest mountain Everest.
The Russians also have their own ufological news. For example, in At the beginning of this year, high-speed UFOs appeared over Yakutsk. The objects were recorded by the dispatchers of the local airport and pilots who landed for landing aircraft. Speed unknown vehicles exceeded 10 thousand kilometers per hour, while they swiftly changed the direction of flight. One of the pilots later claimed to intercept negotiations on an incomprehensible “feline” language. “As if some woman was meowing all the time,” – he told. The flight control computer that morning designated objects unknown to him as “00000?”, because he didn’t have their flight numbers.
It is possible that the activation of UFOs on our planet is associated with the upcoming arrival of giant alien ships. there is also version that frequent visits of plates are caused by work The Large Hadron Collider – the world’s most powerful accelerator particles. According to some scientists, experiments on it are capable of lead to the formation of mini-black holes that can absorb The earth.
UFO-related world events are developing so rapidly that not only the UN, but even the Vatican officially recognized the existence of flying saucers. “If somewhere there are extraterrestrial beings, then to them should be treated as our brothers and God’s creation, ”said Vatican Astronomical Observatory Director Jose Gabriel Funes. – The existence of aliens does not contradict the Holy Scriptures, because Jesus is the savior of not only the Earth, but the entire Universe. ”
Change of position of the Roman Catholic Church on the issue of aliens, possibly due to the fact that her observatory got about They have some very convincing information.
Vatican City Life NASA