Lights like living creatures chased airplane

Lights like living creatures chasing a planeA photo from open sources

Amazing video is currently distributed by English-language sites dedicated to ufology and celestial anomalies. A man incognito reports that he recently flew over South America and unexpectedly noticed a trinity in the airplane window mysterious shining balls that hit him to the core.

Inexplicable clusters of light circled in the air, like living creatures, sometimes lining up in a straight line, then again running in different directions. One of the balls at a certain moment flew down, and the other two soon followed him. After this unidentified flying objects disappeared from sight eyewitness, and he breathed a sigh of relief, because he had already begun fear if all this threatens flight safety airliner.

Of course, the witness of the incredible picture did not fail capture it on a mobile phone camera. On ufological Internet resources video effect of an exploding bomb. Many users say this is one of the best evidence. the presence of aliens on Earth who are constantly following us. Their devices, of all kinds of shapes and light “designs”, scurry about literally everywhere, and escort of passenger aircraft with UFO side is already becoming a certain inevitability.

Fortunately, such escorts do not bring civilian airliners either the slightest harm and inconvenience, but the main thing remains unclear: why aliens’ apparatuses chasing earth planes? Really just for to surprise or even scare (as was the case in this case) earthlings? Yes, it cannot be! ..


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