Photo from open sources
The other day, residents and guests of the American Stillwater in the state Minnesota became occasional witnesses of a startling phenomenon. Late in the evening in the sky above the city a huge a ring made up of many luminous balls. Struck eyewitnesses captured the anomaly in the photo and video.
When the mysterious footage hit the Web, many ufologists got acquainted with them and concluded that we have an invisible UFO, soared above the ground. Say, the unidentified object itself was hidden from human eyes with invisible camouflage, however emitted by flying the apparatus, of course, was visible to observers.
Some skeptics have suggested that it was just light. floodlights on the clouds, but their theory has not been confirmed. Firstly, it turned out that such installations with spotlights in Stillwater was not born. Secondly, eyewitnesses who have waited the disappearance of UFOs, they say that he quickly flew away, and not extinguished.
According to experts, we can talk about either an aircraft aliens very similar to the same fiery ring-shaped the “flying saucer” that residents saw on September 10 the California city of Oxnard, or about a certain apparatus, secretly created by our civilization. After all, the term “UFO” is not at all a synonym, and a hyperonym for the concept of “flying saucer.” Many ufologists are convinced that the vast majority of unidentified aircraft are secret created by military and other government agencies.