Malaysian sorcerer cooked during magic ritual

Malaysian sorcerer cooked during a magic ritualA photo from open sources

The spiritual leader of the popular Taoist sect in Malaysia died, performing a dangerous religious ritual. To prove to those present that he was protected from any misfortunes by higher forces, men for a long time closed in a large metal boiler, which received steam from boiling water. As a result, unhappy, to general shock, literally cooked alive. Followers of the shaman before still do not understand how such a disaster could happen.

A photo from open sources

The incident occurred on Monday, October 23, during solemn service in the city of Sanglang-Qinglong in the city Ayer Tawar. Malaysians celebrated the feast of the Nine Emperor Gods, and such a magnificent event required the implementation of reckless trick in a double boiler. 65-year-old Lim Ba voluntarily climbed into the boiler and He sat there for more than half an hour. Honestly, it was already real miraculously, since any other person would not have spent a minute in a steam-filled vessel. However, soon the spiritual leader began knocking hard inside, and when others got a man out boiler, he was already dead.

When the shaman was taken to the hospital, doctors ascertained him death from a heart attack. In addition, the body of the unfortunate was covered with second degree burns. Maybe actually the reason The failure of the ritual has become precisely this person’s weak heart? In the temple they claim that before, Lim Ba repeatedly did a similar rite, spending in a double boiler for up to 75 minutes! And no burns, he never I haven’t received it before, which contradicts any laws of physics and medicine.

Recall that in May of this year, a somewhat similar incident had place in zimbabwe. Local pastor, 43-year-old Jonathan Mtetva, promised parishioners that he was walking on the surface of the water, just like Jesus Christ. Having led the intrigued flock to the river, the clergyman entered the water and was immediately attacked by three crocodiles. Bloodthirsty reptiles dealt with their a victim in a few minutes. The pastor’s followers also didn’t understand why this happened: the priest prayed for a long time and in every possible way cleansed both his spirit and his body.

Water Time Shamans

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