Mars rover “Curiosity” captured a UFO on Mars

MarsA photo from open sources

UFO hunters believe they may have found evidence extraterrestrial civilization on the Red Planet. They claim that on recently taken photo by Mars rover “Curiosity” visible silhouette alien ship.

This bright object left a mark in motion Martian sky. Video posted by one of the users Internet, was taken from a database stored on NASA’s servers, writes Daily Mail.

According to the person who noticed an unusual object, it had a spherical shape in the center and cone in the back.

“If you look at him carefully, you will see that behind him a trace remains. In the photo, it looks like it is moving up to the right, “writes the user who noticed an unusual object.

Recently in the atmosphere of Mars more than once noticed strange objects, but as a rule, after careful analysis, it turned out that these are traces from meteors.

Flashed and flew away

UFO is clearly visible in the picture taken using one of the NASA’s many curiosity cameras (Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity) – the one located on the body and called Front Hazcam. There are eight similar cameras. They are – black and white, equipped with wide-angle lenses, take pictures panoramas help you navigate and get directions.

A snapshot from NASA's UFO site is shown by an arrow.Photos from open sources of

A snapshot from NASA’s UFO site is shown by an arrow. Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

UFO appeared right on the course of “Curiosity” – January 5, 2014 (504 Martian day) at 23 hours, 26 minutes 37 seconds captured it camera in front. In the picture posted on the official NASA site, the object is located a little to the right and looks bright cone. The enthusiasts who discovered him the other day have no doubt that these are aliens flying across the Martian sky. That is, aliens. AND not just fly, but take off. Since a UFO, if you increase it, tail is noticeable. And it is directed down. So the object itself rises.

The object is slightly largerPhotos from open sources

The subject is slightly larger

Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

UFO resembles a rocketPhotos from open sources

UFO resembles a rocket Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Even if a UFO was a meteor or even a comet, it would have tail pointing up. As befitting a falling heaven bodies.

By the way, confirmation that the object was moving can serve a picture taken by the same camera, but a little later – after 6 minutes 29 seconds There is no UFO on it – flew away.

The picture was taken a few minutes after the UFO appeared. There is nothing in the sky.A photo from open sources

The picture was taken a few minutes after the one in which UFO appeared. There is nothing in the sky

CamerasPhotos from open sources

Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech Curiosity Cameras. UFO filmed the one located at the bottom, front and left Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Not a plane or a bird

NASA experts have not yet commented on the current case. But on About the previous – spoke out. Although very foggy.

In March 2004, in an attempt to photograph the Earth from Mars, a robot Spirit, who arrived in the area of ​​Gusev crater, caught in the lenses two cameras at once – panoramic and navigation – an anomaly. AND also in the sky. In the picture, she appeared in the form of a bright strip. Such the effect occurs when the camera shoots a moving subject with a large shutter speed. While the camera shutter is open, the object flies some distance. And manifests itself in the form of a strip.

UFO on Mars, photographedPhotos from open sources of

UFO on Mars, photographed by Spirit in 2004. Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

The UFO that appeared as a strip surprised NASA experts so much that they entitled the commentary to the picture very intriguingly: “Bird? Airplane? A spaceship? “. And one of the leaders of the team, operating the Spirit robot, Mark Lemmon of Texas University expressed itself in a sensational way.

– Perhaps we will never know what it was – whether a meteorite, first photographed on Mars, or a spaceship, flown from other worlds. But we will work on a clue.

The clue never appeared. It was speculated that the lens hit some earth apparatus. Of all those left on orbit, according to experts, only Viking-2 was suitable for this role. But its orbital module flies at an altitude of about 300 kilometers and too small to be visible in a photo from the surface.

But meteorites do not look like that. Spirit photographed their fall October 25, 2005, when the burning Martian sky was outlined pieces of the tail of comet P / 2001R1 LONEOS. Little in common with the object 2004 of the year. And it’s not at all like what I’ve shot today “Curiosity”.

Meteor shower photographedPhotos from open sources of

Meteor shower photographed by Spirit on Mars in 2005 Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Maybe for human activity on Mars and in in fact, someone is watching how long and persistently assure radically tuned ufologists?

NASA Mars Birds Robots Aircraft Mars Rover Curiosity

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