Martians made contact with a person back in Victorian era

Martians came into contact with a man in the Victorian eraA photo from open sources

Guessing that the universe could be populated by many other creatures, besides humans, visited the best minds of the Earth back in fourth century AD, if not earlier. And the point here is far from religious postulates of the Creator and the life he created. Scientists already then understood that beyond the borders of our Earth may be other worlds inhabited by intelligent creatures. However, only in Victorian era appeared the first reliable information that aliens interact with people. It’s about famous Swiss artist and spiritualist Helen Smith, who claimed that was in contact with the Martians.

Helen Smith communicating with Martians

Helen was born in 1861 in the commune of Martigny. In the year 1894, when she was 33 years old (notably, this is the age of Jesus Christ), a woman stated that Mars, the Moon, Venus and other celestial bodies of the solar system are inhabited by humanoids, shocking thereby European scientists and inhabitants. According to the Swiss, she’s over For five years she visited the Red Planet, falling into a trance and transferring her consciousness for millions of kilometers away from the body. To her, they say, taught by the Martians themselves who chose Smith as a kind of ambassador from Earth. Helen didn’t just talk about her traveling beyond our “blue ball”, but also brought indirect evidence of these words. The stories of the woman were very believable and had many interconnected details.

A photo from open sources

People thought Helen was completely healthy. the psyche. Doctors set our heroine various disappointing diagnoses: hysterical hallucinations, pathological lies, substitution reality fantasy and so on. However, Mrs. Smith herself firmly believed in being a brilliant medium capable of make out-of-body travels to the Red Planet, where the natives We were always welcome. Falling into a deep trance, the woman began Quickly display cryptic characters on paper. She said it aliens written in Martian. Subsequently, the spiritist willingly translated them into the Swiss version German language. For this, Helen received the nickname “Muse automatic writing. ”

A photo from open sources

What does the red planet look like through the eyes of a spiritual man?

After each session, our heroine began to draw Martian landscapes and the inhabitants of a distant planet. Good being a good artist, Mrs. Smith could portray in all her glory paper that she allegedly saw with her own eyes. In Helen’s Visions the inhabitants of the red planet moved above the earth in wheelless crews throwing down sheaves of sparks. Martians live, they say, in houses that look like huge birdhouses. Moreover, the sky there yellow-green color, and still around there are many pale purple lakes. Alien children nurtured in special houses. Having been in one of them, the woman saw huge halls, hung with cradles with babies. The children were fed yellowish. milk obtained by milking outlandish seals animals.

A photo from open sources

The woman wrote that, despite her technological superiority over people, the inhabitants of the Red Planet are very simple life and consider themselves an integral part of nature. Many millions of years ago they learned to live in peace with each other and all feuds ceased. There is no crime on Mars diseases, natural and man-made disasters, wars and genocide, famine and poverty. Aliens are unfamiliar with the concept of hatred, lies, envy, jealousy, resentment and so on. This is an advanced society without politics, religion and any division into social classes. According to Smith, life on the Red Planet is like a real paradise, however, there is nothing for people to do there, since our race is very primitive. The only reason Martians showed everything this Helena, is to make earthlings understand which society we could create in our own world if we took up the eradication of their vices.

A traveler to Mars or a skillful hoaxer?

Professor Theodore Flurnois, a psychologist in Geneva University, carefully examined the woman and even wrote about it in 1899 book. Unfortunately, the scientist called Swiss travel ridiculous fiction, and the “Martian language” – a primitive fake, fabricated Helen with the goal of gaining fame. The professor determined that these letters are very similar to French which Smith knew perfectly well. The psychologist found out that our heroine was in childhood a dreamy and lonely girl who was passionately addicted fairy tales, adventure literature and drawing. Flurnois suggested that the artist knowingly or subconsciously invented this colorful world, inspired by children’s experiences and own fantasies.

A photo from open sources

Despite the fact that the people of science did not believe Helen, there was many other individuals who considered her words to be true. So, in 1900 Mrs. Jackson, a wealthy American, began to sponsor the artist, so that she continued to perform their metaphysical journeys to Mars, and also record and draw everything that happens there. Helen Smith passed away in 1929 in Geneva. Interest in her life and work does not fade until now. Many mystics, esotericists and even ufologists believe that a woman in actually made astral travels to another planet, and not sure that it was Mars, most likely aliens specially distorted this information (it is not yet known why). At this is her paintings with images of extraterrestrial beings, plants and landscapes are very popular among surrealists and collectors.

Life mars

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