Medvedev did Alien Disclosure

A photo from open sources

12/08/2012, former President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, and now Prime Minister of Russia, answered the journalist’s question about the existence of “green men” – aliens. Many of this information may to regard as another joke or rally, but Medvedev answered quite seriously …

After the main part of the meeting, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with reporters on December 7, aired on Russian television, Medvedev told reporters that aliens live among us: “I tell you the first and last time. Along with handing the suitcase with nuclear codes to the president countries bring a special folder. It says “Perfectly secretly “and it is entirely devoted to aliens who visited our planet. A report is also being provided from absolutely closed intelligence services that are engaged in control aliens in our country. These two folders are transferred along with a nuclear suitcase. After termination of authority, these folders transferred to the new president. More information on this you can get a topic by looking at a famous chronicle-documentary film “Men in Black”. Came out a few versions. I won’t tell how many of them are among us, because it’s may cause a panic. ”


A kind of sensational statement – the Prime Minister has such countries like Russia should have an understanding of what he is saying. Despite the absolutely serious tone of the Prime Minister – this can be seen from facial expression and articulation, reporters giggled foolishly for overs.


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