Mexican Cave – Entrance to the Parallel world?

Mexican Cave - Entrance to a Parallel World?Photo from open sources

The famous Mexican Swallow Cave attracts more and more researchers paranormal phenomena, as noted here the most intense cluster of so-called “flying rods” – peculiar UFOs, the study of which is of great interest for ufologists and at the same time a huge complexity because “intematality” and moving these strange too fast objects.

For the first time, scientists talked about “flying rods” for more than ten years back. But it was the Cave of Swallows that became the place where it paranormal was observed in mass quantity.

A photo from open sources

Extreme Mark Litle and his friend once went to the Cave swallows to jump from a parachute. This mexican failure on really unique to such an extreme sport since has more than half a kilometer depth, and the cave itself expands to bottom and has a lateral exit to the outside.

Mark and his friend not only jumped, but also filmed their flights over the abyss. What was their surprise when on the shot videos not only they themselves and numerous swallows were captured (from here and the name of the cave), but also some mysterious bright rods. Moreover their considerable accumulation in this place was noted.

“Flying Rods” are obscure energy education with a lack of material shell. Hence the scientists concluded that the rods may be representatives parallel world. It is no coincidence that one of the leading researchers of this phenomenon, José Escamio, when he saw the shots taken by Mark Litlé, literally was delighted. The fact is that the “flying rods” recorded all over our planet, however, catch them in the lens cameras rarely succeed, and therefore information about them is very scarce.

A photo from open sources

These energy bunches move in space with huge speed – from two kilometers per second and above. You can only fix them using video, but how and where to lead her? And suddenly such luck – in the cave of swallows it was found a cluster of “flying rods”!

A photo from open sources

Scientists do not yet know exactly what these clots are energy, however today they make the assumption that the Mexican failure – the mysterious cave of swallows can be a portal, through which these UFOs penetrate into our reality. We are not given to know and understand for now, what it is, for no reason these UFOs appear in our world. Most likely, they are just studying us, because fixed in all corners of the earth. However, some scholars admit the thought that this could be an invasion of extraterrestrial intelligence with the goal of enslavement of our civilization. True, as leading ufologists say, this is the most primitive theory based on an underdeveloped human consciousness suffering from aggression and misunderstanding the true laws of the universe …

Parallel Worlds Caves

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