Mexican government unveils ancient documents which ufologists believe will forever put an end to disputes about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.
A photo from open sources
[1] Two centered circles appear to be mean Earth. [2] This is apparently a spaceship. [3] This is most likely a large comet or asteroid heading towards The earth. [4] It looks like an aircraft designed to to divert a comet or meteor, like Deep Impact NASA [5] Astronaut flying a ship. [6] Apparently human-driven aircraft.
In these pictures – unveiled by the Mexican government an artifact of the Mayan civilization, whose age exceeds 1300 years. By experts say this ancient artifact convincingly proves that we are not alone in the Universe and that in ancient times visited the Earth representatives of other worlds with a highly developed civilization (at least least they had spaceships).
Not only that, researchers believe that the artifact made public by the Mexican government, can help reveal the secret the origin of the human race on Earth.
This artifact was kept secret by the Mexican government for 80 years. And only in 2012, a group of documentary filmmakers led by producer Raul Julia-Levy, working in collaboration with high-ranking Mexican officials made a film about this old find.
In addition, Julia-Levy claims that the film was shot with the support of President Alvaro Col Col Caballeros.
“In Mexico City, ancient manuscripts, artifacts and other documents convincingly proving that contacts between representatives of the Mayans and aliens from other worlds really took place. All this information will be confirmed. archaeologists, ”Caballeros said.
The documentary directed by Julia Levy contains interview with another senior official – the minister Mexico Tourism Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado. Rosado confirmed the existence of evidence of contact of Mayans with aliens and brought fragments of translations from ancient manuscripts, which the government kept in the strictest secrecy in the underground storage facilities. He also talked about the existence of some “landing sites in the jungle, which are about 3000 years old. ”
All these secrets, according to the information in the film. Julio Levy, the Mexican government has been hiding for over 80 years.
Ancient artifacts Mayan civilization