Military aircraft cannot compete with alien devices

Military aircraft cannot compete with alien vehiclesA photo from open sources This once again confirmed the incident, happened this month when the Spanish sailors watched as their country’s air forces are either trying to bring down, or force landing saucer-like object, clearly unearthly origin, because he flew too fast, and with this did not make any sounds, like our means of aviation.

In the video posted by one of the anglers who shot this crazy chase, it’s clear that the UFO is too fast for our planes and helicopters, in addition, it is invulnerable to radars and our modern weapons. The flying saucer just walks away from chases, then plunges into water and disappears, after which the planes stopped the persecution, realizing the futility of this classes.

A photo from open sources

Information has already appeared on the web that the incident was studied. using the received satellite images. The military were shocked however, it is not known from what: all details of the investigation are urgent classified. As always.

Are the aliens just having fun?

However, ufologists were skeptical about the desire of the military knock out a flying saucer of aliens. Such crazy attempts already were done more than once. As a rule, they ended badly for pilots. IN In the best case scenario, it developed like this time: aliens just allowed to fly after them without taking any action. True, this time the UFO escapes from the chase, diving water, which can be considered a rare case. Usually, aliens are just use speed superiority or even their ability penetrate wormholes, and therefore instantly “evaporate” from a place events. In the worst case, Earth planes take with them either helicopters. Perhaps the pilots in this case were saved by the fact that they they didn’t even try to shoot down a UFO, most likely they have There was a clear instruction. Then it’s not clear why it was necessary chasing the device of aliens, ufologists are perplexed, really just to make sure – these are not Americans and not even Russians? ..

Water Aircraft

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