Photos from open sources Signs of the past centuries, the Church considers the icon as a special form revelations of divine reality. Icon has great power. a gracious action that purifies the souls of people contemplating it. IN a prayer for the consecration of the icon asks God to grant her the grace of the Holy Spirit “drive away demons and all afflictions heal. “According to the Orthodox dogma of icon veneration, approved by the VII Ecumenical Council, “the honor given to the icon, refers to her prototype, and the worshiper of the icon worships hypostasis depicted on it. “The Cathedral especially emphasizes that we we honor icons, not worship, fitting for one To God. “The icon mysteriously contains the presence of the one whom she portrays, and this presence is all the closer, more gracious and stronger, the more the icon corresponds to the church canon “[1]. All canonical icons in temples or houses are sacred due to their spiritual content and meaning. However, some are elected Providence of God for special signs. Outgoing from them is untold light, fragrance, sv. miro – material signs of the phenomenon of the world highland, the kingdom of God. The history of the Orthodox Church totals about a thousand images famous for miracles throughout history Christianity. Most of them are images of the Mother of God, Heavenly Intercessors of the human race. The main reason for worship one or another image miraculous served as a certified talent specific assistance to people, whether it is healing the sick, intercession from enemies, fires, elements. Sometimes this help was preceded by or accompanied by some supernatural event: Mother of God Himself came in a dream or in a vision and told where and how to find Her image; the icons marched through the air, descended or rose by themselves; radiance was observed from them upon their acquisition (Eletskaya-Chernihiv, Czestochowa-Tyvrovskaya, Tsarevokokshayskaya, Zhirovitskaya, “Dear,” Akhtyrskaya, Galich, Dubovitskaya), came the fragrance (“Eleochotivaya”), a voice sounded (“The Naughty One,” Yugskaya, Smolenskaya-Solovetskaya), the icon itself was updated (Kasperovskaya) or the image on it came to life (“Unexpected joy,” Serafimo-Ponetaevskaya). From some images miraculously bleeding blood, tears, myrrh. Blood Expiration (“Slain,” Dolis, Czestochowa, Iverskaya, Cyprus, Pakhroma, “Unexpected Joy”), as a rule, came from the image applied wounds – for the admonition of people who insulted the shrine. Tears flowing from the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary (“Weeping,” Tikhvin-Athos, Ilyinsky-Chernihiv, Pryazhevskaya, Ryaditenskaya, Kazan-Vysochinovskaya, Kazan-Kargopol, “Tenderness” – Novgorod, Kaplunovskaya, Mirozh, “Sign” -Novgorod, Korsun-Izborsk), were perceived and as a sign of the sorrow of the Mother of God about human sins, and as a sign the mercy of the Lady, crying about her children. April 16 -24 1662, the Ilyinsko-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God cried. it happened four years after writing the image. Afterwards this icon has become famous for many marvelous miracles described by Saint Demetrius of Rostov in the book “Fleece Irrigated.” In 1854 Bishop of Romance Melchizedek became one of the witnesses to the expiration tears from the icon, later called the “Crying” (in Romanian Sokolsky monastery). Vladyka said that such events occurred in antiquity and that it “always foreshadowed severe trials for the Church of Christ and for the Fatherland. “To the Church the legend knows several icons from which the holy world emanated [2]. Even in antiquity, in the VI century, firs flowed on the Pisidian icon from the hand of the Virgin. Subsequently, this miracle was approved in its Truth VII Ecumenical Council. In the 13th century after zealous prayers of blessed Procopius and people for salvation from the stone city Great Ustyug on the icon of the Annunciation (“Ustyuzhsky”) flowed peace – a sign of the mercy of the Mother of God over the city. 16September 1392, the world arose from the right hand of Our Lady on the Tolgskaya icon. In 1592, the image of “Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary” was stolen with Athos the robbers. But, when the icon was covered with a fragrant world, they repented and returned the shrine. At the fifth week of Lent 1635 in the Oran Bogoroditsky monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese during evening praise with an akathist on Vladimir-Oranskaya the icon from the head of the Baby Jesus expired myrrh and the whole temple was filled fragrance. In 1848, in Moscow, in the house of Colonel D.N. Boncescula was just written a list of miraculous icons “The companion of sinners.” In Easter, the icon sparkled, and they saw on it raindrops. They were oily to the touch and fragrant. Through anointing with wonderful moisture, they received healing sick. The image was donated to the temple, where he became famous and others miracles. Myrrh-streaming alone was not an event, on the basis of which the icon was considered miraculous. Usually she found her healing power through prayers before her before or after myrrh-streaming, which only indicated the selectivity of the icon. Almost always, the world was collected and used for healing mental and physical ailments (quite like a wonderful world from relics of st. please). This property is even included in the definition. concepts given in the “Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary” (comp. G. Dyachenko): “Myrrh-streaming – exuding a miraculous world in healing of diseases. “To glorify the image of miracles does not have mean, old or new, “prayed” or not, from which material made (wood, stone, metal, paper), which written in paints. So, in the 19th century, the Tikhvin icon in the village Pavlovsky was revealed to the people by the special revelation of the Mother of God, ordered to renew the image. Church Warden, to whom the image seemed dilapidated and unworthy, did not honor him and was punished for this, the mistress. Subsequently, the icon, already famous healings, was arrested (!) by the Moscow Consistory as “non-Orthodox,” but rescued thanks to the intervention of the Metropolitan Filaret and after correcting the image returned to its former place [3]. The question often arises of why they become miraculous and non-canonical, in a picturesque or “academic” style written icons? Reflecting on this fact, a well-known connoisseur of icon painting art L.A. Uspensky says: “The order established by God by Him violated to save a person. Miracles happen by the mercy of God <…> и в нарушение церковных канонов. <…> Но чудо,by its very definition, it cannot be the norm: just that and a miracle that goes beyond the norm. “[4]. Two periods of universal Signs Until the twentieth century, myrrh-streaming or tearing of icons (in the book of E. Poselyanin “Tales of the miraculous icons of the Mother of God and Her graces to the human race are described respectively 6 and 12 – for The 2000-year history of the Church) was a rare, exceptional occurrence. Mass signs are observed in Russia only in the twentieth century. First such a period falls on the beginning of the 1920s [5]. Today we We are contemporaries of another amazing miracle – universal the signs from the icons, the beginning of which is possible with full certainty attributed to 1991 . Although isolated cases have been observed before. (for example, myrrh-streaming from the icons of the Kazan Mother of God and St. Ambrose in the Optina Desert on November 16, 1988), namely since 1991, miracle messages from icons begin to come in one to other from different places in Russia. In the next decade recorded hundreds of cases. Icons are miraculously acquired updated, myrrh-streaming – in temples, monasteries, in simple houses people. And above all, it is precisely myrrh-streaming and crying icons. Now rare issue of a church magazine or newspaper, central or regional, does not contain a mention of a new such miracle [6]. This period and the longest: it has been going on for ten years, and for now its intensity does not decrease. Before turning to the spiritual meaning of modern miracles, we denote their external features. As in previous centuries, signs from icons are most often given during the days of Great Lent – a time of pure repentance and contrition about sins. Often they are related to the twelfth holidays, the memory of a particular Virgin Mary icon or saint. Rushes in eyes are their extreme variety. Today, graceful dew or the world often appears not on one, but on several icons of the temple, on icon cases, crucifixes. Sometimes moisture appears and swells on the glass, covering the image, or appears on the icon itself under it. Antiquity or the novelty of the icon, its material does not matter: myrrh images on wood and paper, glass and metal exude the world photographs and reproductions of icons (including on wall posters, pocket calendars, images of icons in liturgical books and other). The appearance, color and consistency of the resulting liquid are diverse: from thick, viscous resin to dew, so sometimes they talk about “silent movement” or “growing.” She may have incense an aroma reminiscent of the smells of flowers (roses, jasmine) or frankincense. The form and the size of the droplets is also extremely different. Sometimes they cover the whole image, sometimes as if streaming from certain points. There are cases when the world flowed from the bottom up, contrary to the law gravitation. Miro may disappear for a while, and then reappear. Even on one icon, there are myrrh-streams surprisingly diverse. Here is one example. On the first week Great Lent in the church of the village of Lower Baigora, Voronezh region. the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God was streaming: February 24, on the eve Forgiveness Sunday, the world from the image flowed, so that under they put a towel on the icon, and the temple was filled with indescribable fragrance. On Clean Monday, myrrh was flowing from under the crown and from the brow of the Mother of God; on Tuesday – drops throughout the icon; on Wednesday – the icon dried up, and tears poured from the eyes of the Lady. Updates and myrrh-streams are more often observed not in those temples that were opened before (in Soviet times), but in the restored or again open churches and monasteries. For example, in St. Petersburg dioceses in the 1990s they occurred in transferred to the Church monasteries (Ioannovsky and Novodevichy), monastery courtyards (Valaam and Zelenetsk), in several parish churches – soon after their buildings were returned to the Church and in them began to revive a liturgical life. But the most significant feature, we repeat, their ubiquitous nature [7]. In the 20s icon updates went through the country as if in waves, affecting only separate areas. Nowadays, the whole of Russia has become a place of signs: city and rural churches, monasteries, houses of pious people. The Russian Orthodox Church has never met so that the icons cry and streak everywhere! This is an unprecedented phenomenon. in the history of the country – an undoubted historical fact, which has a huge spiritual meaning. This is the clear voice of God addressed to the whole people Russian. What does he point to? What calls for, from what warns? Probably, to answer these questions in full for now impossible. But it’s obvious that one cannot remain indifferent to him, you can not leave him without attention and reflection. Signs and modern Russia If you correlate the signs with the current spiritual and historical processes, we can note the following the most important points. 1. Connection with the modern history of Russia. Often you have to hear that the sign from the icon is a harbinger of trouble, an appeal prepare for future shocks. Indeed, in history there have been such cases. But if we consider the periods of multiple miracles, then a slightly different picture is observed. Signs of the 1920s occurred not before, but after the disaster of 1917, and as if accompanied the tribulations of those years. Similarly massive signs The 1990s are taking place after a grand change in the life of Russia, along with the difficult trials of the last decade. 1991the year was, without a doubt, crucial for the Fatherland. Started the dismemberment of a united state that has been gathered for centuries. Huge the country was plunged into the abyss of fiery trials. This year marked by striking signs. Here is their brief chronicle. In the very at the beginning – the unexpected acquisition of the relics of two great Russian saints whose prophecies and miracles are directly related to the coming of Russia, – Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and Saint Joasaph of Belgorod. It happened in the Imperial Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg. The Lord sent His two saints for support and pure help Russia in anticipation of grievous tribulations, as intercessors and prayer books for his earthly Fatherland, for a half-hearted people before the throne Of God. The manifestation of the relics of the two saints seemed to represent the advent of the two saints in the Apocalypse predicted on earth anti-christ time. At the Bright Week of 1991, exuded fragrant miro icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign” of Nicholas-Perervinsky monastery in Moscow. Maybe the Most Holy The mistress testified that, having taken upon herself the succession of the power Russian with the end of the Orthodox monarchy in 1917, She did not leaves His hidden reign in the new Troubles time? (It is impossible not to note the fact that in subsequent years many signs were revealed precisely on the day of the Sovereign Icon). In the summer, in one of the ancient temples of Vologda, tears flowed from his eyes Gentlemen in the image of the Holy Savior. August 18 in Georgia the ancient icon of the Mother of God cried. In august the greatest number of signs that took place in 1991. World wide famous Iveron-Montreal miraculous icon, unceasingly exuding the holy world, it was in August 1991 for the first time cried: as her keeper remarked, “the Mother of God appeared a tear that simply held on and did not fall for a long time. “He himself then still did not know anything about the events in Russia … November 18, 1991 enemies Churches thrown out the window of the Small Cathedral of the Moscow Donskoy Monastery incendiary bomb. But God does not scold! At restoration work, February 19, 1992, the Lord revealed His mercy and erected another strong patron of the Church and Fatherland: relics of St. Patriarch Tikhon were found. November 22 1991 in the Smolensk Assumption Cathedral shed a tear of Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Smolensk – the oldest walled city with great shrines, miraculous images – guarded for many centuries Russia from invasions from the West. He and the nearest Russian city to Belarus, on whose territory two weeks later (December
was Bialowieza conspiracy was concluded … So, they burst into tears, showed grief right away several icons in different parts of Russia and beyond. “Tears Our Lady! A phenomenon of awe and awe, writes about weeping icons prot. Mikhail Pomazansky. – It testifies how close the world is the Virgin. But – let these tears not be! If in for the family there is no greater grief for children than to see their mother crying, then for Christians what should be a strong and terrible shock to know that the Mother of God sheds tears about them and because of them! .. Do they testify that Heaven sees the tribulation that they hear crying and that the Mother of God through her icon broadcasts comforting: “I with you? “Does the Mother of God grieve for the disorders in the Orthodox Churches? We don’t know. But we will not take away from ourselves the thought of the great the significance of these signs for all of us and for each of us, not let’s say that “this does not apply to us.” Comforting for us and with a warning and a call to repentance must be accepted by us tears of the Mother of God! “[8] Signs from icons in the North Caucasus the beginning of the bloody first Chechen war marked: May 27, 1994 The icon of St. Nicholas in Stavropol was updated, and on June 9, in feast of the Ascension of the Lord, in the presence of hundreds of pilgrims in the church of the village of Zelenchukskaya was filled with tears from the eyes of Our Lady on two icons – “Iverskaya” and “The Naughty.” Recall the great a miracle, the appearance of the Mother of God occurred in June 1995, when Basayev bandits attacked a peaceful Stavropol city Budennovsk (previously called the Holy Cross). In the sky above the hospital where the hostages languished, many saw the Blessed Virgin, praying before the Cross. Based on eyewitness accounts The Stavropol Metropolitan blessed to write an icon of the Mother of God, dubbed “Holy Cross.” She became another evidence of the intercession of the Virgin for Russia. 2. Many miracles are undoubtedly associated with the patron saints of Russia – Royal Martyrs. It is known that the ancient miraculous Theodore Icon of the Mother of God, ancestral shrine of the Romanov dynasty, shortly before the arrest and murder of the last Sovereign and His Family suddenly turned black (she remains in this form and to the present time). The mysterious connection of the Royal Martyrs with their Heavenly The patroness appeared in the signs from the lists with Feodorovskaya Icons in Tsarskoye Selo. In 1992, divine services were resumed. Theodorovsky Sovereign Cathedral, erected by good will Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich and became spiritual and historical the shrine of Russia. March 15, the day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (coincided that year, with the day of the King’s forced abdication and with celebration of the Sovereign Icon), a small donation was made to the temple the icon. The year before, the boy found her in a nearby park, on the shore stream. Only in the temple did they dismantle the half-erased inscription on the salary – “Feodorovskaya ….” So miraculously acquired image consecrated a cathedral his name. In September 1994, Tsarskoye Selo pacified another Theodorovsky image. This is a miracle from the patron saint of the Royal House many believers associated with the fact that on the same day in Peter and Paul the cathedral was buried the remains of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich, desecrated by blasphemous exhumation in July of that year. IN Pokrovsky church of Marienburg (near Gatchina), built in memory the miraculous salvation of the royal family in the train crash Borki, the icon “Recovery of the dead.” It happened 17 February 1994, on the eve of the celebration of this icon. First out of the eye Our Lady flowed a thin light stream, then tears flowed one after another, then three stripes of the world appeared from the left shoulder. Later pacified the entire surface of the icon. The miracle lasted about two months. The icon itself is also written in memory of the deliverance from death. Imperial family. Several miracles happened in St. Petersburg Church of the Epiphany, built and consecrated in memory of the miraculous Rescue Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich during the attack on him a Japanese samurai at Fomin’s week of 1891. After the return of the diocese temple in 1992 without human interventions gradually updated wall painting, and this the process began with the painting “The Assurance of the Apostle Thomas.” In 1998 the diocesan commission recorded a wonderful renewal of the icon Nativity of Christ. The miracle happened on the evening of March 14, on the eve of Feast of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God. January 31, 1997 at home parishioners of the city of Voskresensk in the Moscow region pacified transparent fragrant world small paper icon Tsar-Martyr Nicholas Alexandrovich and St. equapap. the prince Vladimir. And in 1998, the myrrh flow of the now widely known icons of Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich. The icon is one of lithographic copies of an image written in California. The porphyry anointed of God is depicted on it in golden red tones, in an unearthly radiance, with symbols of royal power – a power and scepter in hand. “This holy icon is written to glorify Tsar-Martyr in Russia, “the inscription on the image reads. Myrrh-streaming icons are perceived by believers as another sign of the holiness of the Sovereign, yet one evidence of the need for his early canonization in his Earth Fatherland. In 1999, the image began its journey through temples and Russian cities, where he is transferred for worship. He was in other icons on board the aircraft during the procession “around the borders of Russia in June 1999. 3. For many featured our time can be called the era of a new iconoclasm. It manifests itself manifoldly, sometimes in sophisticated forms. To everyone memorable public ritual cutting of icons with an ax in the center the capital of Russia, in the Manege. The reproach of saints has become widespread images depicted on calendars and posters, newspapers and magazines, which, upon reading, they throw in the trash. Yes, and in retail outlets such printed matter is often lying on the floor in the subway, side by side with sodomite pictures. Another expressive example: someone prof. EK Duluman, “Ph.D. in theology,” on the Internet the Atheism site gives a recipe on how to fake myrrh-streaming: you need to take icon and several times lightly scratch it with an emery, and then spray oil with spray gun. Blagotatets recognized as himself did this with icons. Therefore, it is quite applicable to our time words spoken by Lord Methodius about the 1920s: “Rage persecutors of faith rushed predominantly to reproach the saints icons, temples of God and other shrines. Sign update the grace of God clearly affirms the truth of veneration of holy icons, the holiness of the temples of God and Orthodox worship and convicts the madness of the detractors of holy icons, atheists and sectarians “[9]. 4. One cannot ignore the fact that the signs of myrrh-streaming and weeping Icons are served throughout the Orthodox world in different parts of the world. The most famous myrrh-streaming icon of the twentieth century became Iversky-Montreal image of the Virgin. Written by Athos icon painter a copy of the ancient Iveron icon was donated to Joseph Munoz, an Orthodox Spaniard who placed her in his apartment in montreal. Since 1982, this icon has been constantly exuded a holy world, and in August 1991 it was first seen on it tears. Fleece with wonderfully fragrant the world. Healing mercy poured out on people who resorted to Intercessor in grief and illness. In the families of the pious Christian prayer books exude miro paper reproductions and Photos of the Montreal Icon. A number of circumstances indicated that that the image was mystically connected with the fate of Russia, a feat New Martyrs. Mysterious and terrible events occurred on October 31 1997: Joseph Munoz was martyred during the mysterious circumstances in Greece, and the miraculous icon disappeared. Known and other cases. For example, the Mother of God cry in America: family Orthodox Greeks living in New York bought a small paper icon of the Mother of God “Passionate.” In the spring of 1960 from the eyes Virgin Mary tears flowed, from which formed on paper grooves. In the church of St. Nicholas in Chicago cried the icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria.” In a small temple in the Australian town of Mount Pritchard on the feast day of the Assumption of the Mother of God, August 28, 1994, one and a half meter crucifix began to exude the world. Drops performed on the face, arms, chest, and legs of the Savior. They were bright, oily and emitted a fragrance reminiscent of the scent of roses or frankincense. During prayers myrrh flow intensified so that drops fell from the icon to floor. The miracle, which lasted more than a year, yielded spiritual fruits. Many eyewitnesses, previously indifferent to faith and God, repented and became truly believing Orthodox people [10]. In November of the year in Bethlehem, in the Church of the Nativity of Christ began to cry image Savior. It is located at the top of the marble column located side of the main altar, before descending into the cave where he was born God the baby. The Basilica of the Nativity was erected in the 4th century by the saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Elena, and over the past sixteen centuries service in it was never interrupted. Official miracle attested by priests of the Greek church, one of which said: “Jesus cries because the world is going the wrong way” [11]. February 3, 1997, on the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy and Consolation,” at the Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus, a tearful list this miraculous icon. From the eyes of the Blessed Virgin and the right eye At the same time, the tears began to flow in the divine infant. Archbishop called people to repentance, lest the whole island befall the fate of its eastern parts where Gentiles were exterminated thousands of Orthodox [12]. we We do not have complete statistics of miracles from icons in foreign countries. But, Apparently, mass signs occur today only in Russia.
Photos from open sources. Spiritual results of ten years. Signs Ten years have passed since the beginning of the signs. Let’s try comprehend the spiritual consequences of this phenomenon, evaluate its fruits. Has something changed in the spiritual state of the Russian people? Is it possible to state with certainty that this voice of God has been heard by Russia? Perhaps some spiritual processes are happening invisibly for us, and only with time they will manifest visibly. However visible fruits we are not watching. The general churching of the people does not occur. And until the world answered the voice of God, did not respond to it. How many souls contemplation of the sign from the icon strengthened faith and strengthened repentance? It is known that modern cases of the miraculous help of Our Lady and holy saints are “churched” by unbelieving people, such miracles directly aimed at saving the soul. There are many such facts. [thirteen]. But how many people, for example, the icon’s myrrh Church, how many have led to a change in sinful life? Probably, there are such facts, but it seems they remain extremely rare and single. The perception of modern signs from icons by people manifested manifoldly. Several types of relationships can be distinguished. people to a miracle. a) For a small part of the church people, for the closest witnesses to the miracle – reverential veneration, especially prayer. This is an active response that has its effect. revival and strengthening of man. b) It seems to be widespread occult-consumer relationship, which is characteristic interest in a miracle as a magical aid. Upon hearing for example, about myrrh-streaming, people strive at all costs to get a healing world to cure a specific bodily disease. Of course, the ways of the Lord are mysterious, and perhaps through faith in the purposefulness of things external people can come to confession of things invisible. But it’s often very difficult to separate attitude to the icon from the search for a new universal medicine, advertised by the media or neighbor. Does such advice reach go to the nearest temple and serve a prayer service in front of the local revered an icon? Do they understand that the main thing in relation to the person towards God should remain humble hope in His mercy? in) Distantly curious when the appearance of a miracle remains a fact consciousness, but does not affect the depths of the soul, has no spiritual consequences. The paradoxical feature of modern public consciousness became attracted to miracles false, demonic when striking indifference to the miracles of God. Secular society still does not think about the salvation of the soul that is given the application of internal forces and humility, and, giving up a true miracle – God-given life, in a hurry to master the world “secret knowledge.” The stream of sensational mysticism stuns a man, extinguishes the spirit, destroys the personality. Where is it possible to distinguish a lie from the truth! “Charge” of water by psychics stands on a par with the miracle of the saint icons … The people are noticeable disappointment and emotional apathy. Can to be, therefore, surprising cases are not perceived by many truly God’s mercy? In the year in one of the churches of Voronezh an amazing miracle happened to the diocese: cried and streamed Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. This was reported in print. But the temple left empty. “I, as I could, explained to the parishioners what grace the great is being accomplished, ”said the abbot with regret. – …IN village fifteen hundred people. Then a car arrived in the village do an x-ray, and 250 people crowded next to the church, but into it no one came in though the service every day. Spiritually Paralyzed … ” [14]. d) On the other hand, an indifferent and indifferent attitude towards a miracle became characteristic of many believers and church people. For them the miracle of the icon has become habitual, one might say, an everyday occurrence. There is a devaluation of the miracle. Recall: in the 1980s, one consciousness, that somewhere, far beyond the borders of Russia, there is still myrrh-streaming The (Montreal) icon was a powerful spiritual-strengthening Orthodox Christian factor. Today you can come to the monastery and see on one icon has a label that it “was updated then,” on another – that “was streaming in such and such numbers.” Ceasing to be unique, a miracle became a mass phenomenon, has lost its originality, and, daring suggest ceased to affect the mind and heart. It is significant that all these types of perception of miracles could to observe among those who had the opportunity to contemplate Iverian-Montreal icon. Joseph Munoz noted that “through this icon has undergone radical changes in the lives of many believers, ” there were many healings, both physical and spiritual, people were reborn, rushed to God, repented. But “most people (most! – A.L). come as a sight, fun, just watch how it flows the world flows down, and the icon has no spiritual effect on these people influence. “And believers, especially in recent years, have become accustomed to the miracle of myrrh-streaming, they began to perceive it “for granted.” And if the icon was on some parish, people didn’t even come there, saying: “we have an icon every year, I will come next year” [fifteen]. Today we know that many of them “come next year” failed. For 15 years, this miracle was given to the whole world, and here it is taken away. Is it because people stopped responding to him? This mournful event must be taken as a formidable sign, as a warning. Maybe one day the outpouring will stop peace, dew of God to Russia. And the current miracles and signs will be taken away from us … Beware: miracles! Sly, “monkey God, “hastens to cling to everything holy and profane it. How the need to remind utterances over and over again never arises Holy Fathers about discerning spirits, about false miracles. Truly the reference book of every Christian should be the work of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninova) “On miracles and signs,” extremely relevant today. It is known that both in the Catholic world and in Eastern religions are tearing, bleeding, лек оточ ения от – from icons, statues and sculptural images. Do these miracles testify to the truth of these religions? Of course, not. The book of Exodus (chap. 7,
tells how Moses and Aaron performed miracles in the land of Egypt. They committed them to God’s command. But then some of these miracles were repeated by the Magi “with its spell.” Can the crafty fake the miracle of myrrh-streaming from Orthodox icons? Is the holiness of the image itself not a defense against wiles of the unclean? Here is a fragment from the collection of patristic sayings “Spiritual abuse,” where it is just about the icons: “To some, the enemy was inspired by the idea that if they did not qualify in this life of gracious gifts from the Lord, they will not receive them in the future of life. One of these enemies showed the rays emanating from the icon, ordered him to open his mouth and swallow them as gracious gifts. One by inexperience did this and then, having been damaged, died a week later, not taking food from fear. Another earnestly prayed before the icon. The lamp swayed. He took it as a sign of his favor prayers. As soon as he established himself in this thought, he immediately fell into fainting, and then these fainting began to repeat with him. The third the icon of the Virgin appeared, to which he attached, became possessed and soon died. These are the consequences of trusting one’s opinion, imaginary holiness and dignity in their own eyes ” [16]. If we trust these testimonies, should we believe that the myrrh-streaming of the icon may have the same reason as the “blessed rays “and” swinging lamp “? In theological literature has not yet I managed to find the answer to this question. But one thing is certain: the grave a person will receive a spiritual defeat if he perceives a source of moisture on his icon “as a sign of his prayer”! Orthodox The church has always called for caution and spiritual sobriety over attitude to miracles. This area is secret and dangerous, It is necessary to be guided here by the advice of the Holy Fathers. And they warned that in no case should one achieve a miracle or to strive for it. Otherwise, you can fall into truly terrible temptations like those mentioned. Meanwhile, in today’s Russia there is a phenomenon that causes bewilderment among many Orthodox. Since 1999, in the Vvedensky Monastery of the Ivanovo Diocese many people are rushing so that their icons are in one cell – there they begin to myrrh. We will use sincere the story of a correspondent, for example, the newspaper “Vera – Eskom” [17], to recount the story and details of the miracle. Three natives live in the cell of the monastery – mother Natalya, her sibling mother Larisa with her daughter Masha. In December 1998, a small Tikhvin icon. But massive miracles began later: February 12, 1999 in the cell brought other icons with the image of the Mother of God of Tikhvin, “just to sanctify – and by evening all these seven icons “After hearing about this, the other nuns” brought their favorite icons, so they also went to the cell. “In the morning they also performed by miro. “And since then,” says Larisa’s mother, “ a tradition has appeared: people bring us their icons for a while. we try not to refuse anyone. It’s not ours, it’s a miracle Divine “[18]. The monastery keeps records. Total pacified icons at the beginning of March 1999 amounted to 1047, in At the end of April, more than 2500 icons were recorded, which became myrrh-streaming. IN on the eve of 2000 the abbot of the monastery on the radio “Radonezh” reported that there are already about 7000. That is, since the beginning of this miracle, on average about two dozen icons become myrrh-streaming daily. Yet one important circumstance. “As M. Larisa said, if a person brings his icon to them in the cell, whether it will be soothed is still largely depends on the faith of this person, his prayers “[19]. However, in an interview with the Vesti program correspondent, she assured that “all the icons that arrive, all myrrh-streaming … The Mother of God leaves no one. “Apparently, the terms in which icons begin to work miracles. The cell itself has become a place pilgrimage. Here is how the correspondent describes his feelings: “In In this cell, the line between the material world and the spiritual has disappeared … The Lord was present somewhere nearby … I just wanted to be here … Something was happening to my soul. “In response to the rector’s report Holy Vvedensky Convent of Archimandrite Ambrose (Yurasov) a diocesan commission was created that tried to investigate this phenomenon and, in turn, in the report to the patriarch reported that “cannot evaluate these events in any way and leaves them interpretation for the understanding of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church “[20]. Nevertheless, the abbot nevertheless expressed his interpretation: as once atheistic mud from the city of Ivanovo flowed all over the country, now the Lord pleases, “so that from here the recovery of all of Russia began “[21]. We emphasize: we do not undertake to judge the mystical nature of this supernatural phenomenon. (He, we note, is not unique: according to rumors, in Kiev, in the apartment alone women also begin to myrrh-streaming icons brought there). But you can should talk about the human side of this phenomenon. And by analyzing motives, moods, goals of people going to the monastery from all ends of the country, it is impossible not to notice a clear spiritual danger. TO unfortunately, the Church has not yet given any assessment of this visible side of events. Pilgrims bring their images, leave them in “miraculous room,” pray – what? About saving the soul – or about a sign that is forbidden by the Savior Himself (“the evil generation and looking for an adulterous sign, “Matt. 16.4)? blessed for example prayer for healing hopelessly sick, about the resurrection of an inveterate sinner (when “they trust in miracle “- God’s help; miraculous acts as a way implementation of the main, good purpose of prayer), but not a petition for signs when they turn into an end in itself. If brought the icons do not streak – this is perceived as evidence own unworthiness and pure sinfulness. But more often (or even always) they are myrrh-streaming – which means their owner “is not too sinful, “” righteous, “” forgiven? Obviously evasion of the Orthodox spiritual dispensation, a direct path to self-deception and charms. Let’s ask ourselves and another question: why, in fact, does a believer need so much myrrh-streaming icon? Or is it not enough for ordinary icons to pray? Or does he believe that such an icon would better protect his home from harm? (How can you not recall the images in the newsagents with signatures: “from eye diseases, “” helps on exams “, etc.? However, You find a similar selection, alas, on a candle box in one of Cathedrals of St. Petersburg …). Let’s listen to the simple story one of the parishioners, Valentina: “I attached an icon to the temple “Tikhvin.” But I really wanted to give the icon in the cell to my mothers Larisa and Natalia on myrrh-streaming. Together with a friend Alexandra went to the cell door. And on the door is a note: “There is no myrrh.” When she looked at her icon, she saw 4 jets of the world on it. To me I can’t believe it. Yes, here Alexandra tells me: “You look, look … Glory to you, Lord! “” [22]. This story sympathetically conveys nun of the orthodox monastery. But how much more humble, closer to the true divine thought of the words of another servant of God, Lyudmila, who, learning for the first time about mass cases of miracles from icons, he writes: “I look to my icon and I’m terribly afraid that she wouldn’t “cry.” If will cry, which means that I am deeply stuck in sin. “Obvious value substitution: a person goes to the monastery not for holiness, but for a miracle. Not for cleansing from sins, and to “charge” your icon (as recently charged water in front of the TV screens). The desired goal of such pseudo-pilgrimage – the mysterious cell in the monastery – is seen as magic “room” from the movie “Stalker,” where wishes come true. All this can cause irreparable spiritual harm to the soul [23]. It’s very worrying that this danger is not even recognized by people, sincerely believers, but apparently poorly acquainted with some parties to the patristic teaching. In an attempt to comprehend an extraordinary phenomenon in the light of strictly Orthodox tradition, remind of caution and spiritual sobriety sometimes see unacceptable “blasphemy against the Spirit of God.” But the holy fathers teach that not there will be a sin, if truly God’s appearance or vision we are not let’s take, fearing delights, much worse than thoughtless immersion in element of “wonderful.” In February 2000, on the Internet forum “Save and save” ( there was a discussion about events in Ivanovo. In response to perplexity about the rush pilgrimage for miraculous images forum chairman Alexander Kilim severely accused opponents of lack of faith and for some reason persistently transferred the conversation to a completely different plane: worthless, supposedly suspect someone of falsification. But the participants have questions it was not about whether it was a miracle, but about the attitude to the miracle. They didn’t say about the strangeness of miraculous phenomena, but about the strangeness for the Orthodox consciousness of completely human phenomena – such as the bringing of an icon from the monastery of St. John of Kronstadt so that she paused. Orthodox custom to apply pictures to cancer with relics or miraculous icons are not condemned by the Church. Sanctified in this way the object becomes a revered shrine in the house, through which is served by help and grace by sacred faith pious christian. But who and when of the teachers of the Church blessed the saints of the image “give to myrrh-streaming”? They taught to another: “In visions and miracles there is a charm, one must be afraid of them and say, “I am not worthy.” The humble will not wish miracles. Not at all miracles must be desired for us, and so as not to sin before God “[24]. And which icon will become miraculous, which one will pacify, and which one it will be renewed – the Lord has always chosen, but not man. St. Isaac the Syrian reasoning: “The Lord at all times is a close intercessor to the saints His, but unnecessarily, does not show His strength by any explicit deed and sensual sign, so that His intercession does not become обычным для нас <…> Дерзающий и молящий Бога о совершенииanything unusual without being forced to do so, .. he is tempted in his mind from the devil taunting him, It turns out to be conceited and frightening of his conscience. Befits in sorrows to ask for God’s help; unnecessarily tempting God is disastrous. Truly unrighteous is he who desires it. “[25]. Example of a monastery in Ivanovo – the most revealing, but by no means the only one. Known cases when icons are in abundance for months and even years myrrh-streaming in any temple or monastery. How are they perceived Are these miracles the rector and parishioners? Can it be considered normal when booklets are published by the same parish, where descriptions the miracles occurring in it are wonderfully intertwined with the story of “deeds” of father, mother, abbot? How dangerous is this path: one has only to think about the God-chosen “of one’s” temple, place, personality, as the thought creeps up about your own God-pleasing. Not is it safer to suppose that the icons cry from many sins and frustrations? It’s said, “Where sin multiplied, there grace abounded. “There is a noticeable shift in consciousness and in relation to the icons as a whole: it is forgotten that every Orthodox the image is holy, each icon in the house is miraculous in the broad sense, for turns our prayers to the primitives – the Lord, the Most Holy Mother of God and saints. In conclusion, we give a fragment conversations with the monk of Valaam. It is recorded on the compound of Valaam monastery in St. Petersburg on October 23, 1994, shortly after Within the walls of the Compound, several icons were updated. It reflects how we it seems a verified Orthodox view of miracles from icons. To the question of what the current myrrh-streams and icon updates mean, the monk replied: “The fact is that now there is a split between life godly and godly. Hold in the middle already impossible. When dealing with a fallen world, you cannot keep yourself clean from sin. The apostle Paul says: “What is common between light and darkness? What agreement between Christ and Veliar “(2 Cor. 6: 14-15), between God and His opponents? We cannot be somewhere in between. Or are you for Me, either against, or you collect, or squander – that’s the point gospel commandments. Therefore, the split is increasing between people who believe and are absolutely unbelievers. And to believers getting harder and harder. Apparently, the Lord consoles them: “Many are the sorrows of the righteous, and the Lord will deliver me from them all” (Ps. 33:20). From renewed, myrrh-streaming icons, He is comforting, but at the same time it shows: “… You will be in the world of sorrow” (John 16:33). Generally speaking, the icon should be myrrh-streaming. From any image itself holiness itself goes on, and myrrh-streaming is only confirmation of this holiness. Recall the words of the Lord about the gift and the altar sanctifying the gift (Matt. 23:19). So it is here: what is more important for us, what is more: world, which comes from the icon, or the icon itself? Any image is holy itself by oneself. And through miraculous and myrrh-streaming icons, the Lord gives special news. But this does not mean that other icons should be less venerated – after all, the image of God is sealed on them. For example, Kazan Iverskaya, Vladimirskaya icons at one time for the country were defenders of the Fatherland. The “Sovereign” in Moscow lay forgotten by all, but it was through her that the Lord revealed His sign. Lord himself selects those icons that are needed for Him. “Goodwill action Of God, which is a sign from the icons in the face of all of Russia, today clearly and undoubtedly. The question arises: if it does not bring obvious results, why is it happening? But exactly the same one may ask why the church bell sounds before service? Why are there gospel words from the pages of the gospel? They are audible to everyone, but everyone has the freedom to respond to this call or pass by. Maybe, at the discretion of God, another myrrh ising occurs only for a few people – the closest witnesses. Or even for one single person. Today miracles still last. It is not yet noticeable that their number is waning. How much longer will this unprecedented sign? Will bring is it finally fruit? Or the patience of God will be exhausted, and miracles will be taken away from us as it turned out to be mysteriously hidden Iverian myrrh-streaming image? Only time will answer these questions. A.M. Lyubomudrov Lyubomudrov Alexey Markovich – Researcher IRLI RAS (Pushkin House), candidate of philological sciences. Since 1992 with the blessing of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg John collects evidence of miraculous phenomena in the Orthodox Church. Author of the book “The Signs of God from Holy Icons.” Notes [1] Handbook of the clergyman. M., 1983. T. 4. S. 54. [2] The word miro has several meanings. One of them stands for artificial composition of various incense substances which after consecration, it is used in the church sacrament of anointing. Another meaning is the oily moisture forming supernaturally on icons or holy relics. Laboratory analyzes show that it is a liquid of organic origin, sometimes resembling olive oil, but how does it arise at the shrines, remains inexplicable. As a result of the study moisture taken from one of the crying icons, found that “these are the most real tears. “Miro is not harassed from the substance of the icon, but arises on it “out of nothing.” In the broadest sense of the word in modern literature Myrrh-flowing means any miraculous appearance of moisture on icons and sacred objects. [3] [Eugene Poselyanin]. Tales of miraculous icons of the Mother of God and of Her mercies to the human race: [In 2 book.]. Kolomna, 1993. Prince. 1, p. 385-388. [4] Assumption L. A. Theology of the icon of the Orthodox Church. Ed. Western European exarchate. M., 1989. S. 410. [5] It is described, in particular, in the book archbishop. Harbin Methodius (Gerasimov) “On the Sign of Renewal holy icons “(Harbin, 1925; M., 1999). [6] To date attempts are made to generalize this experience, to collect and systematize testimonies, tell about the most impressive cases. Cm., for example: A. Lyubomudrov “The Signs of God from the Holy Icons. 1991-” (St. Petersburg., 1997); series of articles by V.A. Saulkina (“Orthodox Conversation, 1997, No. 1, 2, 3), A.G. Vigasina (“Daniel the Evangelist, 1997, No. 9) and others. In 1999 in Moscow, the Orthodox University established group for the study of miraculous phenomena from icons, and January 27-28, 2000 A conference was held as part of the VIII Christmas Readings, specifically considering this topic. [7] The miracle of myrrh-streaming is needed perceive in connection with other signs occurring in these same years. These are updates of icons, their wonderful achievements (theme, deserving of a separate interesting study); miracles from relics of saints; signs of the elements (for example, a thunderstorm with hail for Easter 1993 (on this day in the most ancient monastery of Russia, Optina Desert, three monks were killed), a hurricane in Moscow on the night of the feast of all Russian Saints June 21, 1998). [8] Michael Pomazansky, prot. ABOUT faith. Apologetic notes // Grad-Kitezh. M. 1992. No. 7 (12). FROM. 28. [9] Methodius (Gerasimov), archbishop. About the sign of the renewal of saints icons. M., S. 180. [10] Again. Ed. Antioch Orthodox Mission. Ben Lomond (California). 1995.V. 18. No. 3. S. 16-18. [11] The Jerusalem Post. . Nov 26; Orthodox world. 1997. No. 1. S. 41-43. [12] The Orthodox world. 1997. No. 2. P. 42-43. [13] See, for example, pr: “The lamp of faith and piety. St. righteous John, Kronstadt miracle worker. Life. New miracles. Akathist “(St. Petersburg, 1998) and others. [14] Meleshko Kirill, prot. New miracle of the Virgin // Orthodox Moscow. . No. 9. S. 1. [15] We turned out to be unworthy this miracle … From an interview with Joseph Munoz, the Orthodox magazine Russia “(1992) // Vertograd-Inform. 1998. No. 10. P. 14-15. [16] Spiritual abuse. About the wiles of the enemy of salvation and how to resist them. M., 1993.S. 132-133. [17] Vyazovsky I. The Sign in Ivanovo // Vera Eskom. No. 335; 337. [18] Ibid. No. 337. C.9. [19] Ibid. S. 11. [20] Ibid. No. 335.P. 11-12. [21] Transcript of television Vesti programs on March 4, 1999, Internet address [22] Nun Marina (Smirnova). Miracle in the monastery // Jealous of Orthodox Piety. Barnaul, No. 12. [23] In periodicals, including Orthodox, have already expressed concerns about the trend observed in connection with Ivanovsky phenomenon (Vertograd-Inform.№ 4. P. 34; Narodnaya Gazeta. 2000. 10 February. S. 3). [24] Spiritual abuse. S. 113 [25] Cit. By: St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). About miracles and signs. SPB., 1990.P. 20-21.
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