Mordovians have often reported UFO sightings

A photo from open sources

Residents of Mordovia have become more likely to report cases of UFO sightings. The peak of complaints over the past few years came in August 2014, when in less than a month, dozens of people reported that they had to observe unidentified flying objects in the sky.

August 2, 2014 on various urban resources and in social networks began to receive reports that at night over the city Saransk for an hour was an unidentified flying object triangular shape. On his case, lights periodically light up Red. When they did not burn, the object almost merged with the sky.

Witnesses suggested that the object was near Earth orbit, while it was huge. All attempts to photograph him on mobile phones or cameras ended in failure, because Electronics simply refused to work.

One of the eyewitnesses roughly depicted what he saw and drew object flight path:

A photo from open sources

This case was not the only one. A few days later residents several villages located 30-60 km. from Saransk seen in the sky several luminous round aircraft. In all cases eyewitnesses were able to make out only the bottom of the UFO data, which it shone very brightly.

On August 19, a resident of Saransk Sergey turned to the editor of Salikov, who claims to have seen another UFO over by city:

– We sat on a bench near the house on Kovalenko street. Saw that in the sky with great speed the blue lights move. The phenomenon was only about a minute is visible, after which the given object quickly left. We guys were in shock!

Surprisingly, in Moscow this month, many people also became eyewitnesses to unidentified flying objects. August 2 locals noticed 15 objects glowing in white. Mobile phones also refused to film everything that happens in the sky.

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