Mother-in-law's tongue – signs about a flower

Indoor plants create coziness in the house, purify the air, give the grower happy moments with their development and flowering. But all living objects have different energies, so when choosing a 'green pet' you need to pay attention not only to its 'appearance'. For example, about the exotic flower 'mother-in-law's tongue' there are many pros and cons of breeding it at home.

This amazing plant magnetizes with its original appearance, has the scientific name Sansevieria (sanservieria), and many popular 'nicknames':

  • leopard lily (for the color of the leaves and the shape of the flowers);
  • snake skin (it seems that the sansevieria leaf is a snake shell that the 'mistress' left);
  • pike tail (the color of some plant species resembles the color of a pike);
  • Indian sword (due to the shape of the leaves);
  • mother-in-law's tongue (mother-in-law is the hero of jokes, is famous for her long, sharp tongue, is recognized as the culprit of domestic scandals, and the main enemy of her son-in-law).

Mother-in-law's tongue

Signs about flowering mother-in-law

The pike tail blooms beautifully with delicate inflorescences, from which handfuls of round berries with seeds are then obtained. The lily-shaped white flowers exude a delicate aroma. It is rare to observe such a picture, therefore, many beliefs and signs are associated with the flowering of sansevieria, the content of which changes depending on the time of the year, when the flower arrows appeared on the plant.

If the mother-in-law's tongue begins to bloom at any time, except for winter, this means that the desired 'white streak' is coming for others:

  • in personal life;
  • at work;
  • in the field of finance.

Cute flowers sanserviers during this period are a signal to act, to realize bold plans. If the 'mother-in-law's tongue' has bloomed, you need to pay attention to the plant so as not to break off the flowers. Otherwise, luck will turn away from you, all plans will collapse.

In winter

Floral arrows on sansevieria in the winter season, signs warn of future problems. A difficult situation can be expressed as:

  • major quarrel between spouses;
  • conflict between children and parents;
  • squabbles among the employees of the company.

The reason for the disagreement will be overprotection by a family member or work collective. But “mother-in-law's tongue” is only an indicator of upcoming unpleasant events, but not the reason. Therefore, it is not worth blaming and throwing away the plant, but it is necessary to provide it with proper care in order to 'appease' the African guest and prevent it from blooming during an unwanted period.

Negative omens

An unpretentious plant to care for is able to adapt to any circumstances. But like all living things, the 'leopard lily' flower needs energy, and it draws it exclusively from various kinds of negativity – rudeness, emissions of bad mood, angry antics and the like.

There are many superstitions and signs that prohibit keeping 'mother-in-law's tongue' in the house. Popular beliefs predict a lot of problems of various kinds, depending on the location of the pot with sansevieria:

  • in the bedroom – will provoke betrayal of one of the spouses, lead to a breakdown in marriage;
  • in the kitchen – will cause domestic disputes;
  • in the living room – will stimulate disputes between spouses on the topic of finance.

People who are wise in life do not advise newlyweds to have a mother-in-law tongue. In an immature young family with less than a year of marriage, this flower can stimulate minor domestic conflicts that immature spouses cannot cope with.

Signs do not recommend acquiring a 'mother-in-law tongue' and an unmarried young lady. The plant is considered a 'muzhegon', which will not allow a loved one to appear, and the owner of the flower will not marry.

There are a number of superstitions and signs that prohibit accepting a 'leopard lily' as a gift. List of unwanted donors:

  • Husband's relatives. Of course, what to expect as a gift from the mother-in-law, if not gossip, squabbles, quarrels in the newlyweds' house.
  • A female person. It is believed that with such an offering, a stranger wants to destroy the family.
  • Widowers and people with an unsettled personal life of their own.

The inherited flower of the sanservier is a true talisman for home and family. If you bought an apartment, and there is 'mother-in-law's tongue', do not throw it away.

Mother-in-law language of signs

The beneficial effects of the flower

Against the backdrop of bad superstition, there is an overwhelming majority of good omens about 'mother-in-law's language'. According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the vertically directed leaves of the domestic flower attract success, play the role of a 'lightning rod' during family conflicts. Thus, the sanservier acts as an antenna that converts the absorbed negative into creative energy, liberates consciousness, stimulates the activity of thinking, and develops imagination.

'Leopard lily' has practical benefits as an air purifier and medicinal plant. The action of the 'mother-in-law's tongue' juice is similar to the healing ability of aloe pulp. The cut along the length of the 'pike tail' can be applied to wounds, used to treat any skin damage, such as cuts, burns. An alcoholic tincture of sansevieria roots is useful for strengthening the immune system.

The magical effect of the flower 'snake skin':

  1. Harmonizes the situation in the family, literally helps to find a common language in desperate situations. For this purpose (contrary to negative superstitions) the plant should be presented by the parents of any of the spouses, and the flower should stand in the bedroom.
  2. Heals. The patient needs to stroke the mother-in-law's tongue and ask for recovery. The disease will recede, the plant will take it over. To cure the baby, the baby's mother should stroke the 'pike tail'.
  3. Protects from damage and the evil eye. The plant should be kept where the hosts communicate with the guests. Meetings will take place in a welcoming atmosphere, and people with bad intentions will stop visiting the house.
  4. Protects from unfair nagging. 'Mother-in-law's tongue' needs to be put in the workplace. He will literally drive away enemies, help to focus on important matters.
  5. Helps to confess love. The person who received the sansevieria leaf as a gift should put it under the pillow and sleep on it for 3 nights.

Signs say that with the help of a 'pike tail', unmarried young ladies can tell fortunes on their beloved. To do this, you need to choose a leaf of the plant, guess the name of the desired guy, and observe the marked leaf for a month. If the leaf develops well, does not wither, does not fall off, the young lady can count on reciprocity and love relationships with the chosen one.

If there is a deficit of happiness in the house, 'storms' of showdown are raging, you need to think about the neighborhood with the wonderful flower 'mother-in-law's tongue'. The Green Barometer will be able to accurately predict the weather in the house. You need to put it in the room where the whole family spends the most time. Your life will change in the archery direction.

How to activate the positive energy of the sanservier?

To get a healthy plant to work at full capacity, it must be placed in the right place. The best location for a mother-in-law's tongue is a window sill in the kitchen, or a window overlooking the courtyard. In this way, you can protect yourself from the envy of passers-by, looking into your window.

Choosing a pot for such an important plant has its own subtleties:

  • Red flowerpots should be avoided so as not to inflame passions at home or in the office.
  • A pot of calm gray, beige or blue shades will be successful.
  • The metal elements of the flowerpot decor will also come in handy. After all, metal cools well the heat of passions.

It is very good if you got the 'leopard lily' flower in poor condition, but managed to get it out. The plant will surely thank its owner and bring good luck. If the leaves of the 'mother-in-law's tongue' have turned yellow – this is a harbinger of parting or a flower warns: there is a bad atmosphere in the family, the case may end in troubles, health problems.

To 'appease' the plant, its leaves need to be wiped with a damp cloth, and talk to sansevieria like a person. It is customary to wish him good morning and good night, ask him how he’s doing, share his positive emotions. It is possible that as a result of such communication with a green pet, troubles will recede, and the “mother-in-law's language” will become a full member of the family. He will accumulate a solid share of positive emotions, and then generously share with you.

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