Mysterious glow descended on the dome italian cathedral

The mysterious glow descended on the dome of the Italian cathedralA photo from open sources

October 31 this year in the Italian commune of Oristano a mysterious phenomenon was observed. Some took him for a religious miracle, others for an amazing natural phenomenon, still others for nothing for the result of alien tricks. Be that as it may, this the anomaly turned out to be very strange and instantly interested in how researchers of supernatural events, and simple World Wide Web users.

A photo from open sources

At night, the local Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary unexpectedly a sparkling bright ball descended. The most striking thing is that he is not crashed on the dome of the church and did not go out, but soon soared up and flew away back to the dark skies. Fortunately, one of the random eyewitnesses this surrealistic picture was able to clearly capture it on smartphone camera. By turning on the video below, you can see the alleged miracle with your own eyes.

A photo from open sources

Skeptics claim that it was ball lightning. Good though that materialists are not trying, as usual, to explain what happened pareydolic illusion or glare in the camera lens. Recall that ball lightning is still one of those natural phenomena that official science cannot explain in any way. Even some orthodox scholars admit that these clots energies behave just like living things, which contradicts any scientific dogmas.

Other netizens say that before us unidentified flying object, implying interference representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. And, of course, there were many believers who saw in the incident an obvious mystical sign. Christians are convinced that higher powers pointed to the Cathedral The Ascension of the Virgin Mary is not accidental. Say, a modern person especially needs faith, and the Creator himself directs the Italians with his hand in the bosom of the church.

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