Mysterious object discovered at the research probe

Mysterious object discovered on a research probeA photo from open sources

A research probe launched into the stratosphere to a height of twenty-seven kilometers, returned to earth. Interesting that scientists found on it a microscopic metal sphere from which oozing some slime.

After carefully examining the strange object, the researchers came to the conclusion that the microscopic ball itself consists of an alloy titanium and vanadium, and inside it is biological substance.

According to one version, this is genetic material sent to Earth in order to populate it with extraterrestrial life. According to another version – it is, on the contrary, samples that were collected from our planet.

Scientists at Buckingham University said that it is unequivocal indicates the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and we only we have to admit that our planet is under the keen attention of higher intelligent life in space.

After such stunning statements by the British, NASA also decided send your research probe to the stratosphere.

A life

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