Mysterious triangular UFOs puzzled ufologists

Mysterious triangular UFOs puzzled ufologistsPhoto from open sources

The fact is that such flying objects began to appear all more and more. Hundreds of evidence of observation in the sky of these mysterious ships of alien origin appeared in The Internet literally in the last two or three years.

December 2016 is no exception in this regard. Just a few days ago, two Americans witnessed how four triangular flies flew in Bucks County UFO. They were huge, while moving low above land, literally over the houses, flew slowly and completely silently. In addition, they were accompanied by smaller aircraft devices, or drones, or single UFOs.

But December 21 flew over the city of Shebba, Tennessee triangular UFO at great speed. Eyewitness who shared With this news with MUFON employees, wrote that the object appeared suddenly, quickly cut the sky in a straight line and almost immediately disappeared from the eyes. At such a speed of movement, any flying an apparatus of terrestrial origin would make a terrible noise, and this one flew completely silent, like a ghost.

In California, an American saw a similar triangle in the sky. December 18th. A few days later he also turned to MUFON and described this case in great detail since the UFO flew again relatively low. Thanks to this, an eyewitness examined the lights, luminous lines on the sides of a flying object and even a halo effect around all this illumination. American even provided in ufological organization drawing of a triangular UFO, drawn by him by memory. And this picture matches the descriptions of such Triangle ships watched by other Americans.

Triangular UFOs are alarming

Ufologist Scott Brando says such triangular UFOs in recent years are observed throughout the Earth, but most often they They see it over the USA. There is no reasonable explanation for this yet. Perhaps the Americans are just more vigilant and immediately turn to relevant UFO organizations when faced with similar unexplained phenomena. For example, residents of some third-rate African countries do not even turn to such UFOs attention. Or at least they won’t make a fuss about it about.

But another logical question arises: where did these triangular objects, because before aliens most often appeared on “flying saucers”, less often – on cigar-shaped devices. And here massive invasion of “triangles”! Really appeared on Earth representatives of a new unearthly civilization? And if so, then why why? Some ufologist researchers claim that our the planet may well become a springboard for the collision of aliens with different planets. And such a theory is not without common sense …

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