“… While waiting in line, I, surprisingly, felt emotionally detached – no fear! The aliens put me in their “dental” chair and introduced one implant under the crown of my molar, and the other tiny the black “pea” was sewn into the wrist of my hand. ”Nadine Lalich, a resident of California and our contemporary, it is no coincidence that they call Renaissance woman. Book author, designer, businessman, court employee – in a word, the person is bright and versatile, she hid for 19 years that she was periodically abducted aliens. Then she finally decided and wrote about 25 cases from personal experience in the book “Experienced with Aliens”, illustrating text with your own drawings. It is curious that since 1991 Nadine, without any hypnosis, gradually recalled almost 90% of her adventures related to “abnormal creatures.” In 2004, after a period of particularly intense contact, she decided that she fears “going out of the underground” prevent fears for one’s career and personal life. But she knows a lot of things that would help others! For instance, what technologies are used by aliens to “work” with earthlings. Chairs for experiments In one of the chapters of his book Nadine Lalich talks about devices that use mysterious kidnappers to study people. One of these devices she called a chair for access to the back. Nadine says this a regular-sized chair made from a material like acrylic but in the form of a barrel with a back extending to the floor and slightly concave inward. In the middle of it, a hole is cut approximately 20×25 centimeters providing access to the lower back of a seated person a chair. “They put me in this chair,” recalls Nadine, “and completely immobilized, as if paralyzed. Made focus on what’s happening at the table right in front of me. In the meantime (and I felt it!) The “gray” alien performed on my lower back some kind of painful procedure – maybe introduced under the skin or even in the spinal cord implant. ” Photo from open sources “They have other chairs. One of they are reminiscent of those in the dentists’ offices, ”continues his story Nadine. – This is a chair standing on a support approximately meter high, made of smooth hard metal like matt stainless steel. Its back is slightly inclined posteriorly and tapers up. The aliens conducted their experiment, not at all embarrassed me. Watching a man sitting in such an armchair, I noticed that the back is several inches above the head so the subject could not look back at all. Moreover, his outstretched arms were fixed on long rectangular metal armrest panels. Aliens were free to commit manipulations with the head and hands of the seated. I looked like this the seat was seated by a man screaming in horror, and then three “gray” took up his head and hands. “During one of the abductions, Nadine they sat at the table, and in front of her put two round jars of clear glass. One jar, about two centimeters depth and more than six in diameter, was covered with a lid, resembling a magnifying glass through which a woman saw jar caterpillar approximately 2.5 centimeters long. Photo from open sources “For some reason I thought that the aliens make me eat this abomination, “Nadine writes in his book. But when the cap was removed, it turned out that it was not a caterpillar at all, but a certain the likeness of a tiny comb is much smaller, it seemed through a magnifying glass – only three millimeters long. This implant, according to Nadine, was inserted into her nasal cavity. One night, Once, Nadine woke up in the middle of the night. Something made her get up and leave the house in her nightwear. FROM in surprise, she saw that many of her neighbors were also at home in the yard, as if in a hypnotic state. “Going down the porch, – recalls Nadine, – I felt fear. Through the fence I saw another group of people in underwear – those like somnambulists were walking down the street towards us. Standing in front of the house, I peered at clear summer sky and saw several triangular UFOs soaring on about thirty meters high. Suddenly flew out of them small “plates”. Independently, they became decline. “A minute later, one of these objects landed at the feet Nadine It was a silver disc about 20 centimeters in diameter with a notch going from the edge to the center. The disk was engraved strange icons or maybe letters representing tiny rectangular grooves. “Immediately I realized that these discs – special devices that collect and transmit on board the mother ship information about people or groups of people who are decided abduct, determine their location and notify those who are nearby spaceships. ” Photo from open sources When the time comes “X” In his Nadine’s book describes two different devices designed to impact on the subconscious of people. During one of the abductions with She conducted the so-called training sessions. On the table in front of her put a rectangular box about 30x10x2.5 in size centimeter of transparent material. When they opened it, she began to glow softly from the inside. There were a lot of subtle translucent sheets sewn on one side like pages in the book, and on them – some characters cut out in a sheet and closed with a transparent, iridescent film. According to Nadine, this the film contains some kind of information – like a computer floppy disks. Nadine was ordered to concentrate on these symbols and, as it seems to her, she subconsciously absorbed some information. Another option for programming is a kit of ten transparent tubes with a height of 15 to 45 centimeters, glowing from the inside and filled with some kind of liquid. From them sounds of different frequencies emanated. Nearby experiment certainly was “on duty”. “This is an insectoid creature. resembled a huge mantis, ”says Nadine. – it scanned my brain or carried out some other kind telepathic control. “As suggested by Nadine, aliens at this introduces certain commands or models into the human subconscious behaviors that can be activated when a certain hour “X”. The underground “octopus” Nadine talks about a terrible sight, which she witnessed during one of training sessions. At the same time, several tall white-skinned aliens. Before Nadine placed a screen on which, demonstrated various videos. She was shown a certain situation from the future when the mass arrival of aliens takes place on The earth. First, a large capsule appeared on the screen, resembling badminton shuttlecock. This capsule descended from the night sky in desert, about 20-30 kilometers from a city resembling Las Vegas. Touching the ground, the capsule began to spin rapidly, at the same time opening up like a flower bud and spreading it into everything sides of their “tentacle petals”, which began to bite into the ground and lengthen at the same time. Following them, the capsule also left on a few hundred meters deep and there it turned into a semblance an octopus about 15 meters in diameter with a dozen 30-meter tentacles, diverging in all directions. Fully entrenched in the ground, the massive object continued to spin rapidly in the cavity dug by it, generating some kind of energy, which, according to the “instructors”, could physically affect the people of the whole city. “So way, – sums up Nadine, – the aliens showed me your ability to manage us not only individually through telepathy or brain scan: they made it clear that their technology can control the nervous system and the brain of many people at the same time. Their intentions, I think, are to aliens landing on Earth could be immediately entered into passive, peaceful state the maximum number of people who after it would be easy to manipulate. ”