NASA astronaut photographed a UFO, forcing shuttle hold off landing

NASA astronaut photographed a UFO, causing the shuttle to wait a bit with a landingA photo from open sources

September 19, 2006 American astronaut Daniel Burbank, aboard a reusable space transport of the Atlantis ship, photographed on an digital camera by an unidentified flying object. The UFO flying near the shuttle resembled with mind a translucent white clot of some matter or even energy. NASA experts still can not determine what it was: space junk or something totally fantastic.

A photo from open sources

Space flight “STS-115” became the second (after more than 3-year hiatus caused by the explosion of the shuttle Columbia) mission on the construction of the ISS. However, there was a certain incident. Noticing a UFO near the ship, astronauts reported about it on Earth, with the result that the landing of Atlantis was decided to postpone for many hours. It turns out that the American national space agency seriously scared of UFOs? Or NASA experts felt that it was still space debris, broken off from shuttle? According to the official hypothesis, this could not only be a piece of the ship, but also a piece of ice or a plastic bag. However, many ufologists report that the object on A photograph looks completely different than any bag.

A photo from open sources

Yes, and NASA engineer Wayne Hale, who was one of the leaders, responsible for landing the Atlantis, considered that rational explanations for the appearance of a mysterious object can not be found. By According to the expert, one cannot even determine the size of a UFO: whether it is there was a small object – close, or large – in the distance. Hale not in a hurry to talk about representatives of extraterrestrial civilization or “flying saucers” however recalls: the earth is tiny a grain of sand in the vast ocean of space, and no one realizes that can be found outside of our “blue ball”.


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