Near the sun again saw a strange object in cube shape

Near the Sun again saw a strange object in the form of a cubeA photo from open sources

A mysterious cube near the sun periodically falls into the lens cameras of tracking satellites-studying our luminary. Another Uphologists of the USA saw a similar anomaly on February 9 of the current of the year.

According to independent researchers in all these cases, including including today, three things are striking. The fact is that the mysterious solar object:

  • has a strictly square shape that cannot be natural the formation, even by some kind of ejection from the magma of the Sun;
  • just a colossal size commensurate with huge planets our SS, and therefore call it an alien ship conditionally, perhaps this is some kind of technological phenomenon, and not an item;
  • appears only for a split second and then disappears again, why we can assume that it is in a parallel world and only thanks to the Sun in some way manifests itself for a moment in our reality.

Ufologists, of course, have long been doing all kinds of assumptions that are somehow related to aliens who can use the sun as a wormhole, energy refueling and even like a camouflage shield.

Scientists categorically reject all sorts of alien theories, although they don’t recognize problems with satellite cameras, because when shooting everything the rest (except for the strange cube near the Sun) remains in focus. A riddle, and only, but do we all know about our luminary, orthodox researchers counteract this? But because the hasty conclusions of ufologists, they say, cannot be taken for truth is nothing more than assumptions, and quite bold ones, as always, bordering on science fiction …

The sun

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